Chapter 433 Let’s Get Closer to Science
"I remember that it's very easy to be embarrassed in a mountain like this. After all, last time I had gastroenteritis, I wanted to find a place to poop, but I didn't expect that when I turned around, there were so many people visiting."

"This kind of place is really suitable for cultivating immortals."

"Plus one, I suggest you take me with you."

"Okay, okay, I never knew where Lin Yi would appear next. I didn't expect that after not seeing him for a few days, he would bring us here to cultivate immortality, right?"

"I think I understand what these two are going to do, but I'm not sure, let's wait and see."


Soon, Bai Lu returned to the car carrying large and small bags of things.

He was very excited and explained to his brothers what he was doing in Wuyi Mountain this time.

That’s right, tea.

The target is definitely not the girl selling tea.

After all, we've come this far, and there's no point in keeping it a secret.

Bai Lu tilted her head and said, "I've drunk a lot of tea leaves. I remember last time, Brother Lin, you took me to drink Mingqian tea. So what does Mingqian tea mean?"

Lin Yi shrugged.

"Is it the tea from the Ming Dynasty, called Mingqian tea?"

After hearing this, Bai Lu's face turned green.

"No, it's from the Ming Dynasty, about 500 to 600 years ago, and it's still not bad. I wouldn't have mutated from drinking it."

Seeing Bai Lu's appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head.

"Mingqian tea is a kind of spring tea. Spring tea includes Mingqian tea, which is usually picked before the beginning of summer and fried."

Spring tea accounts for half of all teas.

On the one hand, the tea produced during this period really tastes very good.

There is also a lot of tea in other seasons of the year.

For example, summer tea, which is tea produced after the beginning of summer.

There is also summer tea, which is the tea produced during the period from the Beginning of Autumn to the End of Summer.

Wait, there are still many categories of tea.

In terms of quality alone, spring tea is the best, and Mingqian tea is also of good quality.

The quality of other teas is relatively not that high.

Bai Lu listened very carefully.

His eyes blinked and lit up.

He looked like a primary school student in class. When he saw Lin Yi stop, he immediately raised his hand and asked curiously.

"Brother Lin, why is there no tea in winter?"

Lin Yi: "..."

This sentence made Lin Yi fall into silence.

"Because except for a few species of tea trees, almost all tea trees don't even have leaves in winter, so how can we drink tea?"

"Generally speaking, it's a good idea to drink some medicinal herbs at this time, such as ginseng, astragalus, angelica, etc."

After hearing this, Bai Lu seemed to realize that her problem was somewhat against the will of heaven. This was truly against the will of heaven.

Let winter go to pick tea.

Just like when Wu Zetian made flowers bloom in winter.

Bai Lu chuckled, trying to get away with it by acting stupid.

Lin Yi didn't care about it.

Continue driving and let Bai Lu send messages to the grandfathers on the phone.

The other party replied quickly and said they would be there soon.

However, I may not be able to entertain you two. After all, there are some things that need to be dealt with in the mountains. I hope you two can forgive me.

Bai Lu's eyes lit up when she saw this situation, and she sent a message immediately.

"Can we go together?"

Lin Yi glanced at it but didn't refuse.

After all, when you go out to play, you want to see the sights.

Mountains, rivers, springs, clouds and mist.

Go and experience the feeling of nature.

Soon, a voice message came from the other side, with a hearty laugh. "No problem, let's go, let's go together, let's go to the inner ghost cave."

Bai Lu: "???"

Bai Lu looked up in disbelief, her tone becoming stammering.

"Brother Lin, did you hear that? Did you hear that?"

"We are going to the inner ghost cave. Is this some kind, codeword? It means to tell us not to go yet and to stop the transaction."

Bai Lu blinked seriously.

He was obviously shocked, and he stroked his chin and thought seriously about what this meant.

After all, it was said in the movie.

There is a mole. Stop trading.

"Brother Lin, how about we just turn around and run?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Is there a possibility that this is a place name?"

Although, the place names here are a bit strange.

But not to the point of thinking about so many things.

Bai Lu tilted her head and laughed.

"Brother Lin, you really know a lot. By the way, is there really something strange in this cave?"

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and shrugged.

"Believe in science, don't be superstitious."

"Feudal superstition is unacceptable."

Hearing this, Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief and said half-jokingly.

"So Brother Lin, if we really encounter some strange events, can we go to Approaching Science and make some extra money? We can make money every few dozen issues."

Because Lin Yi had opened the live broadcast room before.

Although the silly netizens did not see the message sent by the uncle, they heard the two of them chatting.

Although I didn't understand.

But I always feel that things are moving in a weird direction.

"Oh my goodness, this is not a sweet love story, how come it becomes weird? Will it turn into a weird story later?"

"Well, it's exciting now. Brothers, you have to know that as long as you are brave, Sadako is on maternity leave, and as long as you are naughty enough, you can ride the Pen Fairy at will."

"Okay, okay, I always thought the brothers in the live broadcast room were talented, but I didn't expect that they were all BTs."

"No, I am just getting rid of harm for the people. Besides, they are not version 0 anymore, so I can't do anything to them."

"Who among you Jigui understands? There is BT in the live broadcast room."

"We said we were going to shoot tea leaves, why did it turn out like this? Why is the atmosphere in the live studio so weird?"

"Exploring the inner ghost cave, I didn't expect that there would be such content inside. Brother Lin actually has this ability. Please stay tuned."

"Okay, okay, come to work tomorrow."

"So the question is, I haven't heard of rock tea. I've heard of black tea, green tea, and white tea, but I've never heard of this."

"Hmm, maybe the guy upstairs played Aphelios too much."



If there is anything that is representative of Chinese culture, it must be Chinese tea culture.

After all, China has many varieties of tea.

Different places have different tea drinking cultures.

Tea is a drink that the Chinese are very proud of.

As long as you want to drink, there are hundreds of kinds of tea and countless ways to let you experience this thousands of years of culture.
And there will never be any bugs.

You won't get sick from drinking tea.

Because of thousands of years of sedimentation, tea has become a very mature means of beverage. From picking to baking, to frying, and how to drink tea, there are different ways, and they are all very mature.

Although it is a bit surprising, this also proves that China is vast and rich in resources.

(End of this chapter)

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