Chapter 290 The divine test begins

The next day.

Su Qingfeng was driven back to Shrek Academy from the sea by the three goddesses.

In order to prevent Su Qingfeng from running away, the three gods planted the divine mark on Su Qingfeng.

Two divine seals were planted in Su Qingfeng's palm, namely Xiao Wu's and Zhu Zhuqing's.

A mark was planted on Su Qingfeng's chest, which was the seal of the arrogant god.

The divine seal allows them to instantly lock Su Qingfeng's position. If Su Qingfeng is in danger, they can sense it and rush over as quickly as possible.

The three goddesses all gave Su Qingfeng the highest seal of approval.

Ordinary divine seal carvings use divine power as a pen, and the engraving is simple and easy to erase.

There is also a way of portraying the most intimate recognition of your lover, and the objects used are very indescribable.

Needless to say, all three gods chose the latter.

They took turns entering Su Qingfeng's room, and it took a lot of effort to successfully portray and express their love.

Su Qingfeng was like a little sheep that was being slaughtered and could only be bullied.

The three gods really couldn't stand it.

If Su Qingfeng knew the way the three goddesses carved the divine seal on him, he would definitely cry to death:
Mado! No wonder I always feel like they have that charming and alluring scent on me and in the air!

Su Qingfeng stood on the top of the Poseidon Pavilion, letting the wind and sun blow, with a melancholy look on his face, and he sang out a lyric: "It's difficult to walk on the road":

"The journey is difficult, the journey is difficult, and the roads are divergent. Where is the gold?"

“There will be times when strong winds and waves break, so hang up your sails and sail across the sea!”

Yan Shaozhe and Cai Meier happened to pass by, and quickly took out paper and wrote it down, their faces showing admiration:
"A famous saying from the ages, you are worthy of being my most proud junior brother! It will be a success when you say it!"

"Write it down and leave it to the next generation of the academy to learn and admire!"

"It is also a blessing for the younger generation of disciples to be able to catch a glimpse of the peerless beauty of my junior fellow apprentice from the poems!"


The arrival of the three gods also made Shrek Academy excited.

There is no doubt that Shrek Academy is the best soul master academy in the continent and one of Xiao Wu's hometowns. There is no reason for her to look for an heir elsewhere.

She plans to find the successor to the Shura throne in Shrek Academy.

However, it needs to be understood that whether it is Xiao Wu, Arrogance and Zhu Zhuqing, this search for an heir is just to compete for Su Qingfeng's bet, and it does not necessarily mean passing on the divine throne.

Just like ten thousand years ago, Qian Daoliu from Wuhun Palace and Bo Saixi from Poseidon Island both passed part of the examination by the gods. However, because they did not receive the final approval from the gods, they could only become the human spokespersons of the gods and could not Ascend to the divine realm.

But even this is enough to reach the pinnacle of the soul master world, making most soul masters crazy about it.

The three gods did not hide their identities this time. When Mu En, Xuanzi and other elders of the Poseidon Pavilion saw Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing falling, they rubbed their eyes for several minutes and exclaimed:

"Why do these two women always look so inexplicably familiar and friendly?"

"Do you think they look like our ancestors, Douluo Xiaowu, the soft rabbit, and Zhu Zhuqing, the ghost civet cat?"

"What does it look like? That's it!"

"Mun and the members of the Poseidon Pavilion have met ancestor Xiao Wu and ancestor Civet!" Xiao Wu waved her hand: "Just call me Sister Xiao Wu. Calling me ancestor makes me look older."

Zhu Zhuqing also said calmly: "Just call me Sister Zhuqing."


Finally, Xiao Wu built a new building directly on Poseidon Lake in Shrek Academy and named it Shura Hall.

This Shura Hall is located about fifty meters to the west of Poseidon Island. The whole body is black and red. Xiao Wu has set up the Eight Shura God Tests in it. The core disciples of Shrek Academy will participate in the test. If they pass all the tests, they will be qualified. .

The emergence of Shura Hall shocked everyone in Shrek Academy.

Later, Zhu Zhuqing also built a palace with lightning and wind signs on the east side of Poseidon Island. The palace was engraved with many civet cats and named it: Temple of Speed.

As the God of Speed's test palace and place of inheritance.

The inheritance halls of two gods suddenly appeared, and all the students at Shrek were as if they had been given blood. This was one of the few channels for them to become gods in this life.

Especially for Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Huo Yuhao, Jiang Nannan and others, they have already been left too far away by Su Qingfeng. It is very difficult to stay with Su Qingfeng all the time.

Therefore, I pay special attention to this divine test.

This is a divine test!

In the past ten thousand years, there has almost never been a divine test in the mainland!

What's more, this is the divine throne inherited by Shrek's ancestor Tang San thousands of years ago, as well as the divine throne of speed from the ancestor of the Netherworld Civet!
Even if you are unable to inherit the divine position in the end, you can still get benefits by just passing a few divine exams, ranging from enhanced attribute strength and soul power breakthroughs to granting god-given soul rings and domain skills!

Suddenly, a trend of divine examinations started in Shrek Academy.

It only took half a month to build the divine test site, and the three gods agreed that today, five months later, would be the day for the duel between the inheritors.

After the construction of the Divine Examination Ground was completed, the next day, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu opened the door to the Divine Examination to Shrek's disciples, opening the first Divine Examination.

The first test is actually not difficult, and of course the rewards are not rich. It mainly tests the talent of the candidates. More than half of the soul master academies will be screened out, leaving elite soul masters to take the second test.

Because there were only five months, Shrek's disciples still faced a problem.

So which divine test should you choose?
God Shura or God of Speed, who is more suitable for me?

Most of the students want to participate in the test of God Shura, even the disciples in the inner courtyard are no exception.

After all, the legend of God Shura is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his power has been spread for thousands of years. He can kill angels and destroy Rakshasa! How terrifying!
Huo Yuhao chose the Shura God Exam without hesitation. For him, the Shura God was stronger and more suitable for him. This was his chance to get closer to Brother Qingfeng!

Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Zhang Lexuan and others also chose the Shura Divine Exam without hesitation.

Xiao Xiao and Ning Tian were sad. They were auxiliary soul masters and had no choice. Whether it was the Shura Divine Examination or the Speed ​​Divine Examination, they were destined to be eliminated.

Xixi, Jiang Nannan, Chen Zifeng and others avoided the edge of the Shura Temple and chose Zhu Zhuqing's God of Speed ​​test based on their own strength and martial soul characteristics.

The God of Arrogance is searching for powerful heirs across the continent. Her eyes are very high, and she doesn't even bother to give those with low talents a try.

So instead of asking everyone to participate in the screening of geniuses like Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, she directly released the news: The Arrogance Divine Examination is coming, and only geniuses can be selected.

As a result, many geniuses from Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent went there.

Finally, girls such as Meng Hongchen, Nan Qiuqiu, Ye Guyi, Wei Na, An Lengye, etc. were welcomed to participate in the divine examination.

At this point, the test of the three gods is in full swing on both continents.

(End of this chapter)

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