Chapter 172 The Land of Dragon Death

"Based on the animal skins given by Aunt Zi, the divisions of the Star Dou Forest are similar to those of the Dou Yi period. They are divided into the edge zone, the outer circle, the mixed circle, and the core circle. The extra ones are the places of great danger."

"But I'm quite curious about where the Star Lake went ten thousand years ago. Did it become Aunt Brigitte's Emerald Lake, or was the water in the Star Lake drained and moved to Poseidon Lake, the current address of Shrek Academy? "

Su Qingfeng's figure shuttled through the depths of the Star Dou Forest, searching for information about the Star Dou Forest in his memory.

This Xinghu is the current controller of Haotian Castle and the hometown of Tang Wutong's two godfathers: Niu Tian and Tai Tai.

By the way, at this time, Tai Tan was standing on the vast hilltop of Haotian Castle and was being scolded by Niu Tian:

"What? Lost me? You can't even watch a teenager? You are a being that even a demigod can't do anything about! What are you doing?!"

Tai Tan looked honest and innocent: "Da Ming, you really don't blame me. That kid disappeared in a blink of an eye. He used the ability of space teleportation. I don't know if there are any strong people in the space system on this continent. There are none." Be on guard!"

"The power of the space system that even you can't stand? Then I'm afraid it must be at least level ninety-eight or even close to the ultimate space level, right?"

Niu Tian was thoughtful, and his letter had been sent back to the God Realm.

However, he didn't know when Tang Shenwang would see it.

Because the place where he sent the message was not the God Realm Council where important matters were handled in the God Realm, but Tang San's home in the God Realm.

It took a while for the message sent back by Niu Tian to reach the God Realm, and it took a while for the message to be discovered. After these two weeks, it was already several months after Douluo Continent. , or even a year or two ago.

The first person to see the letter was not Tang San, but Xiao Wu.

The God Realm is a place like a fairyland. In a warm bedroom, there is a girl sitting. Her long hair is combed into a scorpion braid and hangs in front of her body. Her beautiful face is fair and moving, especially her eyes. Smart.

Suddenly, the eyes moved. He stood up and pushed out the door. He looked up at the sky and saw a golden light hovering on the eaves.

Xiao Wu took it casually, with some surprise in her eyes:

"Is it the letter sent back by Daming and others, about Wutong? I don't know if this child has caused trouble in Douluo Continent. It's really worrying."

Xiao Wu opened it and read the message silently. The expression on her face gradually became subtle:

"Ah? Wutong is in love? Calculating, Wutong should be almost thirteen or fourteen years old, about the same age as my third brother and I were at that time."

"Su Qingfeng? Is that child's name Su Qingfeng? The name is quite cool, but if you want to be with Wutong, it's not easy. You must have extraordinary talents, excellent genes, and handsome appearance..."

"Da Ming actually thinks so highly of this Su Qingfeng? A handsome young man, independent in the world... Even Da Ming and Er Ming have learned to use poetry. It seems that I have to find time to see for myself how good this Su Qingfeng is. , Xiao Wutong is so obsessed with him."

After Xiao Wu read Niu Tian's letter, she didn't choose to tell Tang San immediately. She looked up at the star position where Douluo Star was located, and immediately went back to the house to pack up.

Speaking of which, she hasn't been back to Douluo Planet for a long time.


"This is the place where dragons died. It is said that this was once the place where the dragon tribe lived. However, when the number of dragon soul-devouring grass exploded, this place also became the place where these dragon species died."

"However, a large number of dragon species died, and eventually the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass that was the world lost its source of nutrition, and eventually became extinct in large numbers. I am afraid there are not many Dragon Soul-Eating Grass left here."

In Douluo Continent, Su Qingfeng stood on a cliff about a hundred meters high, looking at everything in front of him.

In front of it are vast expanse of gray-black land, which is recessed three to five meters into the ground. The soil is relatively hard, and you can see the bones covered in the soil, that is, the bones of the dragon!

"Star Master, be careful. This place is very strange. Even that guy Di Tian and I are reluctant to come here."

Su Qingfeng jumped into the air, and the Kongming Fairy Feather appeared. A pair of starry eyes scanned the surroundings and began to look for the target. In the sea of ​​spirit, Mr. Xiong reminded weakly.

His soul had been ravaged to the point of being bruised and swollen. Every time the Red King saw him in such miserable condition, he couldn't help but laugh:

Mr. Xiong, you are usually a rude person, but you didn’t expect that you would be beaten violently when you got here, right?

At the same time, the Red King was very happy in his heart. Fortunately, he would not take the initiative to provoke those people, otherwise he would be beaten.

They are worthy of being ranked among the top ferocious beasts and the mysterious Holy God of the Dead. Even Mr. Xiong was taught a lesson by them and did not dare to be arrogant anymore.

Mr. Xiong finally understands that, let alone the boss, in this sea of ​​​​spirits, he has not yet evolved the ultimate attribute, and he cannot even be the second or even the third child!

This is the power of evolution given to these ferocious beasts by Pole Star!

Stepping into the place where dragons died, Su Qingfeng's ears seemed to hear the mournful roar of dragons.

The dragon's roar seemed to be in great pain, and the dragon's roar was everywhere and very chaotic.

This kind of dragon roar invaded Su Qingfeng's ears and was enough to disturb his spirit. Many of these giant dragons were one hundred thousand years old when they were alive.

As far as Su Qingfeng knew, a long time ago, the Douluo Continent was actually ruled by the dragon clan. The god of the dragon clan was the Dragon God, who was the strongest in the God Realm. At that time, even gods at the god king level could not defeat it.

But later, for some reason, the gods of the God Realm united and destroyed the Dragon God. As a result, the divine beasts of the God Realm were also punished. The soul beasts had to face a catastrophe every hundred thousand years of cultivation, and the restriction of not being able to become a god was also Hence it comes.

As for the large-scale extinction of dragons on the Douluo Continent, Su Qingfeng suspected that it was probably the work of the gods at that time. Otherwise, how could something like the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass, the nemesis of the dragons, suddenly appear and suddenly grow on a large scale?

It's useless to think about it now. The top priority is that Su Qingfeng just wants to find the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass, even if it's just a seed.

"Star Master, although this place is indeed weird, it is not as scary as Mr. Xiong said. He is just alarmist. The reason why we don't want to come here is just because it involves a bad past with soul beasts."

The Red King spoke at this time.

"Star Lord, we have searched this place before. There should be no Soul-Eating Dragon Grass outside. If there is, then there is only one place where it may exist."


"The place where dragons died, Dragonfall Cave!"


"I smelled it. Guagua, I smelled the scent of a plant-based spirit beast that was pretty good in it. It's very fierce, but I don't know if it's strong or not!"

Following the guidance of the Red King, Su Qingfeng entered the depths of the Land of Dragon Death, in front of the Dragon Meteor Cave.

Su Qingfeng put his index and middle fingers together and recited a spell of necromancy: drive away the dragon!

This undead magic formed a dragon-repelling aura around Su Qingfeng, so that the resentment of the dead dragon souls could no longer invade his spirit.

Su Qingfeng took a deep breath and immediately stepped into it without hesitation:

The teacher guided me on the path of cultivation and gave me the highest Shrek status. His kindness was as great as a mountain.

Long Dan is angry, and he will help the teacher get rid of it!

(End of this chapter)

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