Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 312 We are here to protect the young god! Who dares to bully the young god?

Chapter 312 We are here to protect the young god! Who dares to bully the young god?
"Mun? Dragon God? What kind of powerful man is so terrifying!"

Seeing Su Qingfeng stand up, he was full of pure aura. Although he was standing in the divine world and his figure was weak and trembling under the divine wind, he was still determined when he thought of the teacher's name.

He did not show any timidity in front of the God King.

The God King of Destruction was immediately shocked and shocked by this name:
Who is so powerful that he dares to use the name of Dragon God?
Could it be! The remnants of the Dragon God!

The God of Destruction widened his eyes. In the long history of the God Realm, there were only a handful of existences that he feared, and among them, the Dragon God was one of them.

That was an existence that even the five old god kings couldn't kill off and completely annihilate even if they joined forces!
There are simply no words to describe how powerful it is.

"Where is this Dragon God Douluo? Who is he? Could it be related to the ancient Dragon God? Is he the Silver Dragon King who escaped? Catch him!"

The God of Destruction grabbed Su Qingfeng's shoulders and asked quickly.


Su Qingfeng's shoulder hurt from being pinched, as if his bones were about to be crushed.

Hearing Su Qingfeng's groan, the Goddess of Life slapped the God of Destruction away and became very angry:

"What are you doing? It hurts my Qingfeng.

Whether you want to accept a disciple or a son-in-law, this is your business and I have no control over it, but there is only one principle, that is, you cannot hurt Qingfeng or violate Qingfeng's free will. Otherwise, this god, and all the goddesses in the divine world, will not agree! "

The Goddess of Life glanced at Tang San and Destruction, and hummed, her face very unhappy:
"Destruction, if you dare to move your hands or feet again, get out of Immortal Mountain and never come back."

Immediately he looked at Su Qingfeng, and then his face changed instantly and became amiable:

"Qingfeng, how do you feel? This guy doesn't attack lightly or harshly. Let's avoid him from now on. He's really rude."

God of Destruction, you are so rude, can you be more polite?
The God of Destruction was stunned. When had Xiao Green ever been so irritable?

And the destruction in her mouth was so cold. Didn't you call "Xiao Zi" gently before?
Love, has it disappeared?

No, love does not disappear, it only moves from one person to another.

Similarly, energy will not disappear for no reason, it will only be transferred from one person's body to another person's body.

This is the law of conservation.

"Goddess of life, don't worry, Qingfeng is the beloved son of God, the Lord of the Starry Sky. I should love you well and teach you carefully."

I love your mother!

Please watch your wording!
Su Qingfeng glared at Tang San fiercely.

Tang San was stunned for a moment by that look, and thought to himself:

This kid is really, really good-looking, and he has such a temperament when he stares at everyone. I really envy Xiao Qi. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to be with him.

"Okay, you two should leave. Don't disturb Qingfeng. He said he didn't want to be a disciple, so he just didn't want to." The goddess of life didn't give Tang San a good look either.


Immortal Court, closed doors to thank guests!

The two god kings were kicked out like this.

The two gods stood outside the Immortal Court and glanced at each other. Neither one was convinced by the other and snorted coldly. But when they looked down the mountain, they were dumbfounded. They turned back and knocked on the light mask:
"Goddess of Life (Little Green), let us in quickly!"

"Qingfeng, we won't force you anymore, let us go in and have a cup of tea!"

"The God of Light comes to protect the young god!"

"The god of nature comes to protect the young god!"

"Fengxiang and Kaa, members of the great god's family, have arrived to protect the young god!" "The God of Jealousy has arrived to protect the young god!"

"Laziness, the god of laziness comes to provoke you. The young god is in trouble, so you can't be lazy~"

"Hulu~Hulu~ The god of snooze is here to help the young god. If anyone bullies the young god, beat him up!"

Outside the Immortal Court, hundreds of goddesses appeared in an instant, up and down.

They looked fierce and murderous, as if they would fight to the death of anyone who bullied Su Qingfeng.

The status and levels of these hundreds of goddesses fluctuate greatly, ranging from the main god to the priest, and even the hunting god.

With this momentum, even the God King of Destruction and Tang San couldn't help but tremble on the spot.

With so many goddesses united, one god can drown them all with just a drop of saliva.

The voices of hundreds of goddesses swept through the entire Immortal Mountain. The intense divine power that erupted on the Immortal Mountain earlier made them think that someone was going to harm Su Qingfeng!

(Actually, I just found an excuse to rush up to see if I could get close to Su Qingfeng)
"Eh? Aren't these the Tang Shenwang and the Destruction God King? What are you doing here? Does the previous Shenbo have anything to do with you?"

The God of Destruction looked at the clouds in the distance with a cold face, wondering what he was thinking.

Tang San smiled and shook his head: "No, we also came to the Immortal Mountain to have a look. After all, no gods have lived in this mountain for a long time. In case there is anything missing, such as some seals or formations that are not in contact, or some ancient divine beasts are lurking. How dangerous is it here? We also come here for the safety of Young God Su Qingfeng."

"You think so, God King of Destruction?"

Tang San pushed the God King of Destruction with his elbow.

The God of Destruction rolled his eyes at him: Don't hurt me!

"Well, yes." He responded perfunctorily.

"I see, thank you to the two God Kings for your hard work. Have you noticed that the strong aura that burst out from the Immortal Mountain just now contains an aura of destruction and blood? Did it come from the two God Kings? Are you going to fight here?”

"No, how could it be possible that I had a conflict with the King of Destruction? We are very harmonious in private! What's more, the laws of the divine world stipulate that gods cannot fight privately. How can we, as law enforcers, know the law and break it?"

"That breath just now was..."

"It's the God of Destruction and the God of Death! They happen to have a conflict around them, and we're here to resolve it, haha."

Tang San explained.

I felt really guilty. If these goddesses knew that he and Destruction had accidentally injured Su Qingfeng just now, they might have to attack her in groups, which would be troublesome.

Thank you, the God of Destruction and the God of Death, for taking the blame!
The God of Death sneezed: Who Qi me?
In the secret realm, the God of Destruction is still being pestered by his beautiful wives and asking:

"We heard that a young god recently came to the God Realm. Who is he?"

"I heard that he is very handsome. Is that true? How handsome is he?"

"I heard that many goddesses fell in love with this young god at first sight. It really makes people curious about his appearance."

"Can we also go and take a look? Isn't this the first precedent in the divine world for a mortal to have the right to vote on a committee?"

"Yeah, let's go take a look together!"

In a secret place outside the world, stunning women such as Shangguan Bing'er, Shangguan Xue'er, Shangguan Fei'er, Wu Yuehan, etc. were discussing about Su Qingfeng, and they all wanted to see this young god.

At this time, they did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

The God of Destruction was doing laundry by the lake when he suddenly sneezed:
"Who scolded me?"

"You're not allowed to go, you're not allowed to go. If you go, I won't have a wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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