Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 299: Silver Moon God PKs Fire God Dragon, the second martial spirit, the Divine Halberd of L

Chapter 299: Silver Moon God PKs Fire God Dragon, and the second martial spirit, the Divine Halberd of Light, appears!

"The Holy Son's help and kindness to Xixi cannot be repaid by Xixi. She can only repay him with his body. If he is not abandoned, the Holy Son can enjoy Xixi's body to his heart's content~"

Xixi's body began to recover and transform. After looking in the mirror, her face was full of surprises. Not only did her skin not have any scars, but it became smoother and softer, and she could squeeze out water.

If you poke it, maybe it can come out directly.

Xixi was excited and happy to finally have the opportunity to be alone with Su Qingfeng.

Hearing this, Su Qingfeng was shocked: I thought about my classmates and saved you with kindness, but you actually want to sleep with me?
I don't agree!

"Senior Xixi, I, Su Qingfeng, am not that kind of person. I saved you without any intention of repaying you. It's just because we are both members of the academy and have good character of being pure in nature and honest. Talking about rewards and lust, Xiao ”

"Are you...small? Well, then I will definitely enlarge my breasts in the future!"

"No! I'm talking about the situation being too small!"

Ah, what is Senior Sister Xixi thinking about!

"Don't miss me too much, after all...ah! I am already a doll in God's hands.

From now on, remember to tell other juniors and juniors that they must study hard, practice hard, read more and read newspapers, fall in love less and sleep more, so that they will not be like me, an incompetent saint, who has been manipulated all his life.

Let's go, I want to go back to the seat that restrains me, they urged me. "

Su Qingfeng waved his hand, not taking away a single cloud. His seemingly chic figure seemed to have a hint of loneliness and loneliness.

These words and this figure left an indelible impression on Xixi.

It turns out that the Holy Son also has so many troubles!
He does not seek sensual pleasure, he is aloof, he is ethereal, he is unparalleled in the world!
But Xixi wanted to cry in her heart: You are noble and noble, you are amazing!

But have you ever thought about how I feel wronged every night? I think you are too itchy to sleep! Tossing and turning over and over again!
c. What’s wrong with this ignorant senior who has had a crush on you for two years? Will he die? !


Su Qingfeng reluctantly returned to the seat high up in the ring, sitting in the cloud-like place, like a peerless immortal overlooking all living beings, worthy of the title of Immortal Douluo.

With his appearance, the boiling discussion about the decisive battle between Zhang Lexuan and Qiu'er stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at Su Qingfeng.

Not surprisingly, as soon as this young man appeared on the stage, he could attract everyone's attention and arouse everyone's amazement.

At this time, Qiu'er has fully recovered. The Fire Dragon King Bone has given her a strong self-healing ability. Coupled with Zhuang Lao's life force and healing ability, the trauma Xixi caused her previously will not affect her performance. .

Xiao Wu and the God of Arrogance faced each other from a distance, sparks bursting out when their eyes met. This was the final competition.

It is related to Su Qingfeng’s ownership!

They decided Su Qingfeng's whereabouts without permission!

"Le Xuan, don't let Sister Xiao Wu down. If you win this match, even if the Shura God's throne cannot be given to you, Sister Xiao Wu will arrange other God's thrones for you when you go back to ensure that you can inherit the God's throne!"

Xiao Wu mobilizes Zhang Lexuan before the game.

She does have this background. Just imagine, even Tang Hao, A Yin, and Tang San can arrange a second-level god position. Zhang Lexuan broke through Contra before she was twenty-six years old, and achieved a title before she was twenty-eight years old. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the third-level god!
The God of Arrogance also said calmly to Qiu'er:

"Did you see that rabbit opposite? She has evil intentions against my people and wants to take Xiao Qingfeng as her son-in-law. But based on my understanding of this rogue rabbit family, Xiao Qingfeng will definitely have a very happy life when he goes to their house. I’m sad, you don’t need to tell me what to do, right?”

Hearing this, Qiu'er's eyes ignited with flames of war: For Brother Star Lord! No matter what, you can’t lose!
"Zhang Lexuan, Qiu'er, please step onto the ring for the decisive battle of the Goddess War. Please be ready!"

Hearing this, Zhang Lexuan and Qiu'er moved and jumped onto the open arena.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan was wearing a silver-blue shirt. Coupled with the powerful aura of her senior sister, she really had the aura of a Shura god.

Qiu'er was wearing a white neon dress and stood aloofly on the other side of the ring. She glanced at Xiao Wu on the high platform opposite and was very determined!
I heard that this ancestor of Xiao Wu was also a soul beast before, and she actually wants to occupy my Star Lord brother. She must not be allowed to succeed!
"We're ready, let's get started!"

Zhang Lexuan and Qiu'er both reached their peak state and said in unison.

"Very good, then, I (my god) announce that the duel has begun!"

Xiao Wu and Arrogance were also exported almost at the same time.

Without any hesitation, the two of them revealed their martial souls at the same time, and the perfect soul ring configuration emerged. Purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red, red!
Zhang Lexuan's soul ring configuration is actually better than Qiu'er's, and she has an extra 100,000-year soul ring!

In addition, she has already reached the title realm, has much more soul power than Qiu'er, more soul skills than Qiu'er, and better combat experience than Qiu'er. No matter how you look at it, Zhang Lexuan is sure to win this stop. .

This is also the reason why Xiao Wu sits confidently!

[Martial spirit, Silver Moon God! Soul power level ninety-two! 】

[Martial spirit, golden fire dragon! Soul power level eighty-two! 】

Zhang Lexuan's whole body exuded a faint silver light, and behind her was a bright crescent moon. Like the incarnation of the moon god, she looked at Qiu'er lightly and said only one sentence:

"Qiu'er, I've heard of you. You are the incarnation of the Three-Eyed Golden Eagle and a member of the Holy Son. There is a ten-level difference in our realms. I also watched the duel between you and Xixi. You are not my opponent. I don’t want to hurt you either, so you’d better surrender.”

Seeing Zhang Lexuan's martial spirit emerging, Kong Deming in the audience trembled: This martial spirit is inexplicably familiar!

What grade? It turns out to be the same as my martial spirit!
Hearing Zhang Lexuan's words, Qiu'er was not simply concerned, but ridiculed. How could she be so arrogant and endure such humiliation?
I would rather die proudly than live a humble life!
"So what if it's level ten? Brother Star Master once fought at levels thirty or forty higher than himself, and instantly killed strong men who were more than twenty levels beyond his own level. Today, so what if I surpass him by level ten?!"

Qiuer waved her hand domineeringly, revealing her beautiful waist, watermelon breasts, and white skirt swaying like a fairy.

"Then let's fight!"

Under the silver moon, the realm of the God of Death, which has disappeared for thousands of years, reappears in the world!
The Killing God Domain increases one's own killing momentum. In the domain, the enemy's strength will be weakened by more than 10%, and the user can exert more than 110% of his power.

[Third Soul Skill: Full Moon! 】

Zhang Lexuan took the initiative to attack, and the crescent moon behind her gradually filled up, differentiated, and turned into a full moon. She immediately sprayed out streams of moonlight lasers, spraying towards Qiu'er like soul-guided rays.

Not to be outdone, Qiu'er reacted immediately, and a realm emerged beneath her feet: the Arrogance realm.

In the field of arrogance, arrogance will continue to be generated. These arrogance can replenish Qiu'er's soul power and give her a temperament that is proud of the world.

Seeing this scene, Xuanzi joked with Moon:

"Mr. Mu, Qiu'er's field is somewhat similar to your self-created soul skill: King of the World, isn't it?"

Moon nodded: "It does have some charm, but Qiu'er is a god-given domain after all, and it has practical effects. My dominance over the world is just a bluff, not enough to be the Dao, not enough to be the Dao, hahaha."

"Mr. Mu is being humble. However, Mr. Mu, why don't you pass on your unique skills such as dominating the world to the Holy Son?" Song Lao asked with a smile.

Mu En shook his head and sighed: "I want to pass on all my skills and knowledge to Qingfeng, but this King Lin Tianxia, ​​after thinking about it, still has no teaching. Qingfeng already has the talents of heaven and man, and the stars that fall on the earth are stars. Immortal, why do you need to rely on the king's energy? I'm afraid it will humiliate Qingfeng's temperament."

"I see."


Facing Zhang Lexuan's offensive, Qiu'er did not flinch at all. Instead, he used the power of the Fire God Dragon to face the silver moon, and the ultimate fire burned the moonlight.

The silver moonlight ball and the ultimate flame ball kept colliding, flying messily in the ring. If it were not blocked by the divine curtain, the soul masters in the audience would probably suffer.

[The fifth soul skill: Moonfall! 】

[The seventh soul skill: True God of the Moon! 】

[The eighth soul skill: Blood Moon Eclipse! 】

Zhang Lexuan and Yinyue merged into one, and they were extremely powerful.

What is shocking is that even though it was inferior to a larger realm, Qiu'er was not completely defeated.

With a scream from Qiu'er, she actually used her second martial spirit, which shocked everyone in the audience. She actually had a second martial spirit!
"The Divine Halberd of Light appears!"

This turned out to be a top-notch weapon spirit!
A very exaggerated soul ring configuration appeared on it:

Black black black black black black red red!

Its eighth red ring is even dyed with a layer of platinum-gold light, which means that it is likely to be 200,000 years old or more!

(End of this chapter)

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