Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 334 Chapter 333 The body of Qingfeng can be viewed from a distance but cannot be played with

Chapter 334 Chapter 333 The body of Qingfeng can be viewed from a distance but cannot be played with!

With a bang, the entire God Realm was alarmed.

Lie Yan was already dumbfounded in the library, looking at Su Qingfeng with a dazed look on his face, as if the feeling was coming again, waves of red appeared on the surface of his body:
Qingfeng classmate, don’t break through, come and have fun with the teacher again!

Ahhhhh! I really can't stand it. How could the young god have such great power? No wonder the god has recognized him as the future god king!
From now on, the Young God will definitely be the first choice to lead the God Realm, and no one else can compare with him! ! !
Ask for C!

"Qingfeng-san, give it to the teacher again!!!"

"Shut up! Just teach, just teach. You only think about those despicable things in your mind. I can't satisfy you!"

Hearing Su Qingfeng's indifferent words, Lie Yan not only didn't get angry, but felt a feeling that he had never experienced before. It turned out that this was how it felt to be scolded!

Young God, good men!

"Teacher just likes to be mean. Teacher is your bitch!"



In the hall on the first floor, the God of Destruction and Ji Dong were also startled. They were frightened by the sudden vibration. They quickly flew out of the temple and hung in the air to look. They suddenly became uneasy.

I saw the stars reflecting in the sky, and the roof of the temple was completely broken!

Huge cracks spread out like spider webs, completely destroying the top of the originally magnificent temple. Broken tiles and broken walls were scattered around, making the scene look like a ruins.

There was a faint light around the temple, but it no longer seemed to have that noble power of the gods.

In the starry sky, a powerful aura is surging, as if it is shaking everything below.

On the top of the mountain, there is endless white snow, and the frost dances down and turns into countless snowflakes.

Deep in the forest, a little divine fire is enough to start a prairie fire and burn thousands of meters of ground to ashes.

At the top of the clouds, thunder surges, filled with the power of destruction and destruction.

Everything flying was destroyed by the wind blade, the tornado whirled over the eight hundred mountains, and the sky and the earth were filled with strong winds.

The light suddenly breaks through the sky, just like the sun rising in the dark night, revealing the lonely shadow of the young man!
"What is that? Is the Young God's weapon a planet? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"What is this kid doing again?"

"This is too outrageous. What did Lie Yan do to Qing Feng?"

"God King of Destruction, look at the fairy tree in the center. Does it contain a strange power?"

"Well, it seems to be the power of creation."

"The Young God actually still has the power to create? Has he awakened the Creator God Panel?"

"I suddenly remembered that Qingfeng's godhead does have the word "creation" in it. Maybe he can actually create miracles with the fairy star." The God of Destruction said in surprise.

"You are worthy of being an innate divine being. The Young God is really a young God. He only got such opportunities and progress after reading the divine scriptures in the library for a day. It seems that Yan is really following the Young God. Research and study, I’m overthinking it.”

Ji Dong sighed deeply, feeling a little guilty.

Just now, I almost thought that Yan was carrying them behind his back and occupying the young god's body in the library. The most important thing was that he didn't take him with him! Don't treat him as one of your own!

Now it seems that I have a villain's heart and misunderstood! could Young Master Qingfeng's body be so perfect? Isn't it wonderful? He was a man who was a little moved when he saw him.

The gods heard the wind and came, the movement in the temple was too great, the stars were shining, and the wind was surging in the sky and the earth.

Su Qingfeng's pure and perfect body descended on the starry sky. He raised his finger to the sky, and the twelve immortal stars turned into miracles in his hands.

Twelve stars contain the power of different attributes.

From now on, they will have their own core and center of the earth, and from then on they will truly become stars on a plane that are no worse than any planet in the universe, and the Golden Fairy Star is the star in that small universe.

The whole process lasted for a long time, and the vision in the starry sky became much calmer than the intense one at the beginning.

The night slowly opened, and the morning light first broke, and the God Realm in the distance seemed like a paradise, with the ladder going straight up and the fairy clouds lingering.

The morning sun rises slowly from the east, and the golden light fills the sky, reflecting the sea of ​​clouds filled with fairy spirit, which seems to be the auspiciousness of today.

There is no dust and noise, only the pure morning light, gently brushing every inch of the land and every flower and grass, rendering everything into a golden dream. The air is fresh and mellow, as if it can cleanse the soul. The morning breeze blows gently, bringing bursts of floral fragrance, which is the fragrance of fairy fruits, refreshing and intoxicating.

Looking closer, above the fairy stars, the fairy mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, just like a fairyland. On the towering fairy peaks, a faint golden light shone in the morning light, and all kinds of flowers, plants and trees grew abundantly. The crane drank water leisurely by the fairy spring, flapping its wings gently and making a sweet chirp.

Golden Fairy Star, the river is clear and transparent, with sparkling waves, like silver ribbons. The fairy fish in the river shuttle with ease, and their scales reflect the starlight under the sunlight, which is amazing.

Each of the twelve immortal stars breeds unique creatures, flowers and plants, full of endless vitality and hope. Every scenery and every moment of change makes people fascinated and lingering.

Beyond the Immortal Star, on the peaks around the Holy Mountain, more and more gods came to watch.

Seeing that Su Qingfeng actually brewed such a miracle, and the perfect ketone body reflected in the morning light and starlight, all the gods turned into "idiots" and "idiots".

Previously, they had been enamored by Su Qingfeng's appearance just by his appearance, and now there was no need to say more.

The faces of the goddesses were also flushed. Just by looking at them, they felt their bodies surging, and they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts:

"Although the Young God's level is not high, the size is not small... It's a pity that you can only look at it, but you can't pinch it, alas~"

"Ahhhhh! I can't stand it anymore. The young god's body is so beautiful. It feels like I can touch it, feel like I'm touching it!"

"I can't help it anymore, I want to go up and kiss the young god, hug him and hold him high! I want the young god!"

A goddess saw the morning sun rising from early in the morning, and her eyes turned red. She couldn't bear it anymore, so she burst into divine power and rushed towards Su Qingfeng!

One after another, there were two, and several goddesses couldn't control themselves and wanted to go up and kiss the young man's cock.

The King of Destruction's eyes condensed, and several waves of destruction thunder blasted directly over, overlooking all the gods:
"Who dares to move in my opinion? The body of Qingfeng can be viewed from a distance but cannot be played with, do you understand?"

"Whoever dares to come close and affect Qingfeng's breakthrough will not be tolerated by this god's destructive divine thunder. Do you want to test whether my divine thunder is powerful?"

Suddenly, those goddesses who were ready to move had their scruples.

But how could the throbbing in their hearts be so easily accessible? Their eyes widened and they looked at Su Qingfeng, who was stepping on the twelve element dragons and integrating the power of the twelve immortal stars. Their eyes were full of emotion:
If I could have a day and night of tenderness with the young god, I would be willing to give up the title of god.

If I can't have a one-night stand with the young god in this life, what's the point of this life?
The goddess of life also came in a hurry. She had prepared many nourishing and magical items in the Immortal Court, but Su Qingfeng had not returned yet.

At this time, when I arrived at the Holy Mountain, I saw Su Qingfeng's perfect body exposed under the stars in the sky. He looked a little unhappy, and he was possessive like never before:
It’s really irritating to see such a toned body in full view!

But, well, I've eaten this body, so you guys can't even touch it, right?
Otherwise, why do you think even I can't bear it?

(End of this chapter)

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