Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 192 The young man fell into the sinkhole and suddenly heard about the people from his hometo

Chapter 192 The young man fell into the sinkhole and suddenly heard about the people from his hometown

"Is this 'Lord' that they call really that terrifying? Even the Beast God Emperor Tian has to obey the orders of that Lord? Is it impossible to compete with him despite hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation?"

While fleeing from Xifeng, in Su Qingfeng's spiritual sea, Guagua and the others began to communicate about this 'Lord'.

The Ice Emperor expressed doubts about the existence of this Lord:

"What kind of beast god? He is so spineless. He has such a high level of cultivation, but he is still so afraid of other existences. Even if this 'Lord' is a soul beast that is more than 900,000 years old, so what? Even if it is 990,000 years old, Even a young soul beast may not be really strong."

After the Ice Emperor said these words, in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, Tianmeng Iceworm sneezed twice:


"Who is scolding me? Now that I am a soul, how can I still sneeze? It's really strange."


The Red King, the Bear Lord, and the Ten Thousand Demon King all smiled contemptuously at Guagua and Ice Emperor's questions.

Mr. Xiong said calmly: "Xiao Bing Scorpion, are you too ignorant? How can you know the existence of the Lord at will? That is our secret."

"Dead bear, are you not enough by my ice cheek?"

The Ice Emperor gave Mr. Xiong a cold look, with his white tail and green crochet hook sticking out from behind his butt.

Mr. Xiong recalled the scene when he was beaten by them together when he first entered Pole Star. This ice claw was really incredible. It could actually break through his defense and pierce into his body. Not only was the pain unbearable, but he was also paralyzed. Effect. He immediately snorted and stopped talking.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons said calmly: "We can't say much about the Lord. However, one thing is certain. The Lord is so noble and powerful that no one can compare with him, and no beast can compare with him."

There was something strange in Snow Emperor's eyes, Ice Emperor and Guagua still pursed their lips, Youxiang Qiluo muttered on the Earth Pole Star:

"It's so powerful. Could it be that he is as powerful as God? How is that possible?"

Su Qingfeng said: "It's terrible, it's terrible!"

How do you think she is?

That is the most powerful single being in the God Realm - the Dragon God splits up!

He is in charge of one of the two most powerful godheads of the Dragon God, the Creation Godhead, and controls a variety of elemental powers!

The strongest king of soul beasts in history, the first queen of the soul beast world!

Known as: Silver Dragon King!

Su Qingfeng quickly left the dangerous place and reached the edge of the core area.

This is a barren rocky mountain range. There are many boulders piled on the mountain range, and the vegetation is not dense.

By coincidence, the soul power in Su Qingfeng's body suddenly surged, and his expression changed:

"It seems that he is about to break through the sixty-eighth level of soul power."

Su Qingfeng looked around and found a hidden and safe place to break through as soon as possible.


"Jiejie, big brother, we left our post without authorization, will the Spirit King punish us if he finds out?"

"It's okay. We are deep in the forest here. There are thousands of soul beasts outside. How can anyone break in? What's more, the sinkhole is so hidden. We will leave for a while. How could we be discovered and rescued by such a coincidence? ?Will not."

"Go and catch this spirit fox first. It looks like it is almost ten thousand years old. I like to eat spirit foxes the most. I will leave the best position to the Spirit King when the time comes. He will also be happy and won't punish us. "

Two high-level ten thousand year soul beasts sent by the demon spirits to guard the sinkhole were tracking a rare ten thousand year old spirit fox outside the Barren Rock Mountains.

Su Qingfeng pushed aside the surrounding trees and vines, looking for a shelter and a cave among the mountains.

Unexpectedly, he missed the step and fell down a step.

Looking down, I saw that it didn't fall to the ground. There was a black light under my feet. I didn't know what was underneath.

"Is it a taboo? Which powerful person left the inheritance? The location is quite good."

Su Qingfeng took a look at the environment. Although the terrain of this place was relatively high, there were other mountains blocking it.

[Dead Spirit Sacred Dharma, Dead Magic: Undead cone! ] Su Qingfeng's eyes had turned black, and the fingertips condensed a dark black awl, stabbing the ground.

This method borrowed the undead power of He Yilao contained in the Holy Spirit Sect's main altar, and actually caused the taboo town created by Di Tian to flicker for a moment.

Su Qingfeng's feet were in the air and he almost lost his balance. When he came back to his senses, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Dozens of eyes met, and the atmosphere in the sinkhole became complicated in an instant.

Su Qingfeng looked around and saw dozens of embarrassed figures in the breakthrough place he was looking for.

Occupying the east side of the sinkhole are Su Qingfeng's acquaintances, including Fan Yu, Zhang Lexuan, Ma Xiaotao, Huo Yuhao, Xiao Xiao, Tang Ya, Beibei, Zhou Yi...

The people occupying the west side of the Tiankeng, whom Su Qingfeng had also met once, were the geniuses of the Noumenon Sect, including Long Aotian, Wei Na, Mu Xue, Wang Yanfeng...

On the north side, there were actually some geniuses from the Sun and Moon Empire, including Meng Hongchen and Xiao Hongchen.

On the south side, which is relatively humid and closer to Shrek's people, Princess Jiujiu and others have sad faces.

These people were all captured by the demon spirits under the command of Emperor Tian. There were so many of them, and most of them were of high status and extremely talented!

However, it is also reasonable. How can the identity of a soul master who can enter the mixed circle and core area differ? How weak can it be?

When Su Qingfeng's figure fell from the sky, the people in the sinkhole became nervous instantly.

Their life during this time was really hard!

In the sinkhole, there is no daylight, food is scarce, and there is no water source to bathe. As the number of people increases day by day, the space for movement is gradually narrowed. I can't believe that they have lived here for more than two hundred days!

Damn Ditian, damn the demon spirit!

Everyone's condition was not very good, some with low cultivation levels were already unkempt, dirty, and even exuded a sour smell, and some were about to collapse mentally.

Seeing someone falling from the sky, some people thought they had caught another one and shook their heads:

"Poor, poor boy, I don't know the seriousness of the matter at this time. When can we leave here? When will these days end?"

"I really want to take a bath!"

There were also people who looked familiar to Su Qingfeng and were confused and dismissive:

"Why does this person look familiar? Where have I seen this outfit before?"

"Wearing a mask, isn't the current representative idol on the mainland the male god of the stars, Su Qingfeng?"

"This guy must be one of Su Qingfeng's imitators."

"Haha, you fool, do you think that if you wear a mask like Mr. Qingfeng, you will be handsome? A bunch of ordinary people can't even compare to a hair of my husband, Qingfeng."

Su Qingfeng was shocked!

Falling directly next to Ma Xiaotao and the others:

"Teacher Fanyu, Sister Xiaotao, Sister Luochen, didn't you go back to the academy? Why are you here?"

"And you, Yuhao, Xiao Xiao...why are you here too? Are you still in such a mess?"

"Brother Qingfeng?"

"Are you Brother Qingfeng?"

"Little uncle! Woohoo!"

When the strong Ma Xiaotao saw that Su Qingfeng was coming, she immediately took off her disguise and threw herself into Su Qingfeng's arms.

"Holy Son, why are you here too?"

"Did those soul beasts attack you too? These damn beasts look like they had a premeditated plan."

Zhou Yi and Fan Yu both sighed, extremely angry.

"Soul Beast?" Su Qingfeng's eyes jumped.

"Yes, it is said that there are still some very powerful soul beasts. We thought it was some mysterious strong man. Later, when we saw more and more people being arrested, we found out that it was the soul beasts who were responsible. I am afraid it must have been a hundred thousand We have no room to fight back against powerful soul beasts that are over 10 years old."

Suddenly, Su Qingfeng was shocked and somewhat understood.

Ditian? !

(End of this chapter)

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