Chapter 269 The loveless Su Qingfeng
inside the house.

Su Qingfeng couldn't hear the knock on the door at all.

The entire room is filled with blue and silver vines, making it feel like being in a fairy tale world.

The sun shines through the gaps in the vines, casting mottled light and shadow on the round bed inside.

The air is filled with fresh floral fragrance, as if coming from the sea of ​​bright red flowers. Bright flowers are dotted among the vines, decorating the whole house like a mysterious garden.

Flashing golden patterns appear on the blue and silver vines, giving birth to intoxicating blue and silver flowers. As the vines sway, you can seem to hear the soft sound of the petals falling, and the fragrance floats in the environment, making you feel People's heart beats faster.

Su Qingfeng's whole body was surrounded by blue and silver vines, and it was suffocating!
Just a few dozen minutes ago, Ah Yin sent him back to his room and made a bold move that almost made Su Qingfeng despair!
He even endured the effect of the Silver Dragon Enhancer, shrank his body, and warned Ah Yin:
"Madam, please respect yourself!"

"Madam, you are Xiaoqi's grandma!"

"Madam, your husband is still outside!"

Ah Yin: "Is this part of your interest? I'm really more excited!"

"Young man, what do you think of the word young woman?"

"Actually, our Blue Silver Grass relies on spreading powder, so we don't necessarily have only one husband in our life. Do you want to spread and input your powder to me?"

Only Gu Yuena was gritting her teeth!
Palletizing! My achievements were stolen by this grass!
Don't let me find a chance, or I'll kill you!

When Tang Wutong knocked on the door, it was the blue silver vines that A Yin lingered outside that sensed it first, so he speeded up the solution.

Tang Wutong knocked on the door several times. Seeing no response from inside, she called out several times:

"Grandma, brother Qingfeng, are you okay? Why don't you say anything? Did I knock on the door?"

Tang Wutong pushed the door tentatively, but when there was still no response, he prepared to break open the door violently, startling both Mr. Su and Tang Hao outside.

Why did this child become so irritable?

But Ah Yin is really, what is he doing in there? So attentive to comforting the boy? Not even listening to the knock on the door?
At this moment, a soft and red hand opened the door.

She just showed her face.

I saw Ah Yin's face flushed, her eyes a little blurry, her delicate body trembling slightly, and she thought to herself:
This kid doesn't seem to be in a high realm, nor is he tall, but his body is so strong, so long, and so swollen! If she hadn't used the Blue Silver Secret Technique in the end, she wouldn't have been able to turn him off so quickly!

"Ah Yin, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

"Did this little brat take the opportunity to bully you? See if I don't hit him!"

Tang Hao was also a veteran. He suspected that something was wrong with Ah Yin at a glance. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and rushed into the room to pull Su Qingfeng out.

Xuanzi and other Su Lao immediately became unwilling and blocked the door and said:
"But... I don't dare to say that."

"We, Holy Son Qingfeng, are bound by our duty and will never do such treacherous and unethical things."

"I don't know how many girls out there have a crush on me... No, they love us Qingfeng openly, so they won't do things like bully Senior A Yin."

"Don't ruin the reputation of our Holy Son."

"Well! I don't think Brother Qingfeng would do something like that. He has always been relatively indifferent. I believe Brother Qingfeng! Grandma, are you okay?"

Tang Wutong also spoke for the elders. Brother Qingfeng is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a woman, otherwise he would have wanted me long ago!
Brother Qingfeng is a gentleman!

"Well... I'm fine. Don't you... don't worry. It's just that the room inside is small and stuffy. I'm just a little uncomfortable with it. It's not... it's okay..."

Ah Yin said hesitantly. Tang Hao asked with concern: "I feel stuffy. Why is your throat still uncomfortable? What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it." Ah Yin gave him a blank look.

You are looking for a useless guy, you idiot.

"Okay, it's not my fault to care about you."

Tang Hao is asking for trouble.

He wasn't too obsessed with this matter. After all, in Tang Hao's impression, A Yin was usually relatively conservative and gentle, and he didn't dare to think that she would dare to drag Su Qingfeng in and have a big meal in this situation where everyone was present. Things like cows and chrysanthemums.

"Have you convinced that kid? If not, let me conquer him."

Tang Hao asked.

Ah Yin's voice was still trembling, as if his throat had been injured by something: "No... I'm not sure, but you can ask him, but be careful not to use violence. Harmony is the priority."

"Yeah, I got it."

Tang Hao took the lead and pushed the door open.

The first thing that hit him was that the air was filled with the fragrance secreted by Bluetooth vines, which made Tang Hao take a deep breath:
Ah ~ this is the taste of Ah Yin.

Thinking back to thousands of years ago, he was lucky enough to smell it once, but it was far less rich than this time. It was really wonderful~

Immediately, everyone saw a peerless young man curled up on the bed, looking helpless.

The young man looked aggrieved, sitting on the pillow, hugging his legs, and a loveless expression appeared on his handsome face.

As if aware of the intrusion of everyone, Su Qingfeng raised his head slightly and looked at everyone pitifully. Anyone who looked at him would want to comfort him. He seemed to be very hurt.

Everyone was in a daze: Su Qingfeng, what's going on?
They all looked at Ah Yin questioningly: Is this your comfort and persuasion? It makes our Holy Son lose confidence.

It seems that it is not us Qingfeng who is bullying you, but you are bullying us Qingfeng!
Xuanzi walked quickly to the bed and asked Su Qingfeng with concern:
"Holy Son, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid. If anything happens, our Poseidon Pavilion will stand by your side and support you. No matter who it is, it won't work. Did someone do something bad to you?"

"No, no...wuwuwu~"

Unexpectedly, Su Qingfeng hugged the pillow and started sobbing aggrievedly.

Immediately, Xuanzi, Mr. Song and even Mu En’s eyes changed. They all looked at A Yin and said coldly:

"Ancestor A Yin, we respect you as a senior, a veteran figure in the college's records, and the mother of Ancestor Tang, but this does not mean that you can do whatever you want in the college, otherwise the college will be destroyed and will not be manipulated by others."

"Ancestor A Yin, what exactly did you do to our Holy Son? Make him so vulnerable?"

Even Tang Hao, seeing the handsome Su Qingfeng becoming so aggrieved, leaned against A Yin and whispered:
"Ah Yin, it's over. I always thought that I had a hotter temper than you. I didn't expect that you are really cruel. You tortured him in the name of appeasing him, but you also have to pay attention to the degree. He is so handsome and good-looking, why are you so cruel? To be able to hit him like this! Was there any torture used?"

"No, I don't blame her, it's all my incompetence, I'm useless!"

Su Qingfeng looked up at this time, raised his hand and said.

It was even more heartbreaking when I spoke.

Ah Yin, what methods did you use?
He actually made this person who was like an immortal become like this!

(End of this chapter)

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