Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 266: For the happiness of our Tang family, let me test him first

Chapter 266: For the happiness of our Tang family, let me test him first
"Nana, let go of me, what on earth do you want to do?!"

"Believe it or not, I'll bite you off? I really can't bear it anymore. Tell me, did you sleep with them?"


"Stop pretending, that Tang Wutong, and those guys behind him, should be called Ling Luochen, Ma Xiaotao, and Ye Xishui, right? They all went to your place to spend the night after the Poseidon Fate event, and I didn't I saw it! Tell me honestly, what did you do?!"

"How come you even know all their names?"

"Susu, do you think I've been lurking in this small lake these days for nothing? I've been keeping an eye on you!"

Su Qingfeng on Poseidon Lake looked innocent:
I'm very honest, I didn't ask for it, they wanted it all, I didn't move it, they did it.

I only produced semen but no strength (just facial expression).

"Then you can't use the Heart of Extreme Wind and Storm to lure me into the lake, right?"

"Otherwise, how could I get in touch with you? Nothing good has happened since I came to Shrek Academy. If you follow me back to the Star Dou Forest immediately, I will forgive you!"

Just an hour ago, Su Qingfeng experienced more than ten hours of continuous practice. After waking up, he took a walk on the shore of Poseidon Island to breathe in the fresh air.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to a relatively remote and uninhabited corner, a bright mixed green gem-like object suddenly appeared in the lake.

That thing exuded strong storm power, and even the power it emitted caused a whirlpool to form in the lake.

Su Qingfeng quickly recognized it. It was the wind attribute cultivation treasure - the Heart of the Storm, also known as the Heart of the Extreme Wind and Heavenly Storm.

It is said that this object is the ultimate treasure of the wind element. If a slightly talented wind attribute soul master absorbs it, he may evolve into the ultimate wind attribute. It is very, very rare. It may not be born even if it is brewed for tens of thousands of years in a place with the strongest wind element. .

At that time, Su Qingfeng was excited. This thing might allow him to break through to level 89, or even level 90! .

I wanted to suck it up and fish it out, but it was no use.

One of them couldn't hold back, took off his coat, and with a plop, he got into the water.

As everyone knows, this wave of truth was actually caught by Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena knew that Su Qingfeng currently needed a wind-attributed treasure, but she did not dare to go berserk on Poseidon Island, so she had an idea and spent many days wandering around Douluo Continent. Relying on her special perception of elements, She went through dozens of forbidden storm areas and finally found a Heart of the Storm.

So he came up with this trick to lure Su Qingfeng into taking the bait.

As expected, the moment Su Qingfeng fell into the water, Gu Yuena's little silver dragon body locked onto Su Qingfeng.

To avoid being recognized quickly, she also disguised herself a little. At first glance, she looked like a noble silver snake.

Su Qingfeng also wanted to cry without tears. He didn't expect Gu Yuena to have such an IQ. He blamed himself for being too stupid. How could something like the Heart of the Storm appear in Poseidon Lake for no reason?

In fact, he also had doubts, but in the end he took the bait without hesitation...

The most important thing is that as soon as Gu Yuena's body came up, the silver faucet went into his trouser pocket and said decisively ah~
Because he has the ultimate ice attribute, Su Qingfeng has an extremely high affinity with water and can stay underwater for a long time.

With this one mouthful, an hour passed.

Perhaps it was the longing that had not seen the sun for decades, or perhaps it was the punishment for Su Qingfeng. As the lake gushed, the silver tooth needle of the little silver dragon pierced Su Qingfeng's...
When he was injecting, she was injecting too!
This is the Silver Dragon King's Divine Dragon Strengthening Element. It is originally a special item used by the Dragon Clan to adjust the state of love and experience. The moment it enters the body, it is very painful.

The effect is that the durability of pressure resistance is x200%, and the physical strength is x200%.

Although it was not the first time that Su Qingfeng was played by Gu Yuena, he was still so hurt that he ran away and rushed out of the lake in an instant. Because it really hurts!
Thus, it led to the opening scene.

When Tang Hao and A Yin were discussing with Xuanzi and Yan Shaozhe on the shore of Poseidon Lake, there was a dramatic scene of a peerless young man suddenly emerging from Poseidon Lake.

After being stunned for a long time, A Yin and Tang Hao came back to their senses after watching Su Qingfeng return to the island deep in the lake with a silver snake wrapped around her body.

Tang Hao's fingers pointing at Poseidon Island were trembling, and he stammered:

" still said you didn't lie to us? Who is that boy?"

Ah Yin was also very angry. She was originally gentle, but now she said harsh words: "It's not fake? It's so fake! How dare you lie to us? Give us a counterfeit? Don't blame me for speaking badly. How could he talk to me?" That boy?

We didn't come to see this young man with any malicious intent. We just thought he was a malleable talent and wanted to train him to become a god. Do you understand? "

Huo Yuhao felt happy and a little sad when he heard this, but he accepted it happily.

I can't help it, I just can't compare to Brother Qingfeng~
Brother Qingfeng is handsome, strong, and a dick~
Although I have never seen or tasted it, it is a real regret in life~

If Mr. Xuan knew Huo Yuhao's heart, he would definitely slap him on the back of the head:

Are you still a man? It turns out you are a jerk!

Yan Shaozhe rubbed his temples. These two were the masters that the academy could not afford to offend, and so was the junior brother. But they just came out for a walk at this time and were diving in Poseidon Lake. Aren't they looking for trouble for them? Moreover, the identity of the people attracted is becoming more and more complicated. How to deal with it?

"Two seniors, it is true that we concealed this matter. I'm sorry. But please forgive me, two seniors, because before this, my little junior brother attracted too many people's attention, and many people wanted to take him away. , he is our Shrek's most important treasure, and we protect him unconditionally, so we cannot let him come to meet a strange and powerful person without understanding the situation."

Yan Shaozhe told the truth.

Although Tang Hao and A Yin were angry, they also understood. After all, that boy was so damn handsome! After living for thousands of years, this is the first time I met a person with such a peerless temperament!
"No more nonsense. Since you are also doing the boy a favor, we will not pursue this matter. Now that you have understood our purpose, take us to see the child now, immediately!"

Ah Yin stood up and said.

Although Tang Hao was also very curious about Su Qingfeng, he still glanced at A Yin in surprise:
Why is she so excited? When she was resurrected, she had never been so excited during a family reunion.


"Go ahead, go ahead. Alas, these two are the parents of the ancestors of Tang Dynasty. They are also our Shrek ancestors. We should respect them."

Old Xuan rubbed his temples with a headache. He always had a premonition that greater trouble was about to come...

"Senior Tang Hao, Senior A Yin, and Xiao Qi want to call them together?" Yan Shaozhe asked.

"No need for now, let me see him before we talk! Go directly."

Ah Yin said first impatiently.

I have to test this grandson-in-law first!
If Xiao Qi is present, wouldn't it be difficult to take action?
Xiaoqi, don’t blame grandma. Grandma is also doing it for the happiness and health of our family~
Tang Hao: Something is wrong, something is really wrong...

"Okay, please."

Yan Shaozhe made an invitation gesture, led Tang Hao and A Yin to fly to Poseidon Island, and finally landed in Su Qingfeng's yard.

(End of this chapter)

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