Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 130 The fun time is over, heading to Mingdu, the capital of the Sun and Moon Empire

Chapter 130 The fun time is over, head to Mingdu, the capital of the Sun and Moon Empire

Su Qingfeng was very frustrated.

As the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, the owner of the world's most powerful martial soul, the near-god-level martial soul, the Saint Dharma God of the Undead, he carries many ferocious beasts, crushes his peers, and is the number one male god in the mainland. He is either being raped or raped. On the way to being robbed.

One by one, the top strong men in the continent want to accept him as their disciple!

Goddess-level figures, everyone wants to occupy him!

How could this make Su Qingfeng, an innocent young boy, embarrassed? !

In the Sun and Moon Mountains, the golden sunlight turned into beams and shone into the forest, dispersing the fog left by the drizzle in the past few days, and creatures began to poke their heads out of the caves.

Su Qingfeng also slipped out of the wet cave.

The sun shone on the two bodies, Feng Ling hummed in a soft and charming voice, stretched, licked the remaining milky white on her lips with her flexible and pink tongue, and reached out to block the dazzling light.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

Happy time always passes so quickly. Over the past few days, Fengling's whole person has changed, and her mental outlook has taken on a new look.

As the saying goes, one drop of semen and ten drops of blood, how much more than ten thousand drops of blood in the past few days? It really nourished Fengling Douluo a lot.

"Little husband, it seems that I am very happy to be with you. If I really want to spend my life like this, it's a pity that we should leave."

"Although this place is hidden, but it has been delayed in returning to Christianity, I am afraid that in the end, neither the good nor the evil can tolerate my sister. What's more, if you continue, my sister is afraid that your little husband's body will not be able to bear it~"

"The time we spent together these past few days will always remain in my heart. You made my sister very comfortable. Don't worry, your life will not be in danger when you get to the sect. If there is an evil soul master who is really bad for you, my sister will fight for it. Life will also protect you."

Fengling stood up, her small waist refracted by the sunlight, as if she were crystal clear.

Su Qingfeng lay helplessly in the hot spring, stunned, and finally breathed a sigh of relief:

it's over! it is finally over! This day that seemed like hell in heaven has come to an end!

At this moment, Fengling's heart palpitated again. Before leaving, Fengling bit her lip:

"Come again."

"Let's do it one last time!"

Two hours later.

On a trail outside the Sun and Moon Mountains, a man and a woman, wearing commoners and looking like two ordinary people, nothing special, but both wearing masks, mingled with the crowd of people walking on the road.

The man needed the help of a woman to walk steadily. These two people were Fengling Douluo and Su Qingfeng who had just come out of the Sun and Moon Mountains.

If Mr. Zhuang comes to test Su Qingfeng's body again at this time, he will definitely warn Su Qingfeng seriously: If you exercise restraint, you will die!

Perhaps because the body has been hollowed out to the extreme, doing indescribable exercises with a super Douluo-level evil soul master like Fengling is also a kind of exercise. Su Qingfeng vaguely feels that he is more familiar with the power of the light element. Once contact is forbidden, , his soul power will directly break through the forty-level level.

"Where are we going next?"

Su Qingfeng has accepted the fact that he was captured, and he is not afraid. He feels that if he wants to die, he will not be killed, but at most he will die of exhaustion. However, these goddess-level people should be smart people and know how to deal with it. The difference between meat and a full meal.

"Mingdu, the capital of our Sun-Moon Empire, will take you to see the Supreme Elder of our Holy Spirit Sect. The reason why our fate is fulfilled this time is precisely because the Supreme Elder wants to see you."

Fengling held Su Qingfeng's hand and said softly, she already regarded Su Qingfeng as a very close person.

"Is the headquarters of your Holy Spirit Cult located in Mingdu?" Su Qingfeng couldn't help but ask. If he remembered correctly, the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Cult should be in the Demonic Forest.

"Giggle, little husband, the headquarters of our Holy Spirit Religion is of course not in Mingdu. Although our Holy Spirit Religion does have a certain connection with the Sun and Moon Royal Family, no matter what, our Holy Spirit Religion is an organization dominated by evil soul masters. , it is impossible for an upright general to establish his headquarters in Mingdu, wouldn’t that mean that the Sun and Moon Empire is also the empire of evil soul masters?”

Fengling's smile had a unique charm that Qiu'er, Jiang Nannan, Tang Wutong, and Ma Xiaotao couldn't feel:

"Although it is difficult for outsiders of our Holy Spirit Church headquarters to know, by bringing you back this time, we have offended Shrek and Haotian Castle, two major forces that can shake the two continents. If they put some effort into it, they can also guess what we are. Headquarters location, I'm afraid they have rushed to those places in the past few days and are frantically looking for us.

We naturally have to be on guard, and moving to Mingdu is the best option. With the royal protection, Shrek doesn't dare to rush in, otherwise it will be equivalent to declaring war on the Sun and Moon Empire. "

The fact is just as Fengling said, Mu En and Xuanzi have summoned all the people in the inner court, and even Zhang Lexuan was urgently recalled and sent to the Sun and Moon Continent to search for all news about the Holy Spirit Cult, with only one goal: to rescue the Holy Spirit. son.

Poor Mr. Poseidon Pavilion and those girls who are worried about Su Qingfeng. They are worried about Su Qingfeng's safety, but Su Qingfeng is worried about the safety of his thousands of descendants.

Fengling took Su Qingfeng into Mingdu, which was located next to the Sun and Moon Mountains where the two had been in love for several days.

As the capital of the Sun and Moon Empire, Mingdu covers a very vast area. Although Mingdu does not have thick city walls, there is a huge soul-guided city protection formation in the city. There are also various powerful soul-guided turrets hidden on the edge of the city to prevent people from entering the city. In an invasion, even a Titled Douluo-level expert would not be able to escape unscathed when pursued by those various eighth-level soul-guided homing missiles.

After safely entering Mingdu, Fengling felt relieved and took Su Qingfeng to the depths of the capital in a familiar way. A pair of slender thighs walked in front of her. They clamped Su Qingfeng's waist many times, which was very powerful. , The light footsteps moved quickly, with a feeling of lightning speed.

There are soul guides everywhere in Mingdu. The buildings are tall and there are even suspended sky buildings. They are separated from the ground and look very high-end. Whether it is the Tianhun Empire, the Dou Ling Empire, or the Star Luo Empire, here They are not as good as Mingdu in all aspects. Mingdu's use of soul tools can be said to be the pinnacle of Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent.

After walking for about half an hour, Fengling brought Su Qingfeng to the door of a hidden courtyard.

This courtyard looked inconspicuous among the many surrounding buildings. Fengling raised her hand and knocked lightly on the door, knocking five times in total, three long and two short.

The door opened quietly through a gap. Fengling looked around to make sure no one was following, then pulled Su Qingfeng and got in through the gap.

There is a cave in the yard. The whole yard can be said to be winding paths with various plants planted there.

The tall pergola is covered with various plants, which also blocks the view from the sky. This is a very common arrangement in Mingdu. After all, there are too many tall buildings, and no one wants to expose their privacy, so they plant these plants to block the sight of high-rise buildings.

The person who came to open the door was a girl dressed all in black with a hanging black gauze hat on her head. This girl looked to be over 1.8 meters tall and her long legs were very eye-catching.

"Nana, are everyone in the church here?"

Fengling Douluo took off his mask and asked calmly.

The girl who was replaced by Nana saw Feng Ling Douluo's face clearly and was a little surprised. She quickly replied: "Everyone, Holy Spirit Masters are here. Leader, why did you come back? Leader Zhong was still angry yesterday, saying that you The one who left first disappeared, but he, the one who was being hunted, came back first, what happened?"

Nana's face was full of doubts. In the past few days, the Holy Spirit Church had suddenly transferred personnel. She was originally studying at the Royal Academy and was transferred here to work.

The Holy Spirits and other things in the church, even the elders have gathered here. I heard that there is also a big shot who is temporarily living here, just to wait for someone? Who is that?

Is it the masked man behind Master Fengling? It looks ordinary, no big deal!

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't look at what you shouldn't see." Feng Ling glanced at Nana coldly.

The way she secretly looked at Su Qingfeng made me dislike it!

Maybe this is a different kind of emotion in girlhood, called...jealousy?

(End of this chapter)

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