Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 327: He sealed the new law enforcement god behind our back?

Chapter 327: He sealed the new law enforcement god behind our back?

God Realm, it’s time.

The majestic palace stands majestically in the blue sky, shining and emitting dreamlike light.

There are vast mountains in all directions. Colorful Ganoderma lucidum and colorful flowers grow among the undulating mountains. Clear springs flow from the mountain streams and converge into green streams flowing under the city walls of the God Realm, enriching the natural ecology of the God Realm. The sky is filled with sacred birds that inspire reverence.

The countless figures of ancient gods above the huge palace turned into huge scriptures, scrolling through the vicissitudes of history between heaven and earth. The temple has sacred red pillars, golden walls, and jade altars, and is home to countless gods, shining with divine light. The temple is so vast and majestic that it is unimaginable.

The God of Destruction led Su Qingfeng onto the divine steps and soared up.

As Su Qingfeng settled down, the flowers, plants and trees planted on the sacred mountain of the committee began to sway, and the flowers and leaves all over the sky were swaying, as if to welcome Su Qingfeng's arrival.

The God of Destruction said:

"Qingfeng, the entire God Realm is welcoming your arrival."

"The sacred mountain where the committee is located is the original sacred mountain. It is said that the sacred mountain may have its own hazy consciousness. When each god steps on the ladder of the sacred mountain for the first time, the sacred mountain will react. The more and heavier the reaction, the better it will be. get more recognition.”

"The last time he stepped onto the ladder to the sacred mountain was Tang San. He dropped leaves and sown three thousand flowers with each step. His results were pretty good, but he was not a good person. I have never liked this person. He was hypocritical, pretentious, cautious, and had a good reputation. .”

The God of Destruction said calmly, in the God Realm, there is probably no one except him who dares to tell Tang San's shortcomings so blatantly.

"Yes." Su Qingfeng nodded lightly and agreed.

Although he was already at level 104, Su Qingfeng still felt a little strenuous when stepping on the ladder to the sacred mountain. The pressure here seemed to be stronger than other places in the God Realm.

But after walking a few steps, a divine radiance from heaven and earth fell on Su Qingfeng.

The God of Destruction's eyes widened: "Law Enforcement Divine Glory, this is the committee's highest recognition, and it's given so quickly!"

However, the God of Destruction quickly accepted it. If it were anyone else, he would have cursed, but when it came to Su Qingfeng, everything made sense.

The brilliance of law enforcement fell on Su Qingfeng, and Su Qingfeng immediately felt that the pressure was doubled. Walking felt like walking on flat ground, no different from ordinary mountain climbing.

But looking from outside the sacred mountain, the strange scene of the sacred mountain has just begun.

I saw the purple-robed God King walking up step by step with the peerless young man.

A thousand leaves fall in one step, and all things are reflected in the sky.

The bright and gorgeous flowers and plants on the sacred mountain sensed the arrival of the young man, and they all bloomed shyly. Pieces of colorful flowers and green leaves flew all over the sky, and fell to the earth when the wind blew.

The old ancient tree has grown for more than tens of thousands of years. Although it cannot support the sky of the gods, it is still tall and tall. Just because the young man passed by and worried that the scorching sun would hurt his body, he bent his body as he had for tens of thousands of years. The twisted and dense branches paved a tree-lined path for it.

Even if the road is bumpy, there are also strong and tough old tree roots to fill the potholes and build bridges, just to welcome the most distinguished guest in the history of the sacred mountain... No!

Perhaps, in the future, he will be the master.

The young man climbed to the top of the divine mountain and all the February flowers in the divine realm fell.

All the flowers on the sacred mountain flew down for Su Qingfeng alone.

Just like beauty is only for one person's heart, and beauty is no longer left for others to appreciate. That scene was dreamlike and extremely beautiful.

The goddesses outside the sacred mountain were all stunned. They watched the young man board the temple of the committee and began to take charge of the power of the divine world. They both admired and obsessed with the young man in their hearts:
"Starting from today, there will be a sixth law enforcer in the God Realm."

"There used to be five law enforcers in the God Realm, but I am not excited about each of them joining the committee, because it means that there is an extra god on our head to suppress us, and there is an extra manager in the God Realm. They want They set rules to constrain us and sometimes even make us work, which is annoying as hell.”

"But Young God is different. Don't let us work. You can fuck me! Come and control me, come and restrain me! Please ravage me, oh, oh, oh, oh~"

Su Qingfeng arrived at the God Realm Committee smoothly.

The main hall of the palace is in the shape of an octagon. Each of the surrounding walls has no decoration, but there are countless scenes that change and flicker. Each light curtain represents a world and a scene on different planets in the human world. This is also where the God Realm Committee monitors various planets in this star field.

There is a round table in the center of the main hall. The surface of the round table is made of unknown materials. If you look carefully, you can see misty clouds and seemingly endless depth.

There are only five fixed stools around the round table, and each stool has a fixed owner. They are respectively colored black and red for killing and decisiveness, gray purple for destroying chaos, mysterious black for absorbing souls, pure and beautiful pink and white, and full of vitality. Pure green.

But today, the five seats around the round table were rearranged, leaving one main seat. A translucent, unactivated fairy seat stood there quietly, no one could shake it, exuding a faint fairy saint. Qi.

"Qingfeng, use your divine power to connect with the Fairy Constellation and identify the master. In the future, you can mobilize the committee's equipment. You can view these star screens that can observe the conditions of various planes under the God Realm at will, as well as the committee's books and power. , you can also watch and use it.”

"The committee is responsible for a wide range of things. There are many things. I can't teach you everything in just a short while. I will learn slowly in the future. Today I will take you to visit the committee and understand how it operates."

As the God of Destruction spoke, he motioned for Su Qingfeng to take control of his immortal throne.

It's rare for him to have such patience.

Su Qingfeng nodded, and a divine power floated from his fingertips and poured into the immortal throne.

Suddenly, the sixth seat glowed with light, and the fairy seat seemed to reflect the universe, which was very smart. There are not many bells and whistles on the back of the Immortal Seat. There is only the Yunting Immortal King's Palace, which is ethereal and untouchable but also has a bit of domineering power. When Su Qingfeng sits on it, it is enough to attract the attention of all things.

With the activation of the sixth chair of the committee, cranes and dragons soared in the sky of the God Realm, as if in celebration, a dazzling light burst into the sky from the temple.

A powerful divine power surrounded Su Qingfeng. He felt that his body was also changing. The divine power quickly broke through and reached level 106.

"Don't be surprised, this is a meeting gift given to you by the temple."

The God King of Destruction smiled with satisfaction.

With Qingfeng joining the God Realm Committee, why worry about not having a bright and bright tomorrow? !

However, outside the God Realm Committee, two gods were coming.

Seeing many goddesses watching the ceremony outside the sacred mountain, I couldn't help but ask:
"Goddess of Nature, Goddess of Light, what are you looking at here? What happened to the committee? Why are all the flowers on the sacred mountain flying down and there is such a big commotion? What big thing happened in the God Realm behind our backs???"

When the goddesses saw the visitor, they quickly said respectfully:

"Evil God King, Good God King, the thing is like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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