Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 104 Selection of Team Members for the Continental Soul Master Competition

Chapter 104 Selection of Team Members for the Continental Soul Master Competition

"Tell me, what's going on? Who told you to do something in the Poseidon Pavilion?"

The small courtyard of Poseidon Island was already full of flames. Extreme fire, evil fire, and ice elemental power bloomed on the island, and the entire small courtyard became a mess.

The small courtyard that originally looked like a leisurely fairyland has now been turned into half a ruin by them, which no dog wants to stay in.

The fire that can burn in water is difficult to extinguish, and the frost that condenses everywhere. The three forces converged together. Even if the small courtyard that Mu En gave Su Qingfeng was made entirely of high-quality wood, it was still severely damaged.

Although they didn't kill each other, there was a lot of movement. In the end, even the people in Poseidon Pavilion were alarmed. Mr. Su's terrifying power separated Qiu'er, Ma Xiaotao, and Ling Luochen.

After confirming that the three of them would not seriously hurt each other, Su Qingfeng left. If he stayed, he would probably be beaten more seriously. They all wanted to take him for themselves and snatch him away.

At this time, Qiu'er's hair was covered with frost, and her clothes were burned to pieces. Ma Xiaotao's clothes were also in tatters, and her skin was red from being roasted by the extreme fire, and she looked slightly burned. Ling Luochen's condition was not good either, and she was much weaker. Although her soul power was higher than Qiu'er's, the quality of her ultimate fire was much higher than her ice element!
  In the small courtyard, Yan Shaozhe scolded: "Xiao Tao, and you, Ling Luochen, what do you want to do? Do you want to destroy the courtyard? Don't you know the rules of Poseidon Island?!"

"I know...but who is she, this woman? Why did she walk out of my junior uncle's room wearing my junior junior uncle's pajamas! Teacher, why did you only talk about me and Ling Luochen, not her?!"

Ma Xiaotao pointed at Qiu'er, her eyes became hazy, and she looked very aggrieved.

Seeing Qiu'er coming out of Su Qingfeng's room with disheveled hair early in the morning, she exploded. Ling Luochen also changed his face instantly, and both of them attacked Qiu'er at the same time.

Yan Shaozhe glanced at Qiu'er, and his heart skipped a beat. This girl was so beautiful, and her figure was the best he had ever seen in his life.

But... the transformation of this three-eyed golden beast is really true. He is already an adult. Why does he still like to pester his junior brother without any boundaries? There are so many girls who like his junior brother. I am afraid that Poseidon Island is destined to be unstable in the future.

Qiu'er snorted: "Why does he talk about me? My master is only Brother Star Master. I don't recognize anyone else. I am not wrong. It is my bounden duty to accompany and serve my master."

It was you who suddenly attacked me. If it weren't for the fact that most of my power was given to Brother Star Lord, I could have killed you with one move. "

"Haha, what a big tone, it's just you, you big-breasted and brainless guy." Ma Xiaotao's face darkened.

"Why, do you still want to fight? If I were on the same level as you, you wouldn't be able to beat me with one hand."

Qiu'er said coldly, her temperament was completely opposite to when she was with Su Qingfeng, showing a rather domineering, cold and arrogant attitude.

She is an auspicious beast, the darling of the entire Star Dou Forest. For more than ten thousand years, even ferocious beasts have allowed her to protect her. She has a naturally arrogant personality. Not to mention facing Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen, even Yan Yan She may not listen to Shaozhe's words.

"Okay, okay, you all calm down. Junior Brother Qingfeng has been scared away by you and is still making trouble. With your attitude, aren't you afraid that my junior brother will not want to see you in the future?"

Yan Shaozhe took a deep breath. After decades of being a teacher, he felt helpless for the first time.

"Hmph, Brother Star Lord will never miss me." Qiu'er said with a bowed head.

Ling Luochen stopped talking. She was the one with the least background and the lowest talent among the three.

Ma Xiaotao gritted her teeth, "But teacher, didn't you want to bring me and my junior uncle together before? You also asked my junior uncle to absorb the ice element as the first element, just to suppress the evil fire in my body. Uncles are a couple, aren't they?"

"You still remember, of course the teacher hopes that you can have a good ending with your junior uncle, but if your ideas can't keep up with the changes, there may be more and more competitors around you in the future. Xiao Tao, please wish yourself well. The teacher can’t help you much.”

Yan Shaozhe walked to Ma Xiaotao and whispered to her in a very friendly and helpless voice.

"This matter cannot be forgotten like this. The three of you have violated the taboos of Poseidon Island this time. You must complete five tasks in the inner courtyard before the start of the continent-wide soul master competition, and the maintenance costs of the courtyard will also be shared among you." "If anyone commits the crime again, he will leave Poseidon Island and stay in the outer courtyard!"

Dean Yan looked serious and warned the three of them.

Seeing Dean Yan's serious look, Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen could only endure it and nodded: "Yes."

Qiu'er said nonchalantly: "You have no right to care about me."

"Am I not qualified? I am a member of the Poseidon Pavilion and one of the managers of the Shrek Supervisory Group. I know your identity. You are indeed not from our Shrek Academy, but you have to think clearly. You don't have to follow my rules. Order, then you won’t be able to stay in Shrek Academy, you can make your own choice.”

Yan Shaozhe glanced at Qiu'er. This was an auspicious beast in the form of a martial spirit with extreme attributes. Of course, he hoped that such a person could go on the right path and become a major asset of the academy, but he could not tolerate it without rules.

"Okay, I'll join Shrek, but don't think that I really want to join this academy. If it weren't for Brother Star Lord, I wouldn't stay."

Qiu'er said, giving Ma Xiaotao and the others a cold look: "Just wait, it will be easier for you when my level catches up."

"Haha, who is afraid of whom? Apart from my junior uncle, I have never subdued anyone who is the same age as Ma Xiaotao or below."

Ling Luochen also gritted his teeth: "Come on, I will fight tooth and nail for the sake of the Holy Son!"


In the next two months, Qiu'er, Ma Xiaotao, and Ling Luochen all accepted tasks in the inner courtyard and carried out supervision missions across the mainland.

Soon, after returning from their mission in the Mingdou Mountains, as well as other inner courtyard disciples who had returned from the outside, they all knew that there was Su Qingfeng on Poseidon Island, and there were two new members, namely Tang Wutong and Qiu. Son.

Although Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen and Qiu'er had spent most of the past two months on missions, Su Qingfeng's life was not peaceful either.

After several powerful people left, Tang Wutong's opportunity came. Knowing that Su Qingfeng was on Poseidon Island, Tang Wutong began to exert his strength.

In less than two weeks, he frequently went to Su Qingfeng's residence and created various encounters. It was difficult to curb his greed for Su Qingfeng!
  The Haotian Sect was her great foundation. With the pressure from the Haotian Sect, as a teacher, Yan Shaozhe could not say much about Tang Wutong.

Coupled with a letter from Tang Wutong, the originally reclusive Haotian Sect showed signs of being reborn.

The intelligence network of Shrek Academy is still very good. After Tai Tan and Niu Tian asked people from Haotian Castle to go out and clear out two batches of evil soul masters, news soon spread to Poseidon Pavilion, making Yan Shaozhe and the others laugh. flowers.

Haotian Castle's action means that the pressure on the evil soul master is greater, and Shrek's pressure is relatively relieved. This is the benefit that Tang Wutong has brought to Shrek invisibly.

Two months later, preparations for the continent-wide soul master competition began in full swing, and Shrek Academy also began to consider the participating teams.

Some elders feel that the age of the Shrek Seven Devils in the inner courtyard is just on the edge of the age limit of the competition, and their strength is in the best condition. They will be more stable in representing Shrek Academy, and the probability of winning the championship is as high as [-]%.

But there are also elders who believe that this generation of Shrek's Seven Devils has already won the Soul Master Competition, so newcomers should be given some training opportunities, and candidates should be selected from the outer courtyard to participate.

Some members of the Poseidon Pavilion even pointed out that the Holy Son Su Qingfeng is now among the best among his peers and is also the new generation leader of the academy.

It is also time for Su Qingfeng to show his face and let all the soul masters know that Shrek has a son named Su Qingfeng who is unparalleled in the world...

(End of this chapter)

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