Chapter 174 Pink Snake, no!

"What a powerful force."

Su Qingfeng originally thought that it would be unbelievable that he could instantly kill the Soul Saint at over level 50. With the use of the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear King's right metacarpal bone, once the Sky-Tearing Claw was released, even the powerful Titled Douluo would retreat!

This sky-searing claw surprised both the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor. It was indeed one of the few beings in the continent who dared to challenge the beast god Emperor Tian, ​​and the attack power it brought to Su Qingfeng was very strong.

The power of just that Imperial Fist move is probably not much lower than the destructive power of the Snow Emperor's Imperial Sword.

The soul skills and power brought by Snow Emperor are destructive, while Lord Xiong is a domineering and destructive attack.

The difference is that a sword cuts off a person's head and kills him instantly, while a punch blows all the insides of a person to pieces and kills him instantly!

"Star Lord, that is the core of the dragon-eating stone monster. It has gathered tens of thousands of years of dragon-eating power to form a stone essence. Even a million dragon-eating stone monsters may not explode even one piece. If it cooperates with the dragon-eating stone monster, The soul grass is ground together into a pill, and the therapeutic effect on the dragon's violent energy is doubled!"

After hearing the reminder from the Red King, Su Qingfeng's eyes lit up, and a protective aura of the earth pushed aside the dust and surrounded the stone spirit and the young grass of the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass to prevent them from being destroyed by the collapsing rocks.

At this time, Su Qingfeng stepped over the dismembered body of the dragon-eating stone monster and walked to the target.

Guagua directly absorbed the stone essence block to the Earth Pole Star and stored it.

Immediately, Su Qingfeng turned his attention to the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass.

Dragon Soul-eating Grass is covered with sharp thorns, just like thorns, but it takes the shape of a dragon and even exudes the smell of a dragon. This allows them to attract those dragons and then kill them mercilessly. The tough poisonous weed vines will instantly Binding the enemy, the poisonous stings on it will directly pierce the hard dragon scales to inject paralyzing toxins, and suck the dragon's blood to strengthen itself.

This young Dragon Soul-Eating Grass seems to be a curled-up young dragon, hiding deep in the Dragon Meteor Cave.

It is already dying, its roots are white, its vines and leaves are yellow, and it is no more than a hundred years old. Next to it is its withered mother.

It is conceivable that the old Dragon-Eating Soul-Eating Grass probably used up the last bit of nutrients to bloom the grass buds, gave birth to this little Dragon-Eating Soul-Eating Grass, and let its old friend, the Dragon-Eating Stone Monster, guard it.

"Little guy, don't be afraid, brother will treat you well. Meeting the Star Lord is your misfortune, and it is also the luck of our Dragon Soul-Eating Grass clan. At least you will not be exterminated!"

Guagua directly uprooted the Dragon Soul Devouring Grass and planted it on the vast Earth Star.

Next, the task of cultivating the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass will be implemented by Guagua.

As soon as the roots of the Dragon-Eating Soul-Eating Grass were stationed on the Earth Star, its dying body revived at a speed visible to the naked eye. A stream of energy containing vitality poured into its body, which it absorbed with satisfaction.

But just when Su Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief after successfully obtaining the Dragon Soul-Eating Grass, the Snow Emperor frowned and quickly reminded:

"Star Lord, be careful!"

But the moment the Snow Emperor exited, the body of the dragon-eating stone monster that had been split apart by the Sky-Tearing Claw actually moved, locking all Su Qingfeng's hands and feet like a pair of giant pliers, arrogantly The force pushed him against the stone wall, unable to move.

Su Qingfeng reacted immediately. With his powerful strength and body, he was able to break free from the stone wall and tear off pieces of earth and rock.

Almost the entire person was covered closely by huge pieces of magic stone. The body was extremely bulky and it was very difficult to walk even a step.

The Red King slapped his thigh fiercely, "I'm careless. I haven't been in contact with these rare soul beasts for a long time. I forgot that even if they die, all parts of the body are aggressive and can pinch people to death. They are very special!"

"Damn you..." Ice Emperor couldn't help but curse.

Su Qingfeng's face also condensed, and the muscles on his body bulged. If you take off his clothes at this time, you will find that he is very toned.

But Su Qingfeng was soon shocked. The giant pincers bit his hands and feet tightly, and they were completely closed. Unless these magic stones were directly destroyed, he could not escape from the restraints.

But these are the body parts of the 80,000-year-old dragon-eating stone monster. It is difficult to destroy them in a free state, let alone in the current imprisoned state.

The Snow Emperor's soul appeared in front of him, and a small sword made of snowflakes slashed at the magic stone pincers bound to Su Qingfeng's right hand. This was the right metacarpal bone of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear King. As long as Su Qingfeng's right hand was freed, That will make it much easier to get out.

But unexpectedly, a faint light appeared on the magic stone, which could actually absorb the power of the dragon soul from the Dragon Meteor Cave. Those wailing ancient dragon species emitted a fear from the depths of their bloodline, shrouding them. The magic stone pliers seemed to be engraved with various seals, making the already extremely strong magic stone pliers even more domineering and hard.

Snow Emperor's sword only left a shallow sword mark on the stone tongs!

The Ice Emperor did not believe in evil, and she still retained more than half of her cultivation power. At this moment, she condensed her figure, and a huge ice claw covered with diamond-like particles appeared, aiming at Su Qingfeng's right hand.

The Red King was startled: "Yaoshou! Ice Emperor, do you want to stab the Star Master to death too?"

The Ice Emperor was stunned for a moment, "What should we do? It is difficult to destroy it without such a strong force." "Let me try, destroy it from the inside and burn it with extreme fire."

As the Red King spoke, Su Qingfeng's body emitted extreme flames. Soon, the entire Longyun Cave became extremely hot, the soil turned red, and all the surrounding plants were burned to death without exception!

The magic stone covering Su Qingfeng's body was also burned until it turned red, and wisps of white mist emerged, slowly steaming up...

If Su Qingfeng hadn't been equipped with the ultimate ice attribute and the ultimate fire attribute body protection, he might have been cooked.

"Quick, Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, take action!"

After the magic stone holding Su Qingfeng expanded a bit, the Red King said to Snow Emperor and the others.

Mr. Xiong volunteered: "Haven't they already tried it? If they can't do it, I'll do it!"

Chi Wang glanced at him: "Grow some brains. You still have a lot to learn from Star Lord. This is a method I learned from Star Lord's elemental evaporation theory. It expands with heat and contracts with cold, which can destroy stones. Structure."

Sure enough, the same sword that could only create a sword mark before now directly split the magic stone pliers on Su Qingfeng's right hand!

But at this moment, outside the ruins of Longyun Cave, a giant python opened its eyes in the dust, and the pink snake letter revealed. The huge body was a hundred meters long, and the diameter of the trunk was as high as five or six meters. It is crimson, and purple cloud-shaped objects appear on the scales:

"Who? Who tore my snake cave apart? Human breath?"

This voice is a charming female voice, with a psychedelic feeling.

The huge crimson snake body was afraid of smelling the smell, and surrounded the collapsed Demon Dragon Cave area. Its scarlet pupils looked into the cave:

"Having been asleep for tens of thousands of years, I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, hiss~"

Su Qingfeng had just freed one hand, looked up, and saw a huge snake head through the light through the cracks in the stone, looking at him greedily.

"Star Lord, be careful, this is a hundred thousand grade dragon soul beast, the Crimson Purple Cloud Python!"

"It seems that although this land of dragons has been baptized by the dragon nemesis, there are still many dragon soul beasts left behind."

"However, as long as it's not a strange soul beast like a dragon-eating stone monster, we have nothing to fear from a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast. I'll kill it."

The Ice Emperor said lightly, his figure emerged again, and the powerful pressure pressed towards the crimson purple cloud python, making the crimson python tremble:

"Super Soul Beast? As a Super Soul Beast, how could you bend over to a human? It's really a disgrace to a Super Soul Beast."

The crimson purple cloud python was surprised for a moment when he saw the Ice Emperor's soul emerging, and then his tone was a bit contemptuous.

Ice Emperor said coldly: "What do you know? If you know the truth, get out of here. You can't afford to offend him."

"Being a slave to a soul master? Humiliation!"

The body of the crimson purple cloud python moves slowly. Although its cultivation level is not comparable to that of the Ice Emperor, the Ice Emperor only has a soul, and what it is best at is the ability to have mental psychedelics.

"Soul masters gain strength by killing our compatriots. As a super soul beast, it doesn't matter that you are not hostile to humans, but you are still willing to serve humans without any resistance. This python is ashamed of you!"


The crimson flames spread rapidly, creating a pink mist covering an area of ​​several miles in just ten seconds.

These fogs can not only obscure vision, but also have the ability to induce mental hallucinations and even induce sexual arousal.

Su Qingfeng, wearing a magic stone, stumbled up to the top of the Demonic Fall Cave. He was not afraid at all when facing the hundred thousand year old soul beast:

"Crimson Python, it's still too late for you to leave now. I made an agreement with the Beast God and I don't want to kill soul beasts indiscriminately."

Most of Su Qingfeng's body is hidden in the stone. Although it limits his speed, it also becomes a set of extremely powerful defensive armor for him.

Even if the crimson purple cloud python swallowed him, given the quality of the magic stone, it probably wouldn't be able to digest it at all and would directly turn into snake stone.

"Arrogant, are you worthy of knowing the Beast God?"

The crimson purple cloud python roared and attacked Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng shook his head, and with a bang, the Pole Star Martial Spirit was revealed, surprising the Crimson Purple Cloud Python.

Several ferocious beasts appeared above, each of which could use the power of a polar star, and joined forces to surround the Purple Cloud Python. The terrifying pressure came, and the Crimson Purple Cloud Python was stunned.

Without hesitation, the body of the crimson purple cloud python quickly shrank and turned into a small pink snake. It fell from the air into Su Qingfeng's hands, and its lubricated snake mouth grew:

"Master, I know I'm wrong. I can't see the mountains. I didn't know that the master has such a talent and can control so many ferocious beasts. It's my fault for being abrupt."

"From now on, Xiaofei is willing to be the master's pet and serve the master. Master, our crimson purple cloud python has no teeth~"

(End of this chapter)

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