Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 206: After all, I am the second most ferocious beast, how could I be under someone else’s ro

Chapter 206: After all, I am the second most ferocious beast, how can I be under someone else’s roof?

Demon Forest, Holy Spirit Cult Main Altar.

Some middle- and low-level evil soul masters are here to repair the buildings destroyed by the last extreme war. Most of the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Cult are actually hidden underground, but the battle was too fierce and the underground cave-in was serious.

Gu Yuena glanced at those people coldly and said to herself:

What ugly humans!

She took Su Qingfeng without stopping, but flew towards the Evil Forest. The flying speed was not fast, and she was looking for the whereabouts of the Evil Emperor.

A Holy Spirit from the Holy Spirit Cult who was "not afraid of death" saw a human flying over the forest. He immediately used his flying soul guide to chase after him and stopped Su Qingfeng and Gu Yuena:

"Who is this person? How dare you enter the Demonic Forest? Are you looking for death?"

"You're such a pretty girl, why don't you stay and be my mistress? Jie Jie Jie~"

Because Su Qingfeng was wearing a mask, which covered his whole body's aura at this moment, let alone the Holy Spirit, even ordinary titled Douluo could not see through Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng covered her eyes with her slender fingers that made the goddesses flutter, feeling helpless:

Why are there such idiot villains everywhere?

Haven't you seen that we can fly in the air without using a flying soul guide or soul bones?

Moreover, although Gu Yuena concealed her divine beast aura and suppressed her own strength, she had also reached the limit of level ninety-nine, so she seemed not to be trifled with!

Su Qingfeng didn't pity the Holy Spirit, but he didn't want to see too bloody scenes.

Sure enough, when the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit Church uttered filthy words, Gu Yuena snorted coldly:

"Are you worthy? I can only have one master, and that is Su Qingfeng. What are you?"

"Su Qingfeng? What is Su Qingfeng? Wait, that's a familiar name, Su Qingfeng! He is Su Qingfeng! Call your Majesty...hiss!"

The Holy Spirit was extremely excited when he heard Su Qingfeng's name. However, the next moment, his body was cut into pieces by the power of space, and he fell from the air, with blood scattered everywhere.

"I didn't expect you, Su Su, to be quite famous in the human world. Even trash ants like this know you. You are so awesome and great~"

Awesome? Which stick are you talking about?

Gu Yuena turned her face gently.

"It's just that I have been here before and have some old feelings. They want to make me their holy son."

Su Qingfeng said helplessly, there is nothing you can do if you are a good person. Wherever you go, you will be the center of attention and you will be scrambled for it.

"So that's it. Well, for Susu's sake, I won't destroy this Holy Spirit Cult."

Gu Yuena said lightly.

If others hear these remarks, they will definitely be shocked. This is the Holy Spirit Sect. It is one of the strongest forces in the mainland that is not inferior to Shrek Academy. You want to destroy it?

But Su Qingfeng knew that Gu Yuena was not a braggart. She had occupied him for so long, and she had done it not only 1,800 times, but also 180 times. She had almost made her Ultimate Evil Cauldron smoke. The degree of waste.

Under Su Qingfeng's furnace physique, Gu Yuena has not only recovered a lot from her injuries, but her control over attributes such as fire, water, earth, and light has returned to a god-level level, not to mention killing all the evil soul masters. , it is definitely not a problem to eradicate the Holy Spirit Sect’s Demonic Forest Headquarters!


"found it."

With Gu Yuena's strong mental power, she quickly found the location of the Evil Emperor.

That is the deepest part of the Evil Forest, the core place where the Evil Eye Tyrant lives. It is dark and profound, and the surroundings are filled with powerful spiritual pressure. If you are not careful, your nerves will be greatly damaged if you are not very strong.

A silver-white space power fell directly from the sky, and the powerful pressure suddenly suppressed the evil eye tyrant master - the evil emperor.

The intensity of that space power has surpassed the power recognized by ordinary soul masters, and surpassed the ninety-ninth level Extreme Douluo. Is it a demigod? Or a quasi-god? no one knows.

But in an instant, the Evil Emperor was pressed by the terrifying force of space and fell thirty meters underground. Hundreds of eyes on his body were shocked and bloodshot.


A halo appeared on the Evil Emperor's body, and those terrifying eyes emitted a dark beam of light that seemed to shoot through the sky: a halo of thorns! The light of time and space!

The beam actually shot through time and space, piercing the terrifying space pressure falling from the sky, and the pressure suddenly decreased.

But the Evil Emperor was still in shock. This powerful force made him uneasy. The last time he encountered such a terrifying force was from the arrogant black dragon in the Star Forest.

But this power now obviously does not belong to the black dragon.

"Who is plotting against me? Come out!"

The Evil Emperor let out a deep roar into the forest, and the whole earth trembled.

"Very good, you passed my test. Your strength is barely worthy of becoming his soul ring, but you are too ugly. No wonder I didn't choose to train you in the first place."

A cold voice came from an unknown space, echoing around the Evil Emperor. The Evil Emperor was shocked, this space power fluctuated!

This word!

Isn't that too arrogant?

And it’s so heartbreaking that he actually called himself ugly!

Does a truly strong person still need a bonus to his appearance?

The looks and appearance are just useless things!

"It turns out that he is a strong human being who wants to hunt me down and use it as a soul ring. I'm just talking nonsense. I'm the tyrant with evil eyes. I would rather die than surrender! Don't be a coward, come out!"

The Evil Emperor said, with countless eyes on his body, he scanned the surrounding environment without blind spots, but he found no trace of the other party, which made him very surprised.

But what greeted him was a slap.

If Di Tian comes, he will definitely take pleasure in others' misfortune and shout that he is an expert.

"Bastard, open your eyes and see who I am!"

That slap carried the power of the blazing divine dragon fire, which directly burned the Evil Emperor's whole body red. He screamed in pain, and the surrounding plants were instantly burned to charcoal.

The evil emperor was confused.

When did such a strong person appear on the Sun and Moon Continent?

"Who the hell are you! Ahhh!"

"It was the Beast God Ditian who recommended us to come to you."

Su Qingfeng said.

Hearing this, the Evil Emperor was extremely resentful: "This vengeful black dragon, I only hurt him once, but he remembered it for so long! He almost beat me to death!"

I just hurt him, but he wants my life?

The majestic beast god, you are so shameless!

"No... you are? Who are you? You really exist!"

The next moment, the Evil Emperor's eyes widened as he watched Gu Yuena and Su Qingfeng reveal themselves in mid-air. Among them was the beautiful girl figure, with a noble silver dragon looming behind them. Suddenly there was a divine dragon. The power.

The Evil Emperor was stunned immediately.

At that time, he was not the strongest among the evil-eyed tyrant kings. There were still many evil-eyed tyrant kings who were 500,000, 600,700,000 years old in the clan. But one day, a kind of soul-targeting tyrant suddenly appeared. Things that exist as beasts will withstand heavenly tribulations when they reach the age of one hundred thousand years. That change made the Evil Eye Tyrant clan suffer from the calamity of all the ancient strong men for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, he endured the heavy burden, Today, he has become the strongest man in the Evil Forest, and the world calls him the Evil Emperor.

At the beginning, the most powerful old patriarch in the clan knew that he would not be able to survive the catastrophe. Before he died, he told the Evil Emperor that he had used his powerful spiritual power to observe that a silver dragon fell in the distance of the ocean hundreds of thousands of years ago. in a continent.

After that, the wave of divine power and dragon slaying ushered in.

Later, the Evil Emperor became powerful and reached a very old age. He believed that the soul beasts on the Sun and Moon Continent were invincible.

Until the two continents collided, he heard that there was a black dragon in the Star Dou Forest who claimed to be the beast god, so he went to challenge it, also to find out whether the silver dragon that the ancestor Chang mentioned before he died existed and was still alive?

In the end, it was difficult to see the true appearance and returned without success.

Unexpectedly, the legendary silver dragon actually appeared in front of him, so powerful that he suppressed him with every move he made!

"Just get to know me."

The Evil Emperor showed surprise and a little admiration in his eyes, and Gu Yuena's expression improved a little.

You can’t lose your reputation in front of me, Susu!

"Sir Silver Dragon, although you are powerful, is it too shameful for me to give up my life and sacrifice it to mankind?"

"Humans are just a bunch of shameless, greedy villains. I can't become their soul ring. This is my principle. Otherwise, I would rather fight to the death or explode myself."

The Evil Emperor said to Gu Yuena.

"Be bold!"

In an instant, Gu Yuena's aura surged:

"You are lucky to be Su Su's seventh soul ring. How dare you refuse?"

"Although I am not the best in the world, I am still ranked second among the ferocious beasts, and my cultivation level has reached 790,000 years. How can I rely on others!"

(End of this chapter)

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