Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 136 Beloved disciple? How could you be so weak?

Chapter 136 Beloved disciple? How could you be so weak?

In the altar room, a thick and ambiguous smell filled the air. It was a smell of decay, decay, like wine fermenting, and a smell of death.

Ye Xishui had not wrinkled after years of experience. Her still smooth and tender body lay on her side on the evil jade bed, forming a winding and undulating curve. While admiring Su Qingfeng's peerless appearance, she looked for clothes to put on.

The indescribable water that had been accumulated for hundreds of years erupted, almost making the entire evil jade bed wet. The ground also reflected a faint light of water, and you could clearly feel the stickiness of the soles when you stepped on the ground.

"Sluggard, it's time to get up. The whole night has passed. Haven't you had enough sleep?"

Ye Xishui said softly, if people like Zhong Liwu saw Ye Xishui's gentle appearance, they might doubt their life.

Ye Xishui controls the life and death of the members of the Holy Spirit Sect. He is so powerful that he kills without blinking an eye. Everyone feels scared and shocked through the air.

Unexpectedly, when there was no air between them, Ye Xishui would still have such an angelic face?

Su Qingfeng's lips turned white and his whole body was weak. His whole body trembled after hearing Ye Xishui's voice, as if he heard the whisper of a devil. He was extremely afraid of this voice!

Because in the long night, every time Ye Xishui's voice appeared, it was either the voice during the battle, or it represented a new round of fusion of darkness and evil!

Throughout the night, Su Qingfeng had no choice!

Ye Xishui fully utilized this main perspective: "If you don't want it, you just want it! If you want it, you really want it! In short, you just want it!"

As a result, Su Qingfeng was in tragedy.

What was supposed to be something a man should enjoy turned into torment.

More importantly, Su Qingfeng had been squeezed by Fengling for more than seven days, and the essence in his body was empty. Before he could recover, he was sucked by Ye Xishui for another night.

It's like just leaving the wolf's den and entering the tiger's den.

At this moment, Su Qingfeng just wants to sleep and rest!

Not a drop left, really.

Even rare items like the Earth Dragon and Golden Melon, which are famous for their strength, are difficult to recover quickly.

"I want to have a good rest. Can you please stop messing with me? It's so annoying."

Su Qingfeng felt disgusted with women for the first time!

However, this state will gradually improve as the body's condition improves, and disappear completely after returning to masculinity, which is the so-called male [sage state].

"Well, it's so pitiful. You worked hard last night. Have a good rest, my little love."

Ye Xishui touched Su Qingfeng's head distressedly. As the night passed, she discovered that Su Qingfeng's physique was somewhat special. After merging with him, she seemed to be able to touch a trace of the laws of Su Qingfeng's martial spirit, and she could vaguely see it. Hope to continue to grow stronger.

You know, after reaching Ye Xishui's level and strength, it is extremely difficult to go even higher. He has almost reached the bottleneck level of power in the mainland.

Above that, there are demigods, or even true gods!

Thinking of this, Ye Xishui fell in love with Su Qingfeng even more. She regarded him as the most precious person in the future. Anyone who dared to steal someone from her or hurt him would pay a heavy price!

But Ye Xishui's words did not make Su Qingfeng feel warm in her heart, and she burst into tears:

Cats cry and mice fake mercy!

I really feel sorry for me, so I would have restrained myself last night!

This old lady is so playful that she even lets herself drip candles on her!

Ye Xishui used his soul power to clean the evil jade bed and covered Su Qingfeng with a quilt.

Then he lifted the shackles sealed on the door and said calmly:

"come in."

Hearing this, Long Xiaoyao perked up and quickly opened the door and entered the inner room.

As soon as he saw it, he saw Ye Xishui sitting on the throne inside. His keen sense of smell allowed him to smell the ambiguous smell remaining in the air. Long Xiaoyao frowned, and there was a vague feeling in his heart. "Xishui, where is Qingfeng? Did Fengling and the others leave this kid to you?"

Long Xiaoyao didn't think about the origin of this smell, he was focused on Su Qingfeng.

"He's sleeping, so don't disturb him. You can go out first. You've worked hard these days dealing with Shrek's people, but in the next few months, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to help, Shrek, Hidden The Haotian Castle, Noumenon Sect, and even Mingdetang and the royal families of the Four Empires will take action against us. The Holy Spirit Sect needs your presence at this time to better protect the Holy Son."

To be honest, when Ye Xishui said these words, Long Xiaoyao was a little moved and surprised. For more than a hundred years, she had hardly said the words "hard work" to herself. The two of them respected each other as guests and guarded each other silently. He knew She had fallen into the abyss and could not turn back, but she still stayed in the Holy Spirit Cult.

It was as if the innocent and considerate Ye Xishui from before was back again.

"Don't worry, Xishui. I've been here for hundreds of years. Now that boy has stayed, I will do my best. But don't think about that boy resting freely so soon. He hasn't agreed to be mine yet." Disciple, I must conquer him. Where is he?"

Long Xiaoyao said, this kid still wants to rest? I fought against two powerful men, Mu En and Xuanzi, and kept pulling and pulling without taking a break. You kid has never even fought, and your soul power is useless. You are just a little tired from being robbed here and there, and there is nothing else at all. Loss, just rest?

How could he know how much Su Qingfeng had lost these days!

"This kid must be in this room. I've searched both the outer room and the conference room."

Long Xiaoyao started walking around in the inner room, and soon found someone lying on the evil jade bed, and immediately walked over quickly.

"Qingfeng, Su Qingfeng, get up quickly and accept my apprenticeship ceremony. You haven't changed your name to teacher yet. You can't run away today. You have also seen that your teacher is not my opponent now. I am your mentor." ah!"

After Long Xiaoyao finished speaking, he said silently in his heart: Brother Mu, please forgive me. I really like this apprentice, so just give it to me!

"Long Xiaoyao, keep your voice down, I said, he needs to rest."

Long Xiaoyao's voice was loud, shaking the air, and Ye Xishui's face turned dark immediately.

"Dear disciple? Dear disciple, what's wrong with you? How could you become so weak? Who hurt you? How could this happen? Didn't Fengling protect you?"

Long Xiaoyao carefully checked Su Qingfeng's condition, and finally found that Su Qingfeng was very weak at this time, like an injured and curled up kitten.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoyao became angry. Although he had not changed his name to his teacher, he already regarded Su Qingfeng as his most beloved disciple!

Long Xiaoyao asked angrily in a low voice, Ye Xishui stopped talking, cough cough... That shouldn't be considered harm, right?

At most, you should restrain yourself from now on...

Men are still men, and they have more treasures to replenish their energy. Long Xiaoyao actually directly took out two top-notch nourishing flowers and plants of pseudo-immortal quality:


It is named because it can make people stronger and its shape resembles a blooming chrysanthemum.

Earthly spirit!

Great for men! It is said that even some people who have lost their fertility can regain their vitality after taking a small piece.

If it is taken by a normal person, the vitality will be like an angry dragon turning over a river, which is very scary!

In a state of weakness and confusion, Su Qingfeng saw Long Xiaoyao bringing out such a great tonic. He was so moved that he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

You little old man, no wonder you and Ye Xishui gave birth to my senior brother Yan Shaozhe at the same time!

At the same time, Su Qingfeng also had a headache. He really didn't want to make the relationship so complicated. What does it matter now?

My senior brother’s lover, my senior brother’s mother, and my teacher’s former lover all have some unclear relationship with me now? !

(End of this chapter)

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