Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 107: Emperor Xingluo, what genius is so handsome that he can ignite everyone in the arena? ?

Chapter 107: Emperor Xingluo, what genius is so handsome that he can ignite everyone in the arena? ? ?

"Dear visitor from Shrek Academy, what can I do for you?"

After bringing the students to the hotel to settle down, Yan Shaozhe found the hotel manager alone.

Because the Star Emperor Hotel itself is operated by the royal family, and the special nature of the competition, the hotel manager is a relative of the royal family.

Yan Shaozhe directly revealed his identity and showed Shrek's dean's order: "I am the dean of Shrek Academy, Yan Shaozhe. I have some needs for this competition. I would like to see your majesty directly for explanation. Please introduce me."

If someone else had said so directly that they wanted to see Emperor Xingluo, they would have been scolded, "What is your Majesty's identity and what is your identity? Did you meet him when we met?" and then be kicked out.

But when he heard Yan Shaozhe, the dean of Shrek Academy, sitting across from him, this royal relative could only feel respect and surprise:

"Are you Mr. Mingfeng Douluo Yan Shaozhe? I have admired you for a long time, but I didn't expect that you would personally lead the Shrek Academy team this time. You must be sure of winning the championship trophy, right?"

Yan Shaozhe smiled calmly: "We at Shrek already have countless championship trophies, so this time we are not just here for the championship, but to amaze all the soul master academies and the four empires. Specifically, If you have time to watch after the game starts, you will understand."

"This kind of grand event only happens to us once every twenty years. Of course I want to see the young talents from major colleges. Then I'm looking forward to the moment when Shrek makes his debut."

The manager led Yan Shaozhe out of the hotel and entered the magnificent Xingluo Palace, but he murmured in his heart:
  "Are you so arrogant? Although Shrek is indeed the pride of the mainland, he should be a little more low-key, right? He's not just here for the championship? He wants the trophy and shocking the whole continent? This time, Shrek's students are very talented. Damn it? Let’s wait and see, but don’t let me down, otherwise the road will really turn dark.”

Soon, Yan Shaozhe was taken to a very exquisitely decorated and noble study room.

A middle-aged man wearing a bright yellow robe and an eight-treasure purple gold crown on his head was sitting on a luxurious table carved from thousand-year-old rosewood to handle affairs. The supervisor respectfully introduced:
  "Your Majesty, the president of Shrek Academy, Mingfeng Douluo Yan Shaozhe, would like to see you."

"come in."

As a calm voice came out from inside, Yan Shaozhe stepped into the study calmly, but still made a slight bow to show respect:

"I would like to say that Shaozhe has met His Majesty."

"Dean Yan, please give me a seat as soon as possible."

Emperor Xingluo stood up directly and personally moved a chair for Yan Shaozhe. He smiled and said, "I don't know if Dean Yan came to see me. Do you have anything important to discuss?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yan Shaozhe accepted it calmly, nodded to Emperor Xingluo and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, I am here this time to actually make a small suggestion to Your Majesty on behalf of Shrek Academy in case of any eventuality: please Your Majesty to strengthen the on-site order management of the Soul Master Competition."

After Yan Shaozhe finished speaking, Emperor Xingluo laughed heartily:
  "Dean Yan, don't worry. Last time our Xingluo held a competition, there were some bad stampedes, which caused some bad effects. This time I have learned the lesson and have stricter management of the competition site. We have sent out More soldiers to maintain order."

"No, no, no, Your Majesty has misunderstood. I am not here to insinuate Xingluo's last stampede incident. In fact, because the competition attracts so much attention, soul masters from all over the continent will swarm in. Too many people will cause some crowding and stampedes. Not surprising." Yan Shaozhe said quickly.

"Then Dean Yan, what are you..." Emperor Xingluo showed a confused expression on his face, and even said he was a little unhappy. He didn't know why Yan Shaozhe made this request. Was he questioning their national strength of Xingluo?

"Your Majesty, please don't get me wrong. Speaking of which, this matter is actually a concern for us at Shrek. However, because the competition is starting in Star Luo, I can only come and inform Your Majesty in advance to avoid causing commotion."

Yan Shaozhe continued: "Your Majesty, this time there is a disciple in our academy who is in a special situation. Before you meet the real person, you may think that I am exaggerating, but you still have to tell your Majesty that this child is too talented and charming. He is big and has unparalleled looks. Once he appears in a competition, some people will inevitably react violently, and even have radical behaviors such as rushing to the ring. If he reacts at that time, everything may go wrong.

In order to protect the safety of this student, as the dean of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy and a member of the Poseidon Pavilion, I must clearly inform the organizer that once the competition produces some situations that are beyond the control of the organizer, the strong men of our academy will We will directly take action, suppress, and even kill anyone who behaves inappropriately, regardless of their status, wealth or not. ” ˆ ˆ Speaking of the second half, Yan Shaozhe’s voice was resolute and powerful, fully displaying Shrek’s authority and majesty. Even if the other party was an emperor, he would never be humble or fearful. This is Shrek’s heritage!

After listening to Yan Shaozhe's words, Emperor Xingluo's mind was buzzing, not only from the intimidating power of Yan Shaozhe's words, but also from the student he was talking about!

With the national strength of our country, thousands of soldiers go to maintain the scene, but it’s just because of a student who sounds very charming?
  Isn't this a big joke in the world?

I'm afraid anyone who hears it will think it's a joke.

Does this person really exist who can make tens of thousands of soul masters become a sensation and even lose their minds?
  Even if Shrek's ancestors came to the world, they wouldn't have such exaggerated charm, right?
  If someone from other colleges had said such words to Emperor Xingluo, they would have been expelled without mercy or even arrested and tried.

But sitting opposite him was the largest and most authoritative student on Douluo Continent, the dean of Shrek Academy, Mingfeng Douluo Yan Shaozhe!

Moreover, it is said that this Mingfeng Douluo has broken through the ninety-fifth level Super Douluo realm many years ago, and is now probably above the ninety-sixth level. He does not look like someone who can talk nonsense and deceive the royal family.

Emperor Xingluo took a deep breath: "Okay, since it is the request of Dean Yan, although I don't believe that your college will cause an incident of that level, I will cooperate with you and I will immediately send someone to Tens of thousands of elite soldiers have been screened out from the surrounding cities to maintain the scene. Together with the original preparations, it is enough to surround the entire Xingluo Square with two levels of water tightness inside and outside. I will ask the Prime Minister to strictly guard the scene. When the time comes, I will also personally host and watch the competition. I hope that, as Dean Yan said, I will not be disappointed when I see the stunning appearance of the Shrek genius."

In the heart of Emperor Xingluo: Damn it, your grandma, just a few words will make me use more than double the troops to maintain the competition site, which consumes a lot of national power. If the student you mentioned is not worth it to me, I will definitely send someone to you secretly. Shrek Academy writes essays! Hype! ! !

After tomorrow, Emperor Xingluo will be glad that he took Yan Shaozhe's opinion, very lucky!


Here, Mr. Xuan and Cai Meier are having a meeting with several instructors from the college in the hotel conference room, and are introducing the rules of the competition to the contestants from the college:

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition is the ultimate battle between academies from various countries. Based on the principles of fairness and impartiality, the competition is based on the comprehensive strength of each academy. Therefore, the competition method is also the most abundant and flexible.

There are approximately one hundred and thirty-three advanced soul master academies and advanced soul master academies participating this time. Basically, they stay in the Star King Hotel.

The first round of the preliminary round is directly the knockout round. In other words, the losing party will be eliminated directly. The first round was played in a seven-on-seven team battle mode. The draw will be held tomorrow and it is expected that the first round will take three days to complete. "

“After the first round, there will be groups of about nine teams in each group for a round robin.

During the round-robin competition, a random competition system will be adopted. There are three situations in the random competition system. One is a single elimination system, the second is a three-, two-, and two-person cooperative battle mode, and the third is a seven-on-seven team battle.

Every game is drawn and then played. Whichever mode is drawn will be played in whichever way. This is the best test of overall strength. "

"I will explain the specific conditions of these modes of the round robin to you in detail after you have passed the first round. Now you have to face the opponents in the first round, and it is also the first time in your life that To fight with honor on behalf of the academy, I hope you can bring out your best."

"You should have a good rest tonight. Don't go to each other's door among the students. Especially your substitute teammates, don't be dissatisfied, let alone interfere with the rest of the main teammates. I will continue to patrol at the door of your room. , this can also ensure your safety, do you understand?"

When saying the last part, Mr. Xuan deliberately glanced at Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Tang Wutong, Qiu'er and the others.

Along the way, these four girls were the most restless. He was afraid that the four of them would rush into Su Qingfeng's room tonight and do something ugly. This was a high probability time, so he had to be cautious!

What a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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