Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 237 Xiao Wu’s Arrival: Sneaking into Shrek and getting close to Su Qingfeng

Chapter 237 Xiao Wu’s Arrival: Sneaking into Shrek and getting close to Su Qingfeng

"Did you find me?"

"What do you think I will do on the road to becoming a god? I'm not a god, I'm just the sheath of God Shura."

"That shouldn't be the case. Although I'm not a god, as the carrier of the Shura god position, my strength is at the level of a second- or third-level god. These soul masters shouldn't be able to find me."

The extremely bright red star in the western sky is none other than Xiao Wu, the wife of the God King who secretly came from the God Realm!

When she arrived, Su Qingfeng happened to be on stage singing. She was so stunned that she was in heaven. Looking from a distance, she saw that the young man was otherworldly and absolutely incomparable.

What she actually saw was more transcendent and peerless than what she saw through the observation mirror in the God Realm. The boy had a divine temperament that made women obsessed and obsessed with him. His appearance was unparalleled in the God Realm, even with Xiao Wu. God's eyes were also impressed by this young man's appearance and temperament.

Since the third brother became a god, his appearance and temperament have changed a lot. It is much better than when he was in Douluo Continent. But compared with this boy, he is like an eagle and a free-range chicken, a real dragon and a small python. the difference.

How long has it been since Xiao Wu felt such excitement and stimulation? It seemed like she was back thousands of years ago, when she transformed from the Star Forest and entered the human world. The freshness and excitement of exploring the human body.

No, more than that!

She is a rogue rabbit!

Xiao Wu did not choose to descend from the sky and come directly. Firstly, she wanted to continue to watch Su Qingfeng display her talents, and secondly, because her appearance might cause riots in the mainland. Besides, Xiaotong was also present.

It would be bad if Xiaotong knew that he secretly came to Douluo Continent to steal sex and told the third brother.


Xiao Wu had long suspected that Tang San was having an affair with the Butterfly God. When Tang Wutong was born, the Butterfly God looked at Xiao Wutong in the wrong way, as if he were looking at his own daughter.

And she must be the first to give her a blessing. This is also the origin of Tang Wutong's Light Goddess Die Wuhun!

It stands to reason that Tang Wutong, as the daughter of the God King, would not be the first to bless a second- or third-level goddess like the Butterfly God. She must be a first-level god anyway, but the third brother did not stop her. , but also looked helpless and laissez-faire towards the Butterfly God!

The red star slowly dimmed in the night sky. Xiao Wu planned to sneak into Shrek secretly, regain her eighteen-year-old youth, and find an opportunity to have a divine and mortal love with Su Qingfeng. Just thinking about it made her excited.

How romantic would it be to be with such a young man with unparalleled looks, transcendent temperament, beautiful singing, and talent?

Thinking about it, Xiao Wu was filled with excitement and heat all over her body.


Watching the red star slowly dimming and blending into the crowd, Gu Yuena, who was still so impressed by Su Qingfeng's singing ability and writing talent that she was trembling all over and wished she could drag Su Qingfeng back to the silver nest and into the silver cave on the spot, looked shocked:

Does it seem like it's really God's gaze?

Which god is patrolling?

Is he a priest?

This Shrek Academy is so dangerous!

Gu Yuena gritted her teeth and did not dare to act rashly. She could only endure the silver liquid from flowing out.

Looking resentfully at Su Qingfeng who was being admired by thousands of people on the stage, he muttered in his heart:

"Just enjoy the worship of these guys, hehe. You are a noble person in front of others. When I find an opportunity to catch you, I will ride you under me and suck you off. Let's see if you are still arrogant, hehe!"

Gu Yuena was filled with excitement when she thought of the crazy indescribable sports that this young man who was loved and sought after by everyone once did with her in Yintan would do in the future. She liked this feeling so much!


Other literati rolled their eyes at the politicians of the Sun and Moon Empire:

"The writing style of the Sun and Moon Empire is really low. That sentence is just a sigh to the west. The Holy Son has not become a god himself, so how can he teach others how to become gods?"


Su Qingfeng on the stage could only run away early, leave the stage, and go back to sleep or practice.

Although it feels good to be loved and worshiped by everyone, he is very scared!

The fiery eyes these boys and girls looked at him, full of enthusiasm, reminded Su Qingfeng of Fengling, Ye Xishui, Zi Ji, Bi Ji... That was no joke. Once they found a chance, Su Qingfeng would not hesitate at all. You will doubt that they will definitely **** themselves, all over their bodies, inside and out, not a single step will be missed, not a drop will be left behind!

Su Qingfeng's eyes turned to Xian Lin'er and Cai Mei'er, as if to say: The two shows have been performed, can I make a perfect curtain call?

Xian Lin'er smiled at Su Qingfeng, and backstage, she was also shown off by Su Qingfeng. This junior brother is really unparalleled. There is really no one like him in the world.

She understood Su Qingfeng's meaning and looked back: Junior brother, don't worry, leave it to senior sister. Senior sister will never let these people trap you. Even if you are trapped in me, senior sister, you can't give them any advantage!

"Okay, the performance brought to you by our Holy Son is over here. Our Poseidon Fate opening ceremony has come to a perfect conclusion. Next, we will select some lucky viewers and draw some gifts."

"Come on, little junior brother, go back and rest."

Cai Meier and Xian Liner appeared on the stage again, looking at the people off the stage with host smiles.

The audience under the stage, and even the people watching the ceremony on tall buildings outside Shrek Academy, were all shouting:

"It won't end! It won't end! Where there are stars, there is a breeze, and where there is a breeze, there is us!"

"Sing! One more! I can't get enough!"

"Sir the Holy Son will definitely sing a lot of songs!"

"Don't leave, sing until dawn!"

"Don't leave, write until sunrise and dawn!"

"The Holy Son's literary attainments are so high, why not take advantage of the grand ceremony and the high spirits to write a few more articles that will be passed down to the world!"

"Keep writing articles! If you write a few more articles, you can compile it into a special poetry textbook for the Holy Son. When you return to the empire, it will definitely be listed as a compulsory text for civilians and even the children of soul masters. The full text will be read and recited to understand the artistic conception and character of the Holy Son! "

When they heard that Su Qingfeng was about to step down, the whole audience was shouting for him to stay, as if they would stay up all night just to see Su Qingfeng, even if they died suddenly because of it.

It’s just that if the children in Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent hear the thoughts of these literati and politicians, they will definitely scold their mothers:

I really appreciate your whole family. It turns out that the texts and regulations we have to memorize all come from this, right?

Later students cried and fainted in the toilet.

As a result, Taotao's voice rang out throughout the night sky of Shrek Academy, and the girl and boy persuaded Su Qingfeng to stay and sing.

The literati wanted to keep Su Qingfeng to write poetry.

Cai Meier's soul power swept the entire audience instantly, with a strong amplification effect:

"Quiet, quiet! It's already eleven or twelve o'clock today, very late. Everyone should go back and rest early after watching. Tomorrow morning we will start other activities of Poseidon Fate. Tomorrow our Holy Son will also participate in Poseidon Fate's most important project - —Dating conference, everyone, please have enough energy and come to watch on time tomorrow morning, okay?"

The audience was so enthusiastic that Cai Meier and Xian Liner could only glance at Su Qingfeng, step back and say:

"Tomorrow, at the blind date meeting tomorrow, our Holy Son will sing for everyone, write poems, and have a unique appearance. Okay, it's decided!"

(End of this chapter)

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