Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 181 Zhang Lexuan leads the team into the Star Forest

Chapter 181 Zhang Lexuan leads the team into the Star Forest

"Level fifty-nine."

More than half a month later, Su Qingfeng had a breakthrough.

The soul power level has reached level 59, and the fifth attribute is only one step away from being perfect.

On the peak of the stream, Ditian sighed:

"This boy is really good. He only has a face that looks like a disaster in the world. He also possesses such an unparalleled martial spirit. If it weren't for the fact that this beast god still has responsibilities, he would want to occupy a place. It's a star. "

"However... I have been observing the beast god for so long, but I have never seen anyone around him that can promote cultivation to that extent. It is not even as good as the auspicious beasts."

"Is it because the way this beast god opened it is wrong?"

"How to open it?"

Di Tian was thoughtful.

If Su Qingfeng knew that Di Tian was observing him, he would be scared to death:

Just come if you're a female. You're a majestic beast god and you're still a male, so don't come!

Su Qingfeng: Even forced to enter the hole, but I don't want to be opened in the back hall!


Shrek Academy, Poseidon Island.

Poseidon Lake is still so blue, and the lake breeze is gentle. Occasionally, white swans swim across the lake, and herrings leap out of the lake, causing little bits of lake water to form a natural and beautiful scene in the sun.

However, on Poseidon Island, everyone's minds are burdened by something. The Poseidon Pavilion, which used to be so bright, now seems to be covered by dark clouds.

Yan Shaozhe stood in a lakeside pavilion on Haixian Island, looking at the calm Haixian Lake didn't know what he was thinking.

If I remember correctly, this small pavilion was the same pavilion where Wu Tong waited for his junior brother to return. Not far away, it was also the place where his junior brother met him and Xiao Tao for the first time. It was full of memories.

But now, everything has changed.

Looking up close, his face looked slightly tired, and even his hair was a bit gray.

Su Qingfeng has experienced a lot in the past two years.

He has also experienced a lot.

Especially the devil's forest, although everyone did not say, he had a faint understanding in his heart. The child in the mouth of Ye Xishui, teacher, and Long Xiaoyao was likely to be himself ... or his father!

Based on your age, it is more likely that the child is your father.

Especially the Bright Phoenix Spirit that Ye Xishui later displayed confirmed this point.

It seemed that even the junior brother knew about this. At that time, he noticed the way Su Qingfeng looked at him. There was pity in his eyes...and protection. It was very complicated. He should know something.

Also, it seems that the Holy Spirit Cult trains their junior brother as their future heir. Ye Xishui also regards his junior brother as very important and is willing to give up her life to keep him. She is willing to tell her junior brother these secret things. , which is also normal.

He is a descendant of the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect, and is also the dean of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy. He is also a disciple of the master of the Poseidon Pavilion. How can he not worry when he encounters such a complicated situation?

"If the younger brother is still there, it will be fine. Even if the situation is more complicated, everyone in the college will not panic, because everyone will know that if he is there, there will be a future."

Yan Shaozhe murmured.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan flew back from outside Poseidon Lake. She had just led a team to search from the far north but found nothing, so she returned to resume her life.

"Dean Yan, we have been stationed in the far north for half a month, but there is no trace of the Holy Son. Chen Zifeng and Xixi are staying behind."

"Is there any news from Xiao Tao?"

Zhang Lexuan asked. Yan Shaozhe's eyes condensed: "No, Fan Yu took Xiaotao and Ling Luoyu to the Star Dou Great Forest Hunting Seventh Soul Ring, it has been more than a month without news."

"More than a month? With Fan Yu's help, it shouldn't take that long. Besides, the seventh soul ring does not need to consider awakening soul skills, only the age issue. How come they haven't come back for more than a month? Nothing will happen to them. Alright?"

Zhang Lexuan frowned and said, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Yan Shaozhe also said in a deep voice: "We cannot rule out this possibility. The whereabouts of our junior brother are unknown now, and the teacher's situation is not optimistic. Xiaotao and the others cannot let anything happen to them again."

"Let's see, Le Xuan. Recently, the academy has devoted all its resources to cultivating disciples. There are core disciples in the outer academy who don't have any tasks at hand. You just pick a few of them to go to the Star Dou Forest to take on two tasks, and look for Xiao Tao by the way. It would be best if they could discover the whereabouts of Qingfeng..."

Yan Shaozhe made a decision.

Zhang Lexuan nodded, cupped her hands and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."


Two hours later, Zhang Lexuan found several core disciples from the outer courtyard and formed a temporary team.

Nowadays, Shrek Academy is in an emergency period. There are no longer enough disciples in the inner courtyard. The Shrek Seven Monsters reserve team originally selected from the core disciples of the outer courtyard has defaulted to the new Shrek Seven Devils team.

The team members are: Beibei, Huo Yuhao, Xiao Xiao, Jiang Nannan, Ning Tian, ​​He Caitou, and Tang Ya.

Among them, Tang Wutong, the original member, has returned to Haotian Castle because of Su Qingfeng's disappearance. While practicing, he also led the people of Haotian Castle to search for Su Qingfeng's whereabouts, and also pestered Niu Tianhe. Titans, let them help.

Needless to say, Qiu'er, of course, had already devoted herself to practicing in the land of great evil. After practicing, she went to the foot of the stream peak to find her Star Lord brother and have a good time for two days.

As Qiu'er's level increases, the life of the soul ring of Su Qingfeng's fourth pole star, the Bright Pole Star, is also slowly increasing.

Now, the Fourth Pole Star has the lowest age and has not yet reached 100,000 years, while the other four stars have now evolved into 100,000-year soul rings.

Qiu'er also knows shame! I don’t want to fall too far behind and be held back by being the last one!

Finally, Tang Ya was added.

Tang Ya is a poor person. Her own talent is not outstanding. She also has a blood feud and insulted the evil soul master. Now she has been rescued and finally regained her consciousness. Recalling the time when she was possessed by the devil, her spirit was very depressed. She has been He recuperated in the inner academy and finally regained his consciousness.

However, the [Darkness] and [Devouring] attributes contained in the martial soul are difficult to eradicate.

The old man in the college only temporarily helped her suppress her evil attributes.

Coupled with the special situation now, she is temporarily listed as a training object.

But no matter how vicious the martial spirit is, once Tang Ya becomes possessed again, everything will be hard to predict.

The main reason that Tang Ya never forgets and doesn't want to lose her sanity is actually the sight of Ten Thousand Years in the Demonic Forest.

Su Qingfeng's figure was engraved deep in her mind even when she was possessed.

That peerless figure and world-class appearance almost drove away the evil in his heart at that moment.

If the Holy Son returns, she will never become a demon, or rather, she becomes a devil only for the Holy Son.

After returning to the academy, she learned from Huo Yuhao and the others that it turned out that the Universal Holy Son was the specially selected student who went to study in the outer academy...

"Huo Yuhao, Xiao Xiao, Tang Ya, and ... Beibei, and Mandarin Zhou Yi, five, and five, go to the Star Dou Great Forest with me."

Zhang Lexuan selected four disciples and a teacher and headed to the Star Forest!

(End of this chapter)

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