Chapter 286 Leisure time with Zhu Zhuqing

The day passed like this.

Haiyue City is a city on the southern coast of the Sun and Moon Empire. It is located on the South China Sea coast of the Sun and Moon Empire. It can be regarded as a big city and has the largest port in the Sun and Moon Empire - Sun and Moon Port.

Although sea-going ships generally cannot go deep into the sea, with the development of soul guides in the Sun and Moon Continent, safety is still guaranteed when sailing closer to the land. In long-distance transportation, sea transportation is easier and faster than land transportation, and has lower requirements on manpower and material resources. Therefore, the maritime transportation industry of the Sun and Moon Empire has developed very well.

The architecture of Haiyue City is obviously different from that inland. It lacks the high-rise buildings and high-tech feeling of Mingdu, but has more characteristics of a seaside fishing port.

The land on which the houses are built is very solid to prevent storms from the sea, so the entire Haiyue City is built on higher ground, with Sun and Moon Harbor diagonally below it.

In Haiyue City, two outsiders appeared.

The young man wore a ferocious mask, concealing his aura of purity, but from his movements, one would still think that he was a certain noble young master.

Next to the young man was a beautiful woman with a hot figure and wearing a preview of a black charming cat costume.

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be curious about everything here.

Holding Su Qingfeng's arm, she was like his sexy girlfriend, and there seemed to be sweetness floating in the air.

Seeing those young and beautiful girls playing with their lovers on the beach, with bright smiles on their faces, Zhu Zhuqing felt extremely envious in her heart.

Happening to pass by a local clothing store, Zhu Zhuqing pulled Su Qingfeng and walked in:
"Qingfeng, let's go change into the special clothes here? I want to walk on the beach with you, take a cruise together, and take a bath together."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't have any airs about her, nor was she as decisive as when she divorced Dai Mubai. At this moment, she was just a little girl who longed for love.

"You seem nervous to be with me?"

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened, that beautiful face appeared in front of Su Qingfeng, and he joked.

Su Qingfeng was terrified. Could he not be nervous?

In terms of seniority, Zhu Zhuqing was also his ancestor, and she was a god in her own right. Su Qingfeng was afraid, afraid that Zhu Zhuqing would be like Ye Xishui back then, who dragged him into a secret room at the slightest disagreement.

He didn't want to go back to the days when he was physically weak again!

Fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing was not Ye Xishui after all, and he was not as cruel as her.

On this point, Su Qingfeng has to praise her for her high quality!

Although they had only been together for more than a day, Zhu Zhuqing respected Su Qingfeng's wishes and feelings and made Su Qingfeng feel very comfortable.

Perhaps, this is the charm of an intellectual young woman.

"This set looks good, do you want to try it?"

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing picked out a set of clothes for Su Qingfeng. This was a set of beach casual clothes. The overall appearance was comfortable blue with gold threads tattooed on it. It is placed in the C position of the store.

The waiter said: "Miss, you have such good taste. This casual suit is the main style in our store this month. It is designed and made by Wanyu, the clothing master of Haiyue City. It is made of very comfortable whale velvet bast. Woven with thread and embellished with gold thread.”

"Miss, are you a couple? There is also a women's version of this casual suit, here it is."

The waiter opened a box next to it, which contained a set of exquisite three-point patterns.

Hearing the waiter say that she and Su Qingfeng were lovers, Zhu Zhuqing felt sweet in her heart and immediately pulled Su Qingfeng: "Buy them."

"Sir, buy it. This set of beach clothes suits you very well. I can see that they seem to be tailor-made for you two. And your girlfriend is so beautiful and deserves your favor."

The waiter said with a smile.

"how much is it?"

"Only fifty gold soul coins."

"I don't have a soul coin, can I use this to offset it?"

Just as Zhu Zhuqing was about to take out something, Su Qingfeng quickly took her hand, grabbed a handful of gold soul coins from the soul guide, and placed it on the counter.

"I'll just pay the bill."

Su Qingfeng said calmly. Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red. It felt so strange to be taken care of by a boy younger than him. She always had the urge to hold him in her arms and ravage him...

take care of?

No, Su Qingfeng was just afraid that Zhu Zhuqing would take out some shocking treasure and cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing came from the God Realm, and it was easy to find divine objects. Not to mention fifty gold soul coins, it might not be a problem to buy a port.


Five minutes later, Su Qingfeng, dressed in beach casual clothes, walked out of the changing room. What surprised the waiter was that the boy was wearing a mask.

But she soon accepted it. In fact, many men and women in Haiyue City fell in love with wearing masks. It was said that they imitated the costume of Su Qingfeng, the holy son of Shrek.

Presumably, this young man is also one of the fans of the Star Lord's Holy Son, right?
No wonder I found such a beautiful girlfriend!

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing also walked out wearing the same beach casual clothes as Su Qingfeng, her perfect figure displayed in front of others.

This caused the men inside and outside the store to widen their eyes and look over with leering eyes. They also looked at Su Qingfeng jealously, thinking:

How could this boy, He De, find such a beautiful girlfriend with such a great figure?
Why should he? !
Perhaps it was too long since he had worn such sexy underwear, or perhaps it was out of God's dignity and reserve, Zhu Zhuqing walked to Su Qingfeng's side with a rosy face.

"Come on, let's go play."

When she was close to Su Qingfeng, Zhu Zhuqing always felt that she could smell a hormonal scent. This scent always made her feel a little like a dark road that had not been opened for many years seemed to be connected to underground water and began to seep out...

The shore 300 meters away from Riyue Harbor is a leisure area. The waves are slowly lapping at the shore, raising white waves.

"I didn't expect that ten thousand years have passed. In addition to Douluo Continent, another continent will appear, and so many novel things will appear."

"I think back then, the most luxurious cruise ship we took when we went out to sea to find miracles is no different from their ordinary commercial beds now, or even a little worse."

Walking along the coast of Haiyue City, Zhu Zhuqing held Su Qingfeng's hand and stepped on the soft sand, leaving footprints one after another, and then they were washed away by the waves, she sighed.

"Ten thousand years is not a short time. If culture and technology explode, it will take only a hundred years to evolve from the era of cold weapons to the era of hot aerospace weapons."

Su Qingfeng said lightly, which evoked memories deep in his mind.

Human beings are a very magical species, or in other words, wisdom is a very terrible thing. On the earth, human beings have developed from sword wars to guns and ammunition, and even the nuclear energy age, from livestock carriages to airplanes and high-speed trains. Two hundred years later, how exaggerated is this?
Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Qingfeng's side face. Although she was wearing a mask, she could imagine what kind of peerless face it was underneath. She was surprised:

As a mortal, he actually has such an opinion?
She is still his age and does not think about things like civilization and technology at all. It is extremely difficult for her to follow her own spiritual path well.

He is really special, so special that even the God Realm cannot find an amazing genius like him.

"Hey, hello! Do you want to experience a private yacht that can drive automatically? Do you want to go out to sea and enjoy the scenery together? This is a newly developed product by our Sun and Moon Empire master Xuan Ziwen. Come and try it, handsome men and beautiful women! One at a time Two hours, only twenty gold soul coins!"

On the beach, a middle-aged uncle waved and shouted to Su Qingfeng and Zhu Zhuqing.

There was an eight-year-old child next to the uncle, hugging his chest and humming: "It's so expensive, who would sit there? Dad, if we invest in these things, we will lose money! Mom will definitely teach you a lesson!"

The uncle knocked the child on the forehead: "Little brat, what do you know? You still dream of becoming a first-class soul engineer in the empire. If you don't even recognize the achievements of Master Xuan Ziwen, how can you become a great person in the future? Also, I will be afraid Your mother? That will only give you more brothers and sisters!"


"Autonomous driving? The prototype of driverless driving? Xuan Ziwen does have some ideas."

Hearing this, Su Qingfeng was also surprised.

Zhu Zhuqing became even more interested, and pulled Su Qingfeng onto the yacht to learn how to drive it.

Going to sea together? Only two people? Get along sweetly? That was so attractive to her.

She could imagine two people running in the waves, and the sea and clouds were charming and ambiguous. If they could kiss, she would go crazy!
"The operation is very simple. Press this one-button start and you can start running. It will automatically sail on the sea, avoid rocks, obstacles, etc., cancel the automatic driving, step on the pedals and turn the steering wheel to control. It is very simple. Experience. Come back and pay.”

As the uncle pressed the button to start, the yacht buzzed and rushed out of the sea with Zhu Zhuqing's proud roar...

(End of this chapter)

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