Chapter 198 The Charming Little Silver Dragon

There is warmth and harmony in the silver-blue palace. Some silver-white flowers are swaying on the ground and steps, and beautiful silver lights hang down.

Behind the silver-blue curtain of the palace is a luxurious bed. Although it is exquisite, it looks very messy.

Su Qingfeng, with her upper body exposed, woke up under the faint light.

Smelling an indescribable smell in the air, touching the slightly soaked quilt, he rubbed his temples:

He swore that he must! Absolutely no.

He was forced!

You don't know what a thrill it is!

It was even more violent than Zi Ji at that time!

Just when Su Qingfeng was about to get up and practice, he felt another light body coming up:

When he opened his eyes in a daze, he saw a man with silver hair and a graceful figure. He was tying his hair into a ponytail with his hands. He opened his eyes and looked at Su Qingfeng in confusion, biting his lip:

"May I?"

"But it's been all night."

Su Qingfeng was a little helpless.

He is just a mortal, how can he compare to the gods?

What's more, he never thought that things would develop like this!

Unexpectedly, Su Qingfeng's unwillingness made the Silver Dragon King pouted:

"Just wait a minute."

A night passed, and both of them were like that. My perfect figure did not conquer him!

Humph, she doesn’t believe it!

Just a few minutes later, the silver dragon girl changed into beautiful clothes and makeup. A pair of silver-white feather-like horns appeared on her head. She was dressed in pure white but with golden tattoos. She looked like As holy and charming as the white moonlight:

"Do you like this look? How is it? Do you feel it?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at Su Qingfeng expectantly.

Su Qingfeng took a breath and quickly shook his head.

The Silver Dragon King snorted, then turned away, but came back after a while.

She was wearing a bright red leather jacket, her hair was tied in a ponytail, and her plump thighs looked like the best in the world. Her two temperaments, cold and hot, burst out together, and she looked quite stunning:

Silver Dragon King is boldly breaking through her own style. As long as she can please Su Qingfeng, she is willing to try it!

So he asked expectantly: "How about this set?"

Su Qingfeng swallowed and shook his head with difficulty: "No, I'm tired."


Silver Dragon King gritted his teeth, he is indeed the young man I like, his concentration is amazing!

But we must convince him today!

This time, the silver dragon girl changed into a special outfit.

She was seen wearing a black poison mask and a tight-fitting dress with an exotic and technological feel, which perfectly presented her figure. The overall performance was S-shaped, with mysterious eyes, and a pair of devil's claws stretched out towards Su Qingfeng: " The little flying dragon is coming, wow~"

Su Qingfeng quickly covered her face.

A sharp gun that is hard to suppress. The gun comes out like a dragon.

It’s really hard to suppress!

Who is teaching her this?

This is simply a charming little silver dragon. It is no longer cold and aloof at first. Soon, three days passed in the Silver Dragon Palace. Su Qingfeng spent the time extremely happily, but also painfully.

In these three days, he saw countless faces of the Silver Dragon King, various costumes and techniques. He also explored a lot of things together and learned a lot!

In the end, the Silver Dragon King still fell in love with the feeling of humiliating him. Just imagine, wouldn't it be a different feeling to have a peerless person under his skirt?

What's even more incredible is that the Silver Dragon King was born with the Godhead of Creation, and he also possesses a variety of elemental powers. He can be called the supreme elemental, and he actually echoes Su Qingfeng's elements one by one.

Su Qingfeng's ultimate polar stars of ice, fire, wood, gold, light, wood, etc. are constantly flashing. In conjunction with his realm of banished immortals and the realm of the most evil furnace, when practicing, the special and powerful elements are in the two of them. It circulates continuously in the body.

With all Su Qingfeng's efforts, they all poured into the Silver Dragon King.

As the Silver Dragon King himself exploded, it fed back to Su Qingfeng!

Soon, the Silver Dragon King discovered something very important: the serious injuries he suffered from the gods back then, which had not healed for hundreds of thousands of years, were gradually getting better, and his own strength was gradually recovering. .

She was originally the supreme being in the God Realm and the powerful God King, but due to the injuries of the gods, her strength dropped severely. Therefore, she spent tens of thousands of years recuperating again, but she did not get much better.

But while practicing orgy with Su Qingfeng, her godhead actually glowed with brilliance and her strength returned to the true god level!

Given time, given more time, I am afraid that in less than a hundred years, she will be able to recover as before and return to the peak of the God King! Even better! How terrible this is!

It's a pity that Su Qingfeng is a mortal after all, so how can he deal with the power of the dragon?

In just three days, although Su Qingfeng broke through level 69 with the help of the Silver Dragon King's feedback, he was still weak and exhausted. How could it be so incredible?

But the Silver Dragon King was still not finished, and he tried his best to display various manners and postures, just to make the path of cultivation smoother:

The little fox girl with hairy ears:

Wearing a long black dress and charming purple eyeliner, she attracts everyone's attention wherever she goes. It's like a black hole, making people want to stop:

Not only the changes in style and clothing temperament, but also the dressing changes in some scenes are the icing on the cake.

The Silver Dragon King is a stunning character with great style.

She can use the properties of space. When she plays with Su Qingfeng, different scenes will appear:

On top of the mountains, on the coast, under the abyss, on the blazing battlefield, in the sky, in the hot springs, with tens of thousands of feet of cliffs or raging lava scenes at your feet, practice with all your strength!

Finally, five days later, Su Qingfeng collapsed.

The scene returned to the silver pool again. Su Qingfeng was lying on the jade bed in the center of the silver pool. The Silver Dragon King had lived here for a hundred thousand years. This bed was in line with the power of various elements and was suitable for warming Su Qingfeng's pole star.

But Su Qingfeng's current state is really hard to describe. It's even worse than when Fengling of the Riyue Mountain Range and Ye Xishui of the Holy Spirit Sect were in it.

I saw a trace of sallowness on his unparalleled appearance, which was originally as handsome as twinkling stars, and his eyes gradually became dull. He was lying on the bed looking to one side, motionless, perhaps thinking about the meaning of life:

What is the purpose of people living?

How did I, Su Qingfeng, end up in this situation today?

I don’t think about it anymore, I can’t think of anything to say!

The young man stared blankly at the green plants on the edge of the Silver Pond, lost in thought.

Even several super ferocious beasts in the sea of ​​​​spirits sighed.

The Red King, the Bear King, and the Ten Thousand Demon King: It turns out that the Lord actually has this face! Oh my God!

Earth Dragon Jin Gua's whole body was shriveled up: "This is Gua Gua, the most fierce woman I have ever encountered. I really can't stand it anymore. Come and help me, silly bear!"

Snow was dancing on the Ice Pole Star. The Snow Emperor raised his sword and wanted to rush out: "Don't stop me, don't stop me at all. It's too much. I won't let the Star Master rest for a moment. The Star Master is finished. What will we do in the future?" ?”

The Ice Emperor also had a look of resentment: "Sure enough, coming to the Star Dou Forest was a wrong choice! We should go back to the far north to live in seclusion! This silver dragon is so cheap, ahhhh!"

But at this moment, Su Qingfeng was about to fall asleep, and he vaguely saw a new figure appearing on the bank of the silver pool. It didn't seem to be the Silver Dragon King?

I saw that the girl had a head of black hair. She looked like the girl next door. She looked warm and pleasant, and her every move had a graceful beauty. Her skin was white and tender, and some green plant leaves blocked some key parts, looming. Yes, he came over, covering his mouth, crying:

"Brother, wake up quickly. Sister is afraid that you will tire of her, so she will let her serve you today. You really like the slave family~"

"The slave family will take good care of my brother, oooh~"

Su Qingfeng's eyes suddenly widened. He was really frightened and startled. Isn't this Gu Yue? How could it still be in this state without transformation and reconstruction?

grass! Don't come over here!

Ah! Ah~

(End of this chapter)

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