Chapter 318 Qingfeng, your husband is here
There was a loud sound in the sky, and the breeze appeared brightly.

Just when the gods were attracted by the clouds of fairy spirit in the sky of the God Realm, they started talking about it.

A white fairy light shone, leaped from the Immortal Mountain, and rushed into the sky.

The next moment, the stars appeared in the sky, and the twelve immortal stars were extremely bright. Even in the day, they were still dazzling. They were extremely eye-catching existences in the sky.

But what is more eye-catching than the fairy star is that figure.

I saw a fairy shadow slowly emerging. He stepped on twelve elemental dragons, each of which had peak strength between the third level and the second level.

The divine dragon roared with infinite majesty, and the power of the twelve elements mixed together was enough to rival a first-level god!

But with Su Qingfeng's gentle step, these twelve dragons suddenly disappeared and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The gods were shocked when they saw the transformed young figure on the Immortal Mountain.

The goddesses who were sipping tea and having breakfast among the pavilions suddenly burst into tears when they saw this figure. The tea flowed down the white neck from the delicate lips, passed through the ravine between the twin peaks, and finally flowed to the same place. In the flow zone.

Bao Liu, Bao Liu, white jade feet...

They were all stupid.

It was not only the shock brought by Su Qingfeng's breakthrough to the divine level, but also the transformation of Su Qingfeng's temperament.

The mortal Su Qingfeng was already stunning and admired by everyone, and the gods were shocked by it. After gaining divine power, Su Qingfeng's temperament increased by at least 20%, once again making the gods shine, reaching reached a new peak.

The figure of that young man made them crazy, and made the gods begin to give birth. They were willing to die for him, to get close to him at all costs, to take care of him, even if they could stand beside him and not say a word, they felt extremely honored. !
They all gulped, unable to imagine where the limit of this young man's charm lies.

It only took him one night to absorb the original power left by the immortal gods, and combine it with his own martial soul to create a new godhead!

The prototype of the divine personality appeared in front of Su Qingfeng. Although it only returned to his body for a short time, all the gods felt the pressure brought by that quality.

Even the gods are no exception. The seven gods of original sin and the seven gods of elements all feel that they are being suppressed, as if there are more powerful elements and desires pressing on their heads.

Although the pressure was not very strong, it was like a dark cloud that could not be removed, making them feel depressed.

But what's even more strange is that if this kind of suppression comes from others, they may be angry and flustered, but they feel that this is the power released by Su Qingfeng, and they are actually ashamed and feel a sense of relief!
Before that, they imagined that Su Qingfeng would be in this state:
Young God, do you like your sister? Does your sister’s black stockings look good? Do you want to tear off a bit of your sister's stockings and explore her little forest? Come on, tear it apart, my sister loves you~
At this moment, their psychology changed:

Master Young Master, you are so awesome, I adore you so much. Please punish Master Master with a stick! Oh oh oh ~ Master Shaoshen is so mighty!


"Is this divine power?"

"As expected, the soul power cannot be compared. They are completely two kinds of aura."

Su Qingfeng summoned an immortal power, which was very strong. A casual attack was enough to annihilate most of the soul power and soul skills. This was for him who had just become a god.

When he fully adapts to the power of God, the power of mortals may be as fragile as the gnawing of ants!

Su Qingfeng felt that his martial soul, soul bones, soul skills, soul beasts, domains, physique... everything had undergone transformation. God-level skeleton, super-god realm, immortal body, soul beast transformed into god...

Although the mythical beasts of all the major fairy stars obeyed Su Qingfeng's instructions and hid in the fairy stars.

But the mythical beasts on the nine main stars are very excited.

Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, Scarlet King, Bear Lord, Storm Dragon King, Golden Ancient Tree... almost all have become god-level existences and evolved super-god attributes. When the attributes of the twelve immortal stars converge in the center, It is the godhead of a fairy spirit.

The godhead itself exudes a primitive energy and has the possibility of evolving into a top-level god-king level godhead.

But if any god-king saw the ring of living beings derived from the layer that emerged around it containing various attribute powers, he would definitely be stunned.

Because that departure turned out to be the power of creation. This power of creation is different from the healing method of the Goddess of Life, or the creation of the Dragon God. It seems to be a kind of power that can truly create new creatures. The power of power is the most mysterious and greatest power in the world.

This is the evolution of the Pole Star. The planet itself can give birth to infinite possibilities. After evolving into a fairy star, new possibilities are derived.

The number of magical skills Su Qingfeng possesses is enough to shock the gods. Most of his soul skills have evolved into magical skills.

And he also inherited some top-notch magical skills from the Immortal God!

[Magical skill - Misty Immortal Slash: The Xiaoyao Divine Sword comes up from the sky and releases a fairy slash, annihilating all attribute powers and exerting its force on the clouds of heaven and earth]

The Xiaoyao Divine Sword, the weapon of the Immortal God, was a super divine weapon at its peak. It even surpassed the Shura Divine Sword and was ranked as the number one divine sword in the divine world. However, with the fall of the Immortal God, it disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years and has been dusty ever since. .

[Magical skill - holding the universe in one's sleeves, covering the sky and the sun, swallowing living beings. Immortals once used this skill to transport two planets from two planes thousands of miles away, so that planetary living beings can avoid being affected by the explosion of stars and avoid being destroyed. 】

[Magical skill - Immortal Universe, summons immortal-level creatures for protection, and immortal beasts emerge from the stars and descend into the human world. The strength of the summoned fairy beast depends on the strength and charm of the summoner. 】

In addition to these soul skills, there are many powerful magical skills left by immortal gods in the Immortal Pavilion.

It can be said that as long as Su Qingfeng reaches the God King Realm, his strength will definitely not be much lower than Tang San and the others, or even stronger.

Soon, Su Qingfeng also realized that his breakthrough caused quite a stir. He saw the wolf-like goddesses around the Immortal Mountain, and even the male gods were fascinated by him.

Speaking from experience, he knew that this afternoon, his body was in danger!

A gorgeous figure appeared in the air with several women. He had been annoyed by Tianxiang, Fengnu, and Kao for a long time. They were clamoring to see Su Qingfeng. Instead of being passive, it was better to take the initiative!
"Young God, congratulations. In just one night, you have transcended the world and stepped into the divine realm. Rong Nianbing and several ladies came to congratulate the young god. A small profit is not disrespectful."

"Young God, you are so beautiful!"

Rong Nianbing came forward, grabbed Su Qingfeng's hand, and said with a smile:
"Although our God Realm governs the land of heaven and earth and has many gods, but look at what has become of each of the gods outside? I'm afraid they are coveting you.

But don’t worry, I, Rong Nianbing, am an upright person. You are a beautiful male god, and you are easily targeted by their perverts. Preventing wolves is a compulsory course for you. Preventing wolves every day will be tiring. You don’t have to guard against wolves in the future. , because, your husband is here! "

"I was very optimistic about you when I first saw you, but it's a pity that I didn't find a chance to get in touch with you. From now on, I will help you guard the Immortal Palace and protect you in your spiritual path. How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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