Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 233: Ask your father to grant your daughter a marriage!

Chapter 233: Ask your father to grant your daughter a marriage!

Five days later, the Poseidon Fate event was held as scheduled.

The entire Shrek City is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the bustling scene of the city is especially obvious on festive days. The red bricks and green tiles, colorful flags flying, gongs and drums are noisy, and it is very lively.

There was an endless stream of pedestrians on Shrek Avenue, all dressed in festive costumes. Some held red flowers and green leaves, some rang bells and performed, and some sang loudly to cheer for the city's celebrations. Various delicacies and snacks were displayed. The streets are full.

In the streets and alleys, there were storytellers telling the long history of Shrek, but the ones who listened the most were the gentlemen who told about Su Qingfeng's deeds.

They said that Su Qingfeng was a blessing from the starry sky to Douluo Continent, an auspicious sign, so he was born with unparalleled appearance and talent.

They made up that Su Qingfeng should have been born a god, but there was a dark and powerful demon in the starry sky who was jealous of Su Qingfeng's appearance and strength, so he used insidious means when Su Qingfeng was born, so that Su Qingfeng could only start from scratch. Practice. So Mr. Mu found the dying Su Qingfeng in the desert and brought him back to the academy!

They were in awe. Su Qingfeng did not forget his kindness and returned strongly. With his own strength, he turned the tide, pacified the mainland, and saved the college from crisis. The words were exciting and everyone was extremely enthusiastic.

Everyone is very concerned about whether they can see Su Qingfeng in Poseidon Fate this time?

Some people who had not received the invitation from Shrek Academy also rushed to Shrek City. They had only heard about Su Qingfeng's appearance, talent and strength in rumors, but they had never seen it. Su Qingfeng himself made them very curious.

Among the constant flow of people, there were two beautiful sisters, listening to the story about Su Qingfeng on the street, their eyes full of curiosity.

One was wearing a yellow skirt and had blond hair. She looked clean, warm and beautiful, like the sister Bai Yueguang whom she had a crush on when she was just starting to fall in love.

The girl walking next to the yellow-haired girl has pink hair and is wearing a red tight-fitting body-wrap dress. Her breasts are slightly arched. The girl's waist looks very smooth. At first glance, she looks like the girl. Ma Xiaotao is a kind of beauty, but there are differences.

Ma Xiaotao is the gifted eldest sister, Yu Jie, while Nan Qiuqiu is more like a spoiled little princess, who looks more lively and cute.

They came respectively on behalf of the Earth Dragon Gate and the Ordinary League to participate in this grand ceremony of Shrek Academy.

Ye Guyi heard stories about Su Qingfeng on the streets of Shrek City, and his eyes were full of exploration.

Before, she had heard some acquaintances outside talking about Su Qingfeng, about his peerless good looks and transcendent martial spirit. From the verbal description, she felt that it was probably everyone who was talking about her. But later, especially in the past few days, she Completely changed my opinion.

Ye Guyi's martial spirit is a rare holy angel, the nemesis of evil soul masters. At the same time, she also hates evil soul masters very much.

Therefore, when Ye Guyi heard that the Holy Spirit Cult was going to change into a redemption organization and do good people and good deeds on the mainland, anyone who violated the new religious rules would have their meridians and soul power revoked and be expelled from the sect, or at worst, they would be killed directly. They were not allowed to do so. The evil soul master kills innocent people indiscriminately and even promotes something:

"Strength is not important, state is not important, what is important is mentality! Unity!"

This simply makes Ye Guyi's world view collapse, what? The evil soul master organization becomes a good guy organization? What was originally the cradle of evil soul masters suddenly turned into a place where evil soul masters were wiped out?

The Holy Spirit Sect has been exposed to rain, and all the umbrellas given to other evil soul masters, or soul masters with the potential to become evil soul masters, have been torn apart.

Ye Guyi is now very curious, what kind of peerless young man can do this? Actually turning evil into good!

Not to mention whether it can be successful or not, just this idea makes Ye Guyi worship him.

Not to mention Nan Qiuqiu, her mother is the sect leader of the Earth Dragon Gate, Nan Shuishui. Because of a previous accident, the Holy Spirit Cult captured her mother and mobilized some soul masters from the Earth Dragon Gate to attack together. Shrek.

Because Su Qingfeng came to the rescue and changed Ye Xishui's concept, her mother Nan Shuishui was also released and returned to Dilongmen.

So for Nan Qiuqiu, Su Qingfeng was her mother-savior.

Such a great favor, of course I must repay it with my body!

Nan Qiuqiu:^▽^

Ye Guyi, Nan Qiuqiu and their disciples strolled around the streets of Shrek City for a while, then returned to the hotel to settle down, and then planned to enter Shrek Academy to participate in activities.

When they entered the gate of Shrek Academy, they saw a scene that was inconsistent with this festive day.

Xu Tianran, the crown prince of the Sun and Moon Empire, was kneeling on the side of the gate holding a bundle of thorns. His face was ugly and very weak. He had not eaten for several days and had to be pointed at by others. Anyone who had the same experience as him , and the envoys of the Dou Ling Empire. Orange left Xu Tianran, put aside her affairs in the palace, and concentrated on learning soul tools from Xuan Ziwen, making rapid progress.

This time, she also came to participate in Poseidon Fate with representatives from the Sun and Moon Royal Academy. She was accompanied by Meng Hongchen, Xiao Hongchen and others, led by Xuan Ziwen and Jing Hongchen.

When passing by the desolate Xu Tianran, Orange sighed, shook his head, and searched through the soul guide. In the end, he only found that the breakfast buns he had not finished three days ago were already hard, but there was nothing else to eat. , could only be placed in front of Xu Tianran, then shook his head and left.

Xu Tianran choked, grabbed the steamed bun and started to eat it. It was miserable, it was so miserable, how could he end up like this? If he returned to the Sun and Moon Empire, he would even worry about his own life!

Most of the top sects and forces on the mainland are here this time.

The Star Luo Empire is still led by Princess Jiujiu, but this time, a very noble-looking woman appeared in their team, with a motherly demeanor, and she turned out to be the Queen of the Star Luo Empire!

The Protector Sect of the Tianhun Empire is the Noumenon Sect, and Shrek City is also on the territory of the Tianhun Empire. The Tianhun Empire gave Shrek a great deal of face, and the emperor came in person.

Princess Wei Na also brought Du Xue and others from the team to watch the ceremony.

Tianhun Emperor joked to Wei Na on the way:

"Xiao Na, this Poseidon Fate was an internal activity of Shrek Academy. It was used to make friends for the disciples in the inner courtyard. This time you are chasing me. Do you have a sweetheart in Shrek Academy?"

Wei Na blushed: "No... no way!"

"Let me guess, it's not the Holy Son Su Qingfeng, right?"

"Oh, Father! Yes, you guessed it right, can you give your daughter a marriage?" Wei Na shyly admitted it decisively.

Emperor Tianhun couldn't stand it now. He touched his head and said awkwardly: "Ahem, I'm afraid... you still have to work hard to charm this Su Qingfeng. If you really accept this consort, then Xiaona, you are really Make our Heavenly Soul Empire look bad!"

Wei Na muttered: "If I can do it on my own, why would my father grant me a marriage? It's not like you don't know how competitive the pressure is..."

Princess Jiujiu said: If I could really do this, I would have married Su Qingfeng long ago...

Meng Hongchen stood at the top of Shrek Academy with piercing eyes:

"Su Qingfeng is mine. My goal in coming to Shrek this time is to marry Su Qingfeng. No one can steal it from me!"


Suddenly, a finger seemed to flick Meng Hongchen from the surrounding space, knocking her off the tall building.

Gu Yuena was on a mountain peak dozens of kilometers away with a depressed look on her face:

"A bunch of ordinary women, I really can't stand you. Are you worthy of my Susu? I regret letting Susu return to the human world. How should I go to see Susu?"

"Hey, yes, I can disguise myself and change my appearance. Doesn't Susu do this often?"

Gu Yuena's eyes lit up, and she immediately sealed her divine power to cover up her true body. Now even if a god comes, she won't be afraid of being discovered.

"Hmph, what about Poseidon Fate? I want to see how many people covet my Susu. I will keep you in mind and see how I deal with you in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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