Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 243: Carnival till dusk, drunken Su Qingfeng

Chapter 243: Carnival till dusk, drunken Su Qingfeng (please recommend and read it!)

"The lifespan of human life is like the water of the Yellow River rushing into the sea. Once it is gone, it will never come back. In this way, we should enjoy ourselves in time and not waste our time."

"Such a poem that laments life, comprehends life, and uses shocking words, was actually written by a fourteen-year-old boy!"

"We, the old men, will be so ashamed that we will hit the wall and kill ourselves!"

When the pen falls in shock, the poem becomes a weeping ghost.

Su Qingfeng's recitation of the song "Nearly Wine" shocked the entire literary world of Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent.

Although the world of soul masters and soul masters are the most important and top-level fields on both continents, the literary world is also a first-class field and is respected by people across the continent.

No matter how powerful a soul master is, even if he is a level 98 or 99 expert, he will only be powerful for three to five hundred years at most.

But literary achievements can be praised through the ages and their names will remain in history!

At the end of the poem, all the literary greats and politicians bowed deeply to Su Qingfeng on the stage:

grateful! Thank you Shengzi for filling the gaps in mainland poetry and bringing such unique and stunning works to the world!

At this time, Su Qingfeng was perfect in everyone's eyes.

Before, it was just perfect appearance and soul master talent.

Now, his personality and talent are also perfect.

Inside and out, physically, mentally and spiritually, everything is perfect.

After this, perhaps, no one like Su Qingfeng will be born again in Douluo Continent!

In this situation, even those who were not familiar with poetry and rhythm applauded like thunder.

Su Qingfeng's immortal temperament alone is worthy of being worshiped by everyone!

What's more, Su Qingfeng is not just a vase with an unparalleled handsome face, but has his own strength and talent!

"One more song, one more song!"

"Sing! Sing!"

"Party till dusk, don't stop!"

The audience shouted in unison.

Only the promoted boys and girls from Poseidon Lake and Red Lotus also want to hear Su Qingfeng sing and compose poems, but they want to get to Su Qingfeng’s blind date as soon as possible! That's the point!

Ye Xishui, however, had fiery eyes and almost drooled when looking at Su Qingfeng:

Did Xiao Qingfeng drink? The little face is red! so cute! I really want to rub it!

If I had told you earlier, Xiao Qingfeng couldn’t even drink!

I have never used this method before, what a loss!

Xiao Wu also licked her tongue: Drunk? Cuter and more desirable!

"Qingfeng, I think you're a little drunk?"

Mr. Mu stood on the attic of Poseidon Pavilion and faintly saw Su Qingfeng's figure on the stage, feeling a little dazed.

After hearing the call from fans, Su Qingfeng rarely responded and agreed, looking very cool and cheerful:

"Write! Sing! I'm full of three hundred songs and I'll read them to you!"

Su Qingfeng waved his hand, and his temperament was outstanding.

He waved his arms on the huge soul guidance screen that appeared on the stage, and a series of shocking poems came out, making everyone dumbfounded.

Su Qingfeng's writing strokes are continuous and uninterrupted. He is destined to leave his own poems and myths, which will be written into the vast history of the mainland for millions of years, and stand out in it. Even Tang San who was ten thousand years ago cannot compete with him. He rivals it!

The ambition is to eat the meat of Huns when they are hungry, and to drink the blood of Huns when they are thirsty. ——"Man Jiang Hong"

A branch of red dew is fragrant, and the clouds and rain in Wushan are heartbreaking. ——"Qing Ping Diao Ci"

The belt becomes wider and wider, but I don't regret it anymore. I feel haggard because of the beauty. ——"Die Lianhua·Liu Yong"

If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level. ——"Ascend the Stork Tower"

I hope you will pick more of them, this is the most loved thing. ——"Lovesickness"

In the moonlit willow branches, people meet at dusk. ——"Shengchazi·Yuanxi"

Wild fire, in spring. ——"Farewell to the Ancient Grass in Fude" The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city has deep vegetation in spring. ——"Spring Hope"

Looking back at the desolate place where I came from, there was neither wind, rain nor sunshine. ——"Dingfeng March 7th"


Su Qingfeng wrote dozens of famous poems eloquently and eloquently. It was not until his mind gradually needed to think about what poems he had not written and began to feel a little lacking that he stopped writing.

Everyone was stunned.

My jaw dropped to the floor.

The literati in the front row were already kneeling on the ground, worshiping! Five-body cast!

They took out their notebooks and pens and copied frantically.

Crazy, Su Qingfeng is crazy!

The drunk Su Qingfeng was simply a wild and carefree immortal!

Every poem has a famous line handed down from generation to generation, which will be remembered from ancient times to the present!

Today is destined to go down in history!

Even the elders of Poseidon Pavilion who were originally enjoying tea saw this scene and the cups in their hands fell to the ground and broke.

Xuanzi looked at Su Qingfeng blankly and asked Mu En:

"Mr. Mu, is the Holy Son's poetic ability so powerful?"

"Even if you memorize these poems, those children will have to memorize them for days and nights before they become familiar with them, right?"

Let’s mourn for future generations!

The Immortal of Poetry, the No. 1 Immortal in the Literary World!

No one is dissatisfied!

After finishing writing the poem, Su Qingfeng picked up another jar of wine and drank it down in one gulp. His face became increasingly red, and he picked up the microphone, and it was another concert.

People in the audience walked by and could not see the old color. People on the stage sang a heartbreaking farewell song. ——"Chi Ling"

Play Chopin's nocturne for you in memory of my dead love. ——"Nocturne"

See the sea and sky, listen to the wind and rain. Hold the hand and blow away the vast smoke waves. ——"Big Fish"

I love you walking alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you and you persevere through despair. ————"The Lonely Warrior".

After writing all the poems and essays, I was shocked and cried, and the music and divine music appeared in the world.

On the stage, Su Qingfeng became the brightest and brightest star in Douluo Continent in the past, present and future.

I'm tired of being amazing.

They, they, were all immersed in Su Qingfeng's talent and were deeply attracted by this young man.

At this moment, even if Su Qingfeng waved his hand and told them to die, they would not hesitate.

As the sun set, Su Qingfeng drank more and more, became more and more bold, and even began to interact with the girls and boys outside the stage.

In the sea of ​​​​spirits, Snow Emperor and the others couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly used the power of the ultimate ice to help Su Qingfeng dispel the drunkenness, and the drunkenness in his mind began to dissipate.

Su Qingfeng shook his head and realized what a crazy thing he had just done.

Who the hell suggested that he drink during the show today?

Based on the audience's current level of enthusiasm and how drunk I was just now, if these girls rushed to the stage, I'm afraid the Night Royal Three Thousand Girls would be broadcast live.

Thinking about Su Qingfeng makes me scared!

"Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, thank you very much."

Su Qingfeng thanked Snow Emperor and the others in the sea of ​​spirit.

Snow Emperor said softly:

"We should do it."

The Ice Emperor said quietly:

"Of course we have to keep Lord Star Master awake. What if he loses his mind and falls in love with those women? Don't forget Lord Star Lord, you haven't given it to us yet~ We also want to merge souls with Lord Star Lord~"

Su Qingfeng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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