Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 183 Zhang Lexuan fights to the death, and the Star Master appears

Chapter 183 Zhang Lexuan fights to the death, and the Star Master appears

"Teacher Zhou Yi, be careful. Go deep into the mixed circle and around the core area. The soul beasts will become very powerful. Their general age is more than 30,000 years. If anything goes wrong, retreat immediately."

Two beautiful figures were running fast in the depths of the mixing circle. One figure was wearing a white robe and had a beautiful and cold appearance. The other figure was wearing light red and had silver-white hair but a very beautiful appearance.

Although Zhou Yi is a teacher in the college, this operation was also based on Zhang Lexuan's orders.

The reason is very simple. Zhou Yi is only a teacher in the outer academy, and his level is only at the Soul Emperor realm, while Zhang Lexuan is the chief disciple of the inner academy. At only twenty-six years old, her strength has already reached the level of Eight Ring Soul Douluo!

Zhou Yi also nodded solemnly: "I know in my heart that although these ten thousand year soul beasts are powerful, they are still beasts without much wisdom. If they can't be beaten, there is no problem in running away."

At this moment, Zhou Yi has lost her pretense of crane appearance, and her real appearance is actually quite good-looking. She is a beauty second only to Tang Wutong and Jiang Nannan.


An hour later, the junction of the mixing circle and the core area.

"Lexuan, run! Leave me alone!"

A giant net woven by poison ivy spread out between several big trees. Zhou Yi's clothes were in tatters, her skin was bruised and purple, and her lips had turned black. She had been deeply poisoned. She shouted to Zhang Lexuan .

Zhang Lexuan's condition was not optimistic either. Her lips turned purple and eight soul rings appeared under her feet. Even with all her strength, she could not save Zhou Yi.

They arrived here half an hour ago and were blocked by a large number of movable poison ivy.

These poison ivy seemed to have their own intelligence, locking onto their position and launching an attack on them.

At first, they thought it was just ordinary poison ivy.

Zhang Lexuan opened two holes with several moon slashes.

But I didn't expect that those poisonous ivy would continue to grow and grow, and they would be cut down and destroyed endlessly.

Not only were their soul powers slowly depleted, these poison ivy actually filled the air with poison, paralyzing their bodies.

Zhou Yi, whose strength was only at the Soul Emperor level, was the first to be unable to hold on. He was restrained by the poison ivy and began to lose his vitality.

Zhang Lexuan also fell into a hard fight.

Seeing Zhou Yi suffering right in front of her eyes, but unable to save her, Zhang Lexuan thought of the painful things in the past again.

Their team encountered an attack from a hundred thousand year old soul beast in the Star Forest, and many team members died in the end!

This time, it was the turn of the teachers from the outer courtyard!

"Teacher Zhou Yi, I will not abandon my team members and run away alone. There is no such thing in the academy's dogma!"

At this moment, a brilliant soul bone appeared on Zhang Lexuan's body, and she exuded a powerful aura.

The soul ring at his feet turned out to be one hundred thousand years old.

One hundred thousand year soul bone, one hundred thousand year soul ring!

The blessing of these two makes her at the level of the Eight-ring Soul Douluo, comparable to ordinary strong men who have just broken through to the Title Douluo!

Many years ago, Elder Xuan led twelve inner courtyard disciples into the Star Dou Forest to perform a mission. In an accident, Elder Xuan and the twelve disciples got separated, and the twelve disciples fought to the death with a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

Eight of those twelve people died in the battle. The four who survived in the end were already the top beings in the inner courtyard. One of them even obtained the soul ring and soul of the hundred thousand year old soul beast. Gu, that person is the senior sister of the inner courtyard—Zhang Lexuan!

As soon as the hundred thousand year soul ring came out, Zhang Lexuan looked like the moon god came to the world, exuding a faint radiance of the bright moon.

Multiple rays of terrifying moonlight appeared in front of them and shot through the air, cutting off all the poison ivy on the path. Almost all the poison ivy that bound Zhou Yi's body was cut off, and her body fell from the air. .

Zhang Lexuan's white figure flashed past and caught Zhou Yi. Even if the poison ivy pierced her body, she didn't care and flew quickly to the outside. Putting Zhou Yi in a safe place, he took out a healing medicine from the storage soul guide and put it into Zhou Yi's body:

"Teacher Zhou Yi, I'm going to hold it back. You run away quickly, go find Huo Yuhao and the others, and go back to the academy. We're too overextended this time, and we shouldn't take the risk of tracking the hidden mark to the core area."

After saying that, Zhang Lexuan turned back and prepared to go up and fight Poison Ivy again.

But Zhou Yi grabbed her and said weakly:

"Le Xuan, I am seriously injured. Even if I reluctantly leave, I will inevitably encounter other ten thousand-year soul beasts along the way, and my life will be difficult to save. Moreover, I am only a soul emperor. I have reached my age, and my life's height has basically been determined.

But you are different. You are a rare genius in the academy. You are already a Contra in your twenties. You will definitely become a Super Douluo in the future and be the pillar of the academy.

It’s okay if the college doesn’t have me. Without You, it would be a huge loss, especially since the Holy Son is still missing. "

Zhou Yi said.

Zhang Lexuan put aside Zhou Yi's hand and said firmly:

"Don't worry, I have the means to protect myself. Last time I saw my team members die in front of me. This time, I will never allow this to happen. This time, I can only stay."

Turning around, Zhang Lexuan rushed forward without hesitation. Since the last hundred thousand year soul beast incident, she has not only practiced diligently, but also had the courage to fight soul beasts and actively consulted various soul beast information.

The person blocking them this time should be a 100,000-year-old - Thousand-Handed Demonic Vine King!

It is the top bloodline soul beast in the plant system.

According to records, somewhere in the core area, there is indeed a 100,000-year-old Thousand-Armed Demon Vine King that moves without a trace. Any soul master who enters its realm will be torn apart, as if it is guarding something. .

Zhang Lexuan is not sure of killing the Thousand-Handed Demon Vine King. It is not impossible for her to hold back the Thousand-Handed Demon Vine without her own life!

Zhang Lexuan's eyes glowed with red light, and all the blood in her body burned.

With one strike from the Moon God, all the trees within a hundred meters fell down!


A quarter of an hour later.

In the forest, ruins with a diameter of three kilometers were formed. Hundreds of ancient trees collapsed in the ruins. Poison ivy was everywhere, and a beautiful white figure fell in the center of the poison ivy.

"Human, given your level, it is commendable to push me to this level. It's a pity that you shouldn't be here. Any human who tries to enter the restricted area will die!"

Just when the vine tip of the Thousand-Handed Demonic Vine King was about to fall from the sky and penetrate Zhang Lexuan's body.

A sharp golden claw flew over and cut off the poisonous ivy of the Thousand-Handed Demon Ivy King.

The Thousand-Handed Demonic Vine King felt the aura on the young man's body, and felt a hint of fear in his heart.

"Bold, do you still want to take action against Star Master?!"

"Is it the Star Lord?!"

As the majestic voice of the Red King came, the Thousand-Handed Demonic Vine King was shocked. Is this the human boy who has the right to pass unimpeded in the dangerous place and the core area that the King of Ten Thousand Demons has ordered? !

Su Qingfeng's figure slowly descended, looking at Zhang Lexuan's severely injured body and the Shrek Academy emblem on her clothes, she frowned:

"It's a disciple of the inner courtyard, Yue Wuhun... could it be the rumored senior sister? What are you doing in the core area? Sister Xiaotao and Sister Luochen haven't asked the students to evacuate yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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