If you are asked to fall in love, will you make the female star angry?

Chapter 449 I will definitely arrange insurance for you next time

Chapter 449 I will definitely arrange insurance for you next time
After all, discovering treasure is inherently strange.

In fact, if there were no tasks assigned by the director and the two of them did not happen to meet their uncle and aunt,

But Bai Lu didn't want to go patrol the mountains with her uncle.

The chances of discovering treasure are extremely small.

It is even more impossible to find the treasures of the Maritime Silk Road later, and after that, the cultural and tourism city may no longer exist.

In essence, he is indeed a benefactor to both of them.

That rainforest can be regarded as a revisit to their old place, and it was the beginning of their take-off.

Uh-huh, in other words.

Where dreams begin.

Bai Lu's eyes suddenly lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

"I remember that the air there was very good, and everywhere was fun. Of course, the most important thing was that the mushrooms cooked by my aunt were especially delicious."

Lin Yi nodded gently.

"I just don't know if uncle's health is better than before."

After all, it's to protect this forest.

The couple has given so much.

Bai Lu turned around and went to prepare food and drinks for Xiao Mingyue. After all, she wouldn't be away for long, and she couldn't let Xiao Mingyue starve.

Then I prepared some snacks for myself.

The rest is to prepare gifts for uncles and aunts.

After all, they are old and have some difficulty walking, so they have to carry things that are difficult for them to carry.

For example, some daily necessities, toolboxes, firewood, rice, oil, salt and so on.

When preparing things.

Bai Lu suddenly felt as if she was in another world.


Lin Yi turned around and walked out of the door with Xiao Mingyue.

Driving along the river bank, looking at the sky and the sea in the distance.

Bai Lu leaned against the window, feeling the sea breeze caressing her face, and couldn't help but humming a song softly.

It's winter now and the sea breeze is a little chilly.

But there is more of a feeling of peace.

Many trees by the sea are still green.

In this season when everything is beginning to wither, it is really nice to be able to see so many colorful scenery. I have to say, it is really nice.

There is a feeling that life is changing.

The last time I went there, it seemed that the two of them had not yet confirmed their relationship.

The two of them were arguing on the way.

Hmm, a noisy life seems pretty good.

If it hadn't been for the accident, I might not have met my uncle and aunt.

Life is like a huge cat.

Anyway, just touch it. You may not touch the head or the tail, but you will definitely touch the furry part.

Yeah, that's it.

Although I haven't seen my uncle and aunt for a long time.

But now the Internet is very developed, and I can often see messages between the two of us online, and occasionally I can even have a video call.

Because of Lin Yi.

It is fortunate that more people have paid attention to this place and chosen the same mission as them.

And Lin Yi also paid some money.

Help uncle and aunt improve their lives and invest in the rainforest at the same time. After all, what uncle and aunt are trying so hard to protect are all treasures of mankind.

Of course, Bai Lu didn't ask. In her opinion, whatever Lin Yi did was understandable.

Just as she was thinking about it, Bai Lu tilted her head and asked.

"By the way, Brother Lin, are uncle and aunt living a good life now?"

Lin Yi shook his head gently.

“No, some young people went up the mountain to help, so they didn’t have to work so hard, but they all rejected my investment.”

"They think the rainforest scenery is so beautiful, there is no need to transform the environment. Even if it is for them, the money has been donated to the nearest mountainous area." Lin Yi didn't say anything else.

After all, the company under Lin Yi is quite capable and can ensure that every penny spent can achieve the desired effect.

There will be no favoritism, fraud, or any other situation.

Bai Lu was a little surprised and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"I have to say, uncle and aunt are really good role models for us."

Several children are contributing to the country.

Even at such an old age, they are still devoting their sweat and even their lives to every inch of the country.

Just as the poem says.

When the silkworm is dead, the silk will be exhausted, and the torch will turn into gray and tears will begin to dry.

My uncle and aunt are both very noble people.

Now the two people living at the foot of the mountain and the two people living on the mountain, well, can be considered as friends from previous years.



ae86 continued walking along the coastline.

I parked nearby and found a spot quickly.

Unlike the last time when it was lush, many of the flowers and plants this time have withered, so the parking space is much larger.

Of course, there may be another reason.

As more people go up the mountain, this area is seen by more people, and as more people walk there, it naturally becomes a road.

The next step is hiking.

Bai Lu handed the big backpack to Lin Yi, and put on the small bag herself to give gifts to her uncle and aunt.

By the way, he reached out and grabbed Lin Yi's pants.

Feeling the drag from behind, Lin Yi spoke helplessly.

"So, you just have to drag me along?"

"Brother Lin, you don't understand. This makes me feel safer. What if you lose me?"

Bai Lu looked up, feeling so proud.

He didn't notice at all that many of Lin Yi's clothes and pants had extra corners, which were all pulled by Bai Lu.

In Bai Lu's words, I'm afraid of losing you.

Of course, another way to put it is that Bai Lu's hands seemed to be fine, and they were just sitting there anyway, so she might as well pull something to play with.

Bai Lu raised her face and spoke.

"How's Brother Lin? Am I too little to prepare? Uh-huh, there's only one big backpack and a small backpack. It's a bit inappropriate since I haven't been here for so long."

Lin Yi couldn't help but shrugged.

"We are just going to give gifts. Besides, uncle and aunt have always lived a good life next to the rain forest. They have everything they need and are self-sufficient."

Bai Lu raised her head and said, "That seems to be the case, but I feel like there are not enough things. Brother Lin, can you still carry a bag?"

Lin Yi: "What good will it do you if you kill me?"

"Tell me quickly, is it because you bought insurance for me that you are like this?"

Bai Lu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Lin, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten. Indeed, I should have gotten you some insurance. Hmm, this way it would also provide security for our lives."

Lin Yi: "..."

"You reminded me. I will definitely arrange insurance for you next time."

Bai Lu: "(ω)"


Far away.

Lin Lu and his companion heard the sound of a dog barking.

My uncle was holding a pipe, sitting on a big tree stump, smoking slowly.

After each puff, he looked around quickly.

It looked as if they were afraid that their fireworks would cause unnecessary damage to the rain forest.

"This environment is really suitable for cattle and sheep."

(End of this chapter)

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