Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 132 The Holy Son of Evil Star appears, and all the believers surrender!

Chapter 132 The Holy Son of Evil Star appears, and all the believers surrender!


Behind the curtain, a bloody light suddenly appeared in the darkness. Without tenderness and care, a terrifying suction force directly grabbed Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng was like a kite being pulled by others, controlled by Ye Xishui into the air, hovering in front of the looming curtain.

Fengling's body moved slightly, subconsciously wanting to protect Su Qingfeng, but feeling the mysterious and terrifying power, she did not dare to take action without permission.

But she has been keeping an eye on Su Qingfeng keenly. Once the Supreme Elder wants to harm Su Qingfeng, she will risk her life and be expelled from the Holy Spirit Cult, but she still has to protect her little husband!

"Are you Su Qingfeng? Did Mu En accept you as his disciple? Someone in the sect said that there is a possibility of infinite evil in your body... Well, I did smell the evil in you, and it's not bad. You have killed someone and you are so powerful. Are you a good evil soul master? In other words, you have swallowed the Evil Spirit Pill, and although it has been resolved... don't be nervous, I am not settling the scores."

Her voice is full of magnetism and slightly hoarse, but it has a special magic in the ears, making it easy for people to feel close to her and even admire her.

"What I'm even more curious about is that I heard that your appearance is stunning and your temperament dominates the world, attracting hundreds of thousands of people at the Soul Master Competition to go crazy for you. Even Titled Douluo can't control themselves. I am the fourth-level age. , I have never heard of such a sight... How can a face have such power? If I can't do it, let me see if you are real!"

A powerful force suddenly struck, surrounding Su Qingfeng's body, and directly shattered the soul guide that imprisoned Su Qingfeng's soul power, and then the mask was also shattered.

In an instant, the power in Su Qingfeng's body was released.

The ultimate attributes and immortal temperament that were suppressed by the high-level soul guide spurted out instantly, like a flood from a dam blocking a river that erupted instantly, coming more violently than usual.

At that moment, the starry sky behind Su Qingfeng reflected, and four peerless polar stars shone, appearing in ice white, crimson red, orange yellow, and holy white respectively.

The pole stars shone brightly in the world, and they seemed to be able to illuminate all darkness. Even Nana, who was guarding outside the house, seemed to have a trembling spirit.

If the people present in the room were not all titled evil soul masters with great strength, they might have knelt down on the spot.

The moment Pole Star was born, it was enough that they felt a little scared. The next moment, a thick gray mist appeared in the starry sky. There seemed to be a pair of eyes looking at them. The supreme evil power looked at them with great disdain, as if Saying:

"The Holy Evil of the Dead is here, why don't you evil disciples pay homage?"

When the aura of the Holy Spirit of the Dead emerged, these elders and worshipers of the Holy Spirit Sect really bent their knees and knelt down on one knee.

When the martial soul appeared and the physique was revealed, they were conquered and convinced that this son was the evil Son that their Holy Spirit Religion had been waiting for, and that he was the first Saint Son in ten thousand years.

If Wuhun conquered them, then Su Qingfeng's good looks and relegated immortal temperament exuding strong immortal energy made these elders and worshipers of the Holy Spirit Sect give up.

That face, that martial spirit, and that temperament became the most eye-catching thing in the dark conference room!

These elders and worshipers who had only heard Su Qingfeng's name before but had never seen him were completely amazed by Su Qingfeng. They felt like a weak and banished immortal who had just fallen into the world and was turning into a demon step by step, which made them extremely confused. Excited and admired!

What? Weak and banished to immortality? Um! Because he had been exploited by Fengling for so long, he still lacked energy. Anyone with a discerning eye could see his weakness, but it only made people want to protect him.

Handsome people, no matter what, make people's hearts beat faster. Even if they are walking or falling, they still look handsome and are admired by fans.

Handsome people all know it and have experienced it!

Even the leader Zhong Liwu, who had already met Su Qingfeng, was holding his breath at this moment. When a person's appearance reaches its peak, no matter when you look at him or how many times you look at him, he will give you a heavy visual impact. impact.

And the vision of people who have seen him will become much higher. Things and handsome people that used to be considered good-looking will pale in front of him!

Fengling also looked at Su Qingfeng infatuatedly, look, this is her little husband, the immortal who was possessed by her and wanted to die!


The whole body was shrouded in a dark red cloak, and there seemed to be a layer of fog on his face. The elder Taishang was the first to come to his senses. His figure seemed to have broken through the space, and he came directly from the secret behind the curtain to Su. In front of Qingfeng.

Ye Xishui's body was trembling slightly. She reached out to Su Qingfeng and stroked his face, as if she was trying to figure out a peerless treasure. Her hands looked weird—the palms and fingers were very white and tender, looking like the hands of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, but they had dark red nails growing on them.

"Gift, you are the best gift that God has given to the Holy Spirit Church, and also the best gift to me. Light and evil are one. You will be the one who controls the rules of the world, good and evil, and walks between light and darkness. You will also be The Holy Spirit has taught the Supreme Son for thousands of years to balance the past and the present from this moment on.”

Rather than calling him the Son of God, it is actually more appropriate to call him the Son of Evil or the Son of Devil. However, the Holy Spirit Church would not call it that. Who would admit that they are a sinful or demonic organization?

Hidden in the cloak, Ye Xishui's beautiful eyes stared at Su Qingfeng. This was the most handsome and charming boy she had ever seen in all her years!

Su Qingfeng was stunned and was startled by Ye Xishui. She appeared too suddenly, and the terrifying power even shook the surrounding space.

This woman is worthy of being a contemporary of the teacher and Long Xiaoyao, she is unfathomable!

"Did I scare you? I'm sorry, I was reckless just now, and I won't do it again. Whoever dares to hurt you, I will kill him first."

Ye Xishui spoke to Su Qingfeng lovingly, her tone even a little pleading.

Everyone in the Holy Spirit Sect was shocked and looked at each other. When had the Supreme Elder ever had such an attitude towards others? That simply doesn't exist.

They immediately understood Ye Xishui's attitude. Su Qingfeng was not a hostage or a plaything at their mercy, but a father!

Fengling smiled proudly and took the lead in saying respectfully:

"Congratulations to the Holy Emperor on the birth of his Holy Son! Congratulations to the Supreme Evil Son! The Holy Emperor has a long life, and the Holy Son is unparalleled in the world!"

"The Holy Emperor has a long life, and the Holy Son is unparalleled in the world!"

Immediately, the priests and elders of the Holy Spirit Church knelt on one knee and shouted slogans of respect.

"Immediately notify other priests and elders in the church to solve the matters at hand and rush back. I want to establish the Supreme Holy Son. Anyone who dares not to come back will die."

Ye Xishui waved his hand and issued the order, very domineeringly.

"Yes! I will go and notify the twelve worshipers and the eight elders now!"

One of the worshipers said immediately.

Ye Xishui said calmly:

"Zhong Liwu, Fengling, although you have accomplished the task this time, why did you make my Holy Son so weak? What did he go through? You should have made merit, but I don't want to reward you now."

"Sleeping Nightmare has the merit of recommendation. It was he who made us aware of Qingfeng's existence. His contribution is huge. Go find his bones and send them to the altar for worship."

After Ye Xishui finished speaking, everyone was a little stunned. This sleeping nightmare was dead, but his status in the Holy Spirit Church had skyrocketed. His bones could even be sent to the altar. You know, the altar was generally only for Ye Xishui!

There is also the issue of Su Qingfeng's weakness...

Zhong Liwu glanced at Fengling, as if questioning the reason.

Fengling pursed her lips, not caring at all. She had already taken the credit for herself, ate it, and digested it in her body. That was the biggest reward she got!

(End of this chapter)

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