Chapter 348 The resonance of the six sacred thrones

On this day, the top leaders of the Temple Alliance held an emergency meeting.

Several superpowers currently in charge of the Divine Seal Throne also gathered in the hall of the temple.

There is only one reason. There are varying degrees of shocks from the six sacred thrones.

They seemed to be trembling and excited, as if they were reacting to something.

The six sacred thrones and their owners:
The Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation - The Divine Seal Knight of Knights Temple Glory and Leader Long Haochen.

The Divine Seal Throne of Fear and Sorrow - Knight Temple The Divine Seal of Destruction and Forgiveness, Knight Han Yu.

The Throne of the Divine Seal of Doom and Killing - Knight Yang Wenzhao, the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment in the Knights Temple.

The Divine Seal Throne of Protection and Compassion - the Divine Seal Knight Yang Haohan, the defense and co-ordinator of the Knights Temple.

The Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit - The Divine Seal Knight of the Knights Temple's education and inheritance is released.

The Divine Seal Throne of Order and Law - The Divine Seal of Knight Temple control and restraint, the Knight Longtian Seal.

The six divine knights gathered together and discussed in a deep voice around a circular table.

Long Tianyin was the first to speak, "Are you all here? There must have been some movement in your throne?"

Zhang Fangfang stared and replied:

"Palace Master, just yesterday morning, my Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit suddenly trembled. This is the first time since I took charge of the throne. Is there a gap between me and the throne?"

Yang Wenzhao's stern face also became solemn, he clasped his hands on his chest and said:

"This is not your case alone. The Sealed Throne of the God of Doom and Killing also made some movements yesterday. The power of doom and killing above suddenly went berserk. That kind of countercurrent made it almost impossible for me to control it, and I even went on a killing spree."

Yang Wenzhao was frightened just thinking about it. It had not been long since he took over the Divine Seal Throne from Lord Long Xingyu. If something went wrong, the consequences would be disastrous.

Each Divine Seal Throne has great power, and once it goes berserk, it can easily wipe out thousands of people.

The two Divine Seal Knights, Yang Haohan and Han Yu, also spoke one after another, saying that their Divine Seal Thrones had also experienced fluctuations, and the fluctuations were not small.

This even injured several seventh-level and eighth-level experts in the palace.

"Haochen, you are in charge of the most powerful Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and you are also the most powerful knight in history. There should be no such situation, right?"

Long Tianyin looked at Long Haochen in a deep voice. He was an extremely good-looking young man. If he had never met Su Qingfeng, he would probably be the most handsome boy in the world.

Long Haochen had the talent to become a god, and even temporarily entered a god-level state with the help of the first eight heads of Austin Griffin, the God of Scourge, and controlled the power of creation.

But after the Demon God War, due to the death of Austin Griffin, Haoyue sealed the path for Long Haochen to reach the divine level before his death, causing his spiritual power to stay at nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred forever. Ninety-nine points.

But even so, he is now recognized as the strongest person in the Holy Demon Continent, and the first person among the gods.

Even some weaker priests may not be his opponents.

To the surprise of the other divine seal knights, Long Haochen said a shocking sentence:

" be honest, everyone, my Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation... almost escaped my control and flew directly out..."


"The Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation almost flew out? Is it the true body of the throne? Haochen, are you kidding me?"

Long Haochen nodded seriously: "I'm not joking. The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation was suddenly out of control. Its body moved abnormally and left its original position. It sensed something. It kept vibrating, and there was even a trace of it trying to follow. "I almost couldn't suppress the abnormal movement of the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. Fortunately, after a while, the feeling seemed to weaken, and the restlessness of the throne subsided, and I was able to calm the throne." ”

After hearing Long Haochen's words, the other five divine seal knights all looked at each other with horrified expressions.

Yang Haohan said in a deep voice: "The six divine thrones resonate at the same time. This has never happened before, and even the strongest and most mysterious divine seal throne of eternity and creation has had this situation. Could it be that the mainland has another Is there a new enemy emerging?"

"The Seventy-Two Demon Gods were destroyed not long ago. The alliance finally expelled the demons and regained the lost territory. Everything is recovering. Is this going to be broken again?"

"But, even when Demon God Emperor Fengxiu existed, such a situation has never happened. Is what appears this time even more powerful and terrifying than Demon God Emperor Fengxiu?"

The entire Divine Seal Hall was filled with an aura of silence.

At this time, Long Haochen hesitated, and finally took out a letter and handed it to Long Tianyin:

"I think this letter may be able to answer some questions for us."

"Letter? What letter?"

"This is what my parents sent back from the northwest - Sidi City. They told me that they witnessed the arrival of two mysterious and powerful extraterrestrial visitors on the Sidi Plain."

"These two extraterrestrial visitors seem to be extraordinary. One has a mysterious dark power in his body, and the other looks enigmatic and like a boy who has been banished to an immortal. Using his father's spiritual power to detect their strength, both of them have a certain feeling. It feels like the river flows into the ocean. I wonder if the changes in the Divine Seal Throne are related to them? "

After Long Haochen finished speaking, Long Tianyin couldn't help but open the envelope and circulated it among several divine seal knights.

Everyone was stunned for a while.

Yang Wenzhao said blankly: "Even Lord Long Xingyu commented like this? Who are these two extraterrestrial visitors and why did they go to Xidi City?"

"Don't underestimate them, don't forget that back then, the Demon God Pillar also fell from the sky, starting thousands of years of turmoil in the Holy Demon Continent."

"Well, this matter must be taken seriously. Since Long Xingyu has suspicions, we can't just sit idly by and ignore it. Which divine seal knight is willing to go to Sidi City to investigate this matter?"

Long Tianyin looked at everyone.

Although Long Haochen is the strongest among the six divine seal knights, he is still in charge, and everyone is convinced, for no other reason than that he is an old divine seal knight and Long Haochen's grandfather.

"I'm willing to go." Long Haochen raised his hand.

At this time, Yang Wenzhao pressed Long Haochen's hand and said calmly:
"It's better for me to go. I know you have been looking for Haoyue's reborn body. Besides, my Divine Seal Throne belongs to Lord Long Xingyu. If I go, Lord Long Xingyu can also use the power of the throne if something goes wrong. ”

Yang Wenzhao stood up.

Long Tianyin nodded: "Okay, Yang Wenzhao, I'll do your best to make a trip. If there is any situation, notify the alliance as soon as possible. We are ready to provide support at any time."

Yang Wenzhao nodded and walked out.

Outside the hall, a petite Loli wearing a pink princess dress and holding a pink umbrella pouted:
"Yang Wenzhao, where are you going?"

"Sidi City."

"I also need to go!"

"What are you going to do?"

"You care about me? I'm going!"

(End of this chapter)

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