Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 194: The appearance of the shocking silver dragon is revealed

Chapter 194: The appearance of the shocking silver dragon is revealed

"You, are you Su Qingfeng?"

"Are you the master of soul beasts?"

"Are you ready to die?"

"You, how did you find me?"

On the top of the sinkhole, Su Qingfeng looked up at the peerless silver figure. As he moved up and down, the position of the two of them had already been established.

The silver girl's crystal-white hand reached out to Su Qingfeng. From Su Qingfeng's seven-star ring, a piece of purple-black scales floated out, went to her hand, and said lightly:

"Any dragon aura recognized by me cannot escape the locked fate."

Su Qingfeng's eyes narrowed and he thought it was over. Unexpectedly, the life-saving signal device Zi Ji gave him had become a life-saving talisman!


Seeing that Su Qingfeng was tense and looked a little scared, the silver dragon girl showed a disdainful and cold expression, crossed her hands above her head, and the silver dragon and phoenix were flying behind her:

"What kind of human being did you think you were that made those guys value you so much? Now it seems that you are just a coward. It's really disappointing."

The silver dragon girl looked at everyone indifferently. She didn't value human life, and even had some hatred:

"You are unlucky. Now that we have met, let them all disappear."

Su Qingfeng was shocked, this bitch actually planned to kill everyone!

Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Xiao Xiao, and Huo Yuhao behind him will all be instantly killed by the Silver Dragon King!

Whether it is Soul Douluo or Soul Emperor, they are all vulnerable in front of the Silver Dragon King, and they are all trampled to death like ants!

However, if some perverts were present and saw the perfect pair of silver bare feet and stunning face of the Silver Dragon Girl, they would probably have a mean look on their faces: I am willing to trample my sister to death, oh~~~

"and many more!"

At the moment before the Silver Dragon King took action, Su Qingfeng spoke very decisively. No matter what, he could not let those who had not made big mistakes and the brothers and sisters of the academy be buried with him!

They have paid enough for themselves.

"You came out this time just to kill me. It's all my fault. If you want to kill me, just kill me. What do you have to do with them? Just let them go."

Su Qingfeng stood in front of everyone. Although the figure looked impressive, it was not stunning.

But when everyone under the sinkhole combined that young figure with the world-beating figure from the Soul Master Competition, they were completely amazed, and immediately captured the hearts of the girls.

When Ma Xiaotao saw that the silver girl came with bad intentions and Su Qingfeng died generously, she immediately refused.

Stepping out of the flames, the Phoenix Spirit manifested, the center of his eyebrows reflected the Phoenix fire, and his eyes were half decisive and tender: "Little Master Uncle, in times of crisis, I, Ma Xiaotao, will never leave you for half a step, even if I die. Let’s die together!”

Xuanbing was flying in the snow, the snow was heavy on the plum branches, and the hair was dyed three thousand whites. Ling Luochen also took a step forward and hummed: "I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will never be separated! I will be worried about you, my enemy, and I will live and die with you. !”

Xiao Xiao's little face bulged, she didn't expect that this beautiful Leng Ao sister would actually come to kill the Holy Son!

Su Qingfeng felt warm, and her condition and strength had improved by more than 30%.

It turns out that it was Xiao Xiao who played the Nine Phoenixes to Yi Xiao, and the music he played was not an ordinary thing, but a song of the divine Xiao: Nine Phoenixes Seeking the Dragon!

The song reappeared, and the entire tiankeng was filled with nine-headed colorful phoenixes, which was very beautiful.

"When I was in the academy, my teacher taught me that I am the mainstay of the academy in the future and will also be the strongest guardian of Brother Qingfeng. I will not abandon Brother Qingfeng and run away! Even if my strength is low, I can hold her back for a second with my strong body. , and can also give Brother Qingfeng a chance!"

Huo Yuhao also stamped his feet, and his aura emerged!

Fan Yu, Zhou Yi, and Zhang Lexuan are not afraid. Su Qingfeng is Shrek's holy son, and they will fight to protect him!

"Everyone who has listened to my class, no matter whether they listen well or not, they are all my students. How can a teacher abandon his own students and leave, let alone a person with an incomparable appearance!"

Zhou Yi walked forward step by step, her real appearance was also strangely beautiful, her whole body was rounded:

Zhang Lexuan directly released her martial spirit, and the moonlight appeared:

What was even more surprising was that Meng Hongchen, Jiujiu, Muxue, and Wei Na did not intend to escape, but stood behind Su Qingfeng.

This cohesion is really terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the Silver Dragon King was already shocked.

She actually stopped, but she only stopped the blow that would kill Su Qingfeng!

Next, she made a casual move, and a huge transparent roulette wheel appeared in space, which suddenly pressed down toward the sinkhole, making it difficult for everyone to breathe!

The Silver Dragon King looked at everyone with a moved expression on his face.

In her eyes, there are very few human beings who value love and justice. They are willing to give up their lives for one person. What a great friendship this must have, and how charming he is?

What's more, so many people are willing to die for Su Qingfeng at the same time.

"Stupid, even if you all unite, you can't withstand my blow."

"Now, I will give you a chance. Whoever is willing to stab him with this knife, I will let him go."

The Silver Dragon King condensed a pure white knife, suspended it a few meters above everyone's heads, and said lightly.

But they didn’t buy it!

"In your dream, if you ask me to swing a knife at my junior uncle, I would rather die!"

"Cold, pitiful, heartless woman, you never know how deep our feelings are for the Holy Son."

Ling Luochen and Ma Xiaotao gasped. Under such circumstances, they dared to show angry expressions to the Silver Dragon King. How brave is this?

But the power of the Silver Dragon King is too strong and cannot be resisted by these people.

Finally, someone couldn't hold on any longer. They were members of the Blood Demon Sect, Long Aotian, Wang Yanfeng and others.

This Long Aotian is not an ordinary person. He is the strongest of the younger generation of Noumenon Sect, and he is also the young sect leader. His strength is as high as the Seventh Ring Soul Saint. In terms of talent, he is probably not inferior to Ma Xiaotao. "Senior! I am willing to hold the sword!"

Wang Yanfeng's palms flashed with light and he said, "I wish too!"

Seeing that the two people in the sect had betrayed everyone, Wei Na and Mu Xue knelt on the ground despite the strong pressure, and still shouted excitedly:

"Brother Aotian! Wang Yanfeng! How can you do this? That's Su Qingfeng, how can you swing a knife at him? Even if you go back alive, you will face criticism from the world! Swear!"

The pressure on Long Aotian and Wang Yanfeng completely disappeared at this time, they regained their freedom, and hummed:

"Na'er, I have never seen this Su Qingfeng. Although everyone is spreading his myth, I don't believe in this evil."

"What's more, no matter how good he is, he is still Shrek's person, not ours. He is our competitor. Why should we lose our lives for him?"

"Na'er, from now on, you will understand the correctness of my choice, and so will you, Muxue."

Long Aotian said, seven soul rings appeared on his body, he took the white knife without hesitation, and with Wei Na's words "Don't call me Na'er in the future!", he attacked Su Qingfeng.

However, at this moment, Su Qingfeng had already mobilized all his power, and all the ferocious beasts in the spiritual sea were ready.

Although Wang Yanfeng and Long Aotian are six-ring soul emperors and the other is seven-ring soul saints, they are also original martial souls.

But the moment they approached Su Qingfeng, they were injured by the terrifying ultimate element. Then the soul ring on Su Qingfeng's body appeared, and a dark gold fear claw directly tore them into disabled people.

Both of them were covered in blood, and they were both torn from their faces to their lower bodies by two blood marks, which were very hideous.

I saw six soul rings emerging from Su Qingfeng's body, only one of which was deep black, and the other five were colors that even they could not recognize!

Not any of the white, yellow, purple, black and red colors, but a hint of gold! Exuding a very terrifying dignity!

It was so terrifying that the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor actually killed Long Aotian, the Seventh Ring Noumenon Sect genius, with one move!

"Bold! Do I allow you to resist?"

The Silver Dragon King had a sullen look on his face, and the space around Su Qingfeng was instantly blocked.

Yes, the powerful power of space transfer that Qiu'er used back then was definitely the work of the Silver Dragon King.

"My lord, please wait a moment!"

"Lord, do you really want to kill our Star Lord?"

"We will also die in that case. Please forgive me, Lord!"

Above the Pole Star, the Red King, the Bear King, and the Ten Thousand Demon King begged for mercy one after another.

The Silver Dragon King snorted coldly: "What if you three traitors are wiped out?"

Suddenly, the Red King, the Xiong Lord, and the Ten Thousand Demon King looked embarrassed, and they could only say weakly:

"We are also considering the overall situation. When the Star Master becomes the supreme power, we will work with him to restore the great cause!"

"My Lord, you have also seen the Star Lord's martial spirit. It is absolutely unparalleled and the best, and his appearance is even more..."

"Martial spirit indeed made me sigh at first. It's a pity that he is a human being. Otherwise, what does he look like? What does he look like? It's just a human skin. Even if it looks better, what's so strange about it? What do you think, Am I a face judge?"

The Silver Dragon King just waved his hand and tore the space around Su Qingfeng's body, and his hands and feet were torn out with scars. These were injuries caused by the huge pulling force on the bones and skin, from the inside out, and the more serious ones were enough. Cut people into pieces!

This made Su Qingfeng scream in pain.

Under the sinkhole, everyone's eyes turned red when they heard Su Qingfeng's voice.

"Bullshit! You actually dare to hurt my junior uncle. One day, I will kill you! Ahhhhhh!" Ma Xiaotao's eyes were filled with blazing fire!

Ling Luochen, Xiao Xiao and Tang Ya also looked ferocious:

"We don't know who you are, with such power, and we don't know where we offended you, let alone your intention to kill the Holy Son. But if he really dies here, the whole continent will definitely attack you. Launch a crusade and you will become the sinner of the entire continent!"

"You will destroy a unique person in the world. In the next tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years, or even forever, you will never be able to create such a banished immortal and a world-famous person with such a face!"



The powerful force directly blocked the entire sinkhole.

The Silver Dragon King shook his head and said disappointedly: "Shallow and ignorant people are actually confused by appearances."

"I will prove that the appearance is like a piece of paper, which will break when you poke it. It has no great appeal."

"At that time, you can die in peace."

The Silver Dragon King said calmly that she didn't even bother to touch Su Qingfeng, but used the space cutting method to remove Su Qingfeng's disguise.

The mask fell down in response, his aura spread out between heaven and earth, and his appearance was revealed in the world.

At that moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him, and everyone was stunned.

From this moment on, everything changes.

Swap positions, rotate offense and defense!

 This is my first time using the illustration function. Haha, I wonder if you will like it? The number of illustrations in each chapter is limited, and some beautiful pictures have not been included yet.



(End of this chapter)

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