Chapter 112 Meng Hongchen, you are arrested!

After this day, the entire Douluo Continent was in a state of shock.

The powerful people in the Sun and Moon Continent were also shaken by this.

Although the first battle of the Soul Master Competition was Shrek's duel, the battle was not really exciting. Most of Shrek's team members did not even move. There was no fierce fighting or much contention.

But it was by all accounts the best opening in years.

For the first time, a leader appeared among the Shrek Seven Devils. Everyone was shocked by Su Qingfeng's appearance and temperament, and became the most popular player.

This is also Shrek Academy's announcement to everyone on the two continents that Shrek already has a peerless genius, who will be the core of Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent in the future!

He is Su Qingfeng!

Similarly, a big tree attracts wind, and everyone wants a genius. Su Qingfeng amazed everyone by inscribing the light spear seal on the spot, and also attracted many forces who coveted his 'beauty' and talent.

Whether it was the Royal Academy of the Sun and Moon Empire, the Holy Spirit Cult, or other forces, after this game, they all began to notify the core personnel to start small meetings.

As Su Qingfeng left the stage, almost all the audience felt regretful and shouted:

"Shrek! Shrek!!"

"Su Qingfeng, don't leave us!"

“We just want to watch Shrek’s game!!”

"Please, don't go! I will really die!"


Seeing Su Qingfeng leading the others back to the Star King Hotel, all the viewers were trying to persuade them to stay.

The host and referee of the event also felt the same, but the game still had to continue. They just announced helplessly:

"Everyone, please be quiet. Like everyone else, I am full of admiration and fascination for this handsome leader of Shrek Academy. However, the Soul Master Competition is a continent-wide event with more than a hundred high-level Soul Master academies participating. We They need to be given equal opportunities to compete. There will be a Shrek game in the future, and I believe everyone will see the first leader of the Shrek Seven Devils again soon! Please wait patiently, okay? "

Although the host had tried very hard to calm down his mood, the effect was not good after he finished speaking. Everyone was already immersed in Su Qingfeng's peerless appearance and couldn't extricate themselves.

In the next few knockout matches, the audience was basically indifferent. Even if there were some dazzling displays of strength, no one would be surprised, because they were really vulnerable to Su Qingfeng's appearance!


After returning to the Star Emperor Hotel, Mr. Xuan and Yan Shaozhe greeted them at the door.

Seeing Su Qingfeng and the other six people back, Mr. Xuan and Yan Shaozhe both showed bright smiles. It can be said that Shrek's limelight today was even more impressive than before when he won the championship!

Although Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen were also happy for Su Qingfeng, they were more jealous.

They could clearly hear the shouts of the fangirls outside, and the sound seemed to come like an unstoppable tsunami.

You can say any dirty words, such as:

"We three sisters are willing to take care of the leader's brother together. Come and be happy and let us in!"

Some spectators were so close to the Star King Hotel that the sound could even be heard, and any teenager would become sexually active after hearing it.

This scene is really sad.

Maybe you have worked so hard to chase the goddess, but you can't get it with all your efforts and money, but because of their face, they fall in love with her without hesitation and become someone else's licking dog.

After today, I don’t know how many couples will break up, and how many couples will change from happy and loving to mutual dislike.

Ma Xiaotao walked directly to the gate of Xingluo Hotel and shouted directly to the group of enthusiastic fans: "Shut up! I haven't even tasted these noisy guys. Can you get involved? Let's watch your game!" ” ˆ ˆ “Okay, Xiaotao, there are many of them, you can’t make any noise with them, come back.”

Yan Shaozhe knew that Ma Xiaotao had a hot temper, and if she was not stopped, she would fight with those people.

At this time, Mr. Xuan also appeared with a wine bottle and a dog leg that looked like a human arm, and led them into the conference room.

While walking in the aisle, even the waiter at Xingluo Hotel stared at Su Qingfeng with wide eyes, as if he was looking at a god. It was incredible, how could such a handsome person exist in the world.

In short, at this moment, Mr. Xuan and Yan Shaozhe completely understood Mr. Mu's decisiveness, and directly gave Su Qingfeng the best disciple status and favor in the Poseidon Pavilion in history.

In fact, although they were amazed by Su Qingfeng at first, as one of the managers of Poseidon Pavilion, they also had doubts in their hearts, that is, whether this extremely handsome man could be worthy of this important task. Now it seems that Mu Lao Dang's decision was truly wise and powerful.

When he arrived at the conference room, Mr. Xuan ate a big bite of dog legs. It was hard to imagine how an old man like him could eat so much every day:

"The Holy Son's opening today caused a great sensation. Those fanatical fans outside have also seen that the Holy Son still competes as a soul mentor. If he reveals his powerful martial soul again later, I am afraid that the scene will be even more explosive. .”

"You may not be very aware of the outside world on the field. After all, with the protection of the defensive shield, you may not be able to think of things on other levels. But as your main team leader, I must protect your safety and cannot appear again. It’s the same situation as last time in the Mingdou Mountains.”

"Since Mr. Mu had such love and desire to accept the Holy Son when he first met him, the Holy Son today is even better than before. I'm afraid there are many people behind the scenes who are planning to steal the Holy Son."

"So, from today on, none of you are allowed to go out without Shaozhe and I. Even in the hotel, you need to be extremely vigilant, especially you, the Holy Son, and Qiu'er."

Mr. Xuan explained that he would say these words to everyone at any time, but they were mainly aimed at Su Qingfeng, followed by Qiu'er.

Su Qingfeng is so charming, and Qiu'er is a three-eyed golden beast with a devilish figure and an angelic face. Together, the two of them are a killer match between men and women, and Qiu'er is only over forty levels, far away from the soul. There is still a certain distance to the maturity stage of the beast's transformation, and it is likely to be recognized by some experts.

"Well! I think Mr. Xuan is right. It's not safe for my little uncle to sleep alone. Let me sleep with him tonight and protect him from bad guys climbing in through the window!"

Ma Xiaotao said seriously.

Ling Luochen glanced at her: "Then I want it too."

Qiu'er snorted: "Is it just you? I am Brother Star Lord's auspicious beast. I used to sleep with Brother Star Lord. Being with me is the best choice."

Tang Wutong said coldly: "You all, stop arguing, I am the most suitable."

"I...I's better for boys to sleep with boys. It's better for me to accompany Brother Qingfeng..."

Huo Yuhao said silently from behind.

All the female team members turned around and rolled their eyes at him:

"Why are you joining in the fun?"


"Hmph, you ignorant guys can only envy you from outside. My love, this talented girl is here to find you!"

Meng Hongchen also returned to Xingluo Hotel. There was nothing interesting to watch in the next game. She just wanted to get in touch with Su Qingfeng quickly!

But just as she stepped into the Star Luo Hotel, people wearing the law enforcement uniforms of the Star Luo royal family surrounded her:

"You have been arrested on suspicion of interfering with the order of the game."

Meng Hongchen: "(`⊿)What? Be bold!"

(End of this chapter)

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