Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 110 What the fuck? Is the Holy Son the mysterious genius who broke countless records in the

Chapter 110 What the fuck? Is the Holy Son the mysterious genius who broke countless records in the Soul Guidance Building?

The scariest thing is not the seemingly invincible opponent.

It's the kind of opponent that makes you completely lose the will to fight.

If Qiu'er's appearance caused a sensation and fascination among thousands of young boys, then Su Qingfeng's appearance pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the climax!

At the front of the crowd, some girls even trembled all over, tightened their legs, and wanted to go! Some young people are also extremely strong:

"It's been twenty years since I was born! A full twenty years! Twenty years of bloodshed, and I haven't even touched a girl's hand. Do you know how I got here? Do you know? I can't bear it Can’t stand it anymore!”

I know, of course you know, because you also came here like this.


At this moment, even the soul master students from the Dark Advanced Soul Master Academy were fascinated by Su Qingfeng and stayed there in a daze. They were closer than other outsiders and their experience was more real.

Su Qingfeng already had a world-class appearance. In more than a year, he had experienced the baptism of four pole stars and the blessing of several super soul beasts. His transformation at this moment was even more breathtaking.

Of course, this face was already unique and could no longer look any better. What his strength brought was only an increase and change in his additional temperament, making him look even more mysterious.

The seven soul mentors across from him all looked at Su Qingfeng blankly.

It was when Tang Wutong and Qiuer saw that Mo Li across from them had fallen for Su Qingfeng's appearance, they hummed:

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy? Are you going to fight when you arrive? Isn't your Sun-Moon Empire good at soul guidance devices? Why have you all turned into cowards now?"

Their own team is full of gunpowder. It is a small Shura field. If Su Qingfeng shows up again, I don't know how many people will fall in love with him.

People are selfish. Although Tang Wutong and Qiu'er knew in their hearts that they could not dominate Su Qingfeng, it was not something that cats and dogs could compete with and share!

Awakened by Qiu'er and Tang Wutong's words, the soul masters of the Dark Advanced Soul Master Academy came to their senses and realized that this was a competition!

"This Su Qingfeng from Shrek actually applied for the status of a soul mentor instead of a soul master? Such a young fifth-level soul mentor is extremely rare in our Sun and Moon Empire. How could Shrek find such a genius?"

Xiao Hongchen was already sore to death.

Meng Hongchen next to him looked very excited, almost jumping up and shouting:

"Su Qingfeng! Long live Shrek Leader! Crush the Dark Advanced Soul Master Academy!!! Su Qingfeng, look at me, look at me!"

A stunningly beautiful girl stood out among the crowd and became a fanatical fan of Su Qingfeng.

This caused some powerful people from the Sun and Moon Empire to look at her with a dark look: Although this Su Qingfeng is indeed very charming, you don't have to show it so obviously, right? Even my own country and my own academy don’t want you, a rebel like you!

However, the powerful men of the Sun and Moon Empire also noticed Su Qingfeng's identity and rank.

Su Qingfeng was only twelve years old when he participated in the competition, but he was already appointed as the leader of the Shrek Seven Devils. That was all. In terms of temperament, he was fully worthy of the word leader.

What’s confusing is that he is a fifth-level soul engineer!

You must know that the fifth-level soul masters of the Dark Advanced Soul Master Academy are basically over [-] years old!

Looking at the Sun and Moon Empire, basically only those over the age of sixteen have the opportunity to become a fifth-level soul master.

"Has Shrek's soul guidance tool technology and talent training surpassed that of our academy, or has Shrek's soul guidance tool qualifications been random?" An old man from the Sun and Moon Royal Academy with a straight nose and a square mouth, a dignified appearance, and a face as thick as a jujube. Mumbling to himself, sitting there with broad shoulders gives people a very solid feeling. What he says should be reliable?

Do not!

This is the result of Su Qingfeng's two months of training at Shrek Academy!

In two months, his soul power level has not improved by one level. This is not only because it is difficult to improve the soul power of the ultimate attribute, especially after reaching the soul master realm, but the main reason is that Su Qingfeng spent a lot of time in Poseidon. Dao learns from Xian Lin'er and Fan Yu.

Su Qingfeng tutored in various projects such as the production of soul guidance devices, how to use a carving knife to carve soul guidance arrays and create soul guidance devices, control of custom clothing and human armor soul guidance devices.

And he showed amazing talent. At the end of the second month, his soul mentor level reached level five. Both Xian Liner and Fan Yu were shocked by this amazing soul mentor talent.

The battle was about to break out. Tang Wutong took the lead in launching an attack. The goddess of light, Butterfly Spirit, was activated. She directly used the light of the butterfly god. Multiple golden light groups were ejected from the beautiful butterfly wings of the goddess, and then exploded quickly, causing a huge impact. of lethality.

Mo Li, who was still immersed in Su Qingfeng's appearance, was blown away directly. He couldn't react in time and lay on the outside of the ring, losing his ability to fight.

Ma Baoguo, captain of the Dark Advanced Soul Master Academy team, was furious: "Young man, you don't follow martial ethics!"

"Mo Li was careless and didn't dodge!"

Tang Wutong's noble figure stood on the ring and hummed: "The referee has already announced the start. It is reasonable for me to defeat you all while you are distracted."

"I understand, brothers, don't be fooled by this extremely handsome guy. This is Shrek Academy's cunning plan! I specially found a very good-looking person to play, just to distract us and distract his other teammates. Create opportunities!”

Ma Baoguo was very smart and quickly ordered his teammates not to look at Su Qingfeng, and they all took out the soul tools they were good at.

Ma Baoguo held two golden long whips that glowed with black-gold light. Each whip contained the power of dark thunder and lightning.

Quan Xie is a melee soul tool - a black ancient knife with a black aura flowing on it, which looks very powerful.

Shadow is wearing a humanoid armor soul guide. As the soul power flows, his figure is looming, entering a state of semi-invisibility, or even full invisibility!

This turned out to be an extremely rare and difficult-to-control invisible assassin-type soul guidance suit!

The members of the other three Dark Advanced Soul Master Academy teams also have their own characteristics. They can control the magic shield, night sky, black star, etc. respectively. They have powerful defense power, as well as the use of changing the sky, enhancing the power of dark elements, etc., creating An environment where team members can perfectly display their soul guidance strength!

The audience outside was almost all calling for Su Qingfeng to take action. They just wanted to watch Su Qingfeng fight!

With his peerless face, Su Qingfeng suddenly became the nation's male god and the most popular figure of the century.

"By the way, Brother Qingfeng, when did you start practicing soul guidance? You're already at level five!" Huo Yuhao also knew clearly about Su Qingfeng's soul guidance rating for the first time.

Huo Yuhao was later discovered by Zhou Yi and Fan Yu, but his progress was not that fast, and he is now only a second-level soul master.

Su Qingfeng smiled lightly: "I must have just arrived at Shrek not long ago."

He Caitou has been possessed by a martial soul, and his martial soul is quite strange, it is a cigar. Of course, he is a fourth-level soul master.

When he heard Su Qingfeng's words, he was more shocked than anyone else.

Son! He turned out to be a fifth-level soul engineer! ! !

The Holy Son is two or three years younger than me! !

Did you practice soul guidance from the beginning? ! At the beginning? !

Could it be that... He Caitou looked at Su Qingfeng's fairy-dusted back. The records that were broken by high scores that were circulated in the Soul Guidance Building in the past, 93 points... 95 points... were all ceiling-like, and even appeared The person who has passed 99 points and the legendary 100-point soul guidance application, he has always wanted to know!

Could that person... be the Holy Son?

The Holy Son turned out to be both a martial soul and a soul guide!

The peerless genius that the dean and teachers always said was unwilling to reveal, the person who could lead the soul guidance system to squander, was the Holy Son of the Poseidon Pavilion, the leader of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Su Qingfeng!

He Caitou's eyes widened, he was dumbfounded, and his whole person was stunned. What level of genius is this?

The next moment, Su Qingfeng finally moved!

"I also want to know how powerful the soul tool I am practicing can be in a real battle."

(End of this chapter)

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