Chapter 320: Innately full of divine qualities!
After breaking through to the god level, Su Qingfeng became familiar with the power of immortals in the mansion for more than an hour.

Not only has his strength skyrocketed, but he seems to have a feeling that Douluo Continent, which was originally disconnected after ascending to the God Realm, has begun to restore contact. He can sense the situation of Douluo Continent, and people in the God Realm can also to a certain extent. This is good news for things that affect the mainland.

For more than an hour, the goddess of life had been guarding him. Her eyes were almost watery, and the more she looked at him, the more lustful she became.

I guess I'm thinking: After becoming a god, Qingfeng's fertility should reach B level and above, right? It shouldn't be ruined, right?

After Tang San told Tang Wutong, he returned to Immortal Mountain. When he came back, the God of Destruction also arrived.

Rong Nian Bing also flew back, his expression was extremely ugly, his face was crooked, and there was a hammer mark. He rushed up and glared at Tang San:

"Tang San, you are cruel! Are you so powerful? Do you want to destroy this god's face? I remember you, brother, this is the end!"

"Calm down, calm down, Nian Bing, I also wanted to protect Qingfeng. I lost my mind and lost my temper in a moment. Don't take it to heart."

Rong Nianbing calmed down a little and turned to look at Su Qingfeng with a friendly expression: "Qingfeng, what do you think of what I just said..."

"Nian Bing, please respect yourself and don't force me to miss again."

Before he finished speaking, Tang San stood in front of Rong Nian Bing again, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand levitated out again, startling Rong Nian Bing.

Rong Nianbing pointed at Tang San angrily: "You..."

Gou San, don’t force me! ! !

Tang San returned Rong Nianbing's look: Good brother, calm down, don't cross the line, I will kill you if you cross the line.

"Come on, Qingfeng, this one you have condensed is an unprecedented new godhead. This is the godhead quality detection matrix, which can test the current quality of your godhead."

"The God Realm divides the Godhead into six levels, namely the Godhead, the Great Godhead, the Main Godhead, the Second-level Godhead, the Third-level Godhead, and the Godhead. They respectively correspond to the fifty-four divine crystals in six directions on the Godhead detection matrix. The more crystals that are lit, the higher the quality of the godhead.”

"The quality of the godhead is very important. It represents the upper limit of the god's practice. The higher the quality of the godhead, the faster the upgrade speed and the more fragile the bottleneck. Therefore, the godhead is the essence of the god. It is the key to the evolution of mortal power into divine power. , can condense the energy of heaven and earth into transcendent divine power."

As Tang San waved his hand, a set of shining matrix divine crystals were placed on an open space in the Immortal God's Court. They formed a formation, exuding a strange power.

"Stand in the center of the matrix, summon your godhead, and you can test its quality."

Tang San said to Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng glanced at Tang San suspiciously. To be honest, his trust in Tang San was very low. If the normal score was 0-100, then his score for Tang San was: -100.

"Qingfeng, go, there is no danger. In the past, the gods who created their own godheads in the god world also used the matrix to detect the power of the godhead. Many in the mortal world used magic balls, crystal balls and the like to detect talent and strength, but the power of the gods is very powerful, and the godhead It has the power of order, so it is not accurate to use a separate divine crystal.”

"I also want to see how strong Qingfeng's godhead is. Judging from the aura just now, I'm afraid it won't be lower than the first-level main godhead." God King of Destruction said.

This also means that Su Qingfeng's divine power needs to light up thirty-six divine crystals in all directions, which is a minority in the entire God Realm. "Destruction, you underestimate Qingfeng too much. What Qingfeng absorbs is the original immortal power. I can guarantee that it is definitely at the level of a great god."

The goddess of life said that she also hoped that Su Qingfeng would have the godhead level or above.

First, because Su Qingfeng is handsome and has an unparalleled temperament. Anyone who sees him can't help but care for him, love him, and hope for him to be better.

Based on the first point, the second point is derived. Desire is born from love. Only when Su Qingfeng becomes a strong person at the level of a great god or above, will the probability of giving birth to a life with her be high, and can she satisfy her desire to have a beautiful baby of her own. desire!
After taking a deep breath, Su Qingfeng slowly walked into the divine crystal matrix.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the God Realm, there was such a testing process.

He still vaguely remembers that when he first went to Poseidon Pavilion, he also underwent a test, but it was to test soul power. He was born with full soul power. I wonder what the result will be this time?
Standing in the center of the divine crystal matrix, Su Qingfeng slowly mobilized the divine power, and the core of a fairy spirit appeared in front of Su Qingfeng.

The moment the godhead appeared, it attracted the attention of all the people around it, just because the godhead was equally beautiful. The whole body was golden white, with fairy mist lingering on the surface, and there was even a pair of looming fairy feathers inside that seemed to represent different meanings. The chaotic energy of elemental power is rolling, emitting an aura that shocks even the gods.

As a muffled groan came from Su Qingfeng, the power of the divine power spread instantly, activating the divine crystal matrix under his feet.

Soon, the divine crystals on both sides were lit up instantly.

This means that there is already a third level of grade.

But the speed didn't slow down much. Within thirty seconds, the third party's Nine-Gate Divine Crystal was also lit up and recognized as the second-level godhead.

To be able to create a second-level godhead on your own is actually quite remarkable. He could be an epoch-making genius in every dimension.

Just imagine, even a genius like Yi Lao, who claims to "hold the sun and moon in his hands to pick stars, there is no one like me in the world." At his peak, he was only a quasi-god, and has not yet awakened his godhead. What kind of person can awaken the godhead? Genius?
It can be said that the person who can awaken the main godhead is selected by hundreds of millions of people.

The divine crystals in the fourth square were also lit up one after another, rising slowly until the eighth and ninth squares...

The divine crystal in the fifth square began to flash, and the goddess of life jumped excitedly. She couldn't help but make a sound, like an excited little girl:
"Yeah, that's great, Qingfeng's divine power has reached the level of a great god!"

"He has actually reached the level of a great god. In a few decades, the God Realm will usher in a new great god."

"You know, the Great God is second only to the God King and can be ranked among the top twelve in the God Realm. However, this godhood is only barely worthy of the status of the Young God!"

What's even more incredible is that the divine crystal did not stop flashing. The fifth square of the divine crystal was still being lit up slowly. About two minutes passed. level godhead!
God king style!
The divine king's personality emerged, and the world was shocked! The situation changed, and the seats in the God Realm Committee seemed to react, and a looming fairy seat began to gather together.

The most shocking thing is that the sixth divine crystal is still emitting dazzling light, the second... the fourth... the sixth... the eighth...

Even Tang San and the God of Destruction held their breath at this moment and stared wide-eyed. Until the ninth divine crystal lit up, they both let out a scream:
"Innately full of divine quality! It turns out to be innately full of divine quality?!"

(End of this chapter)

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