Chapter 378 The Punishment of the God Realm Comes (Large Chapter)

Several goddess-level figures from the Temple Alliance almost simultaneously erupted with the most terrifying spiritual power in their lives.

Multiple auras worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual power soared into the sky, blooming with light in that gloomy territory.

If the elders of Shrek Academy saw this scene, they would be extremely shocked.

Because the auras they erupted were actually above those of Super Douluo!

Sheng Cai'er, Chen Ying'er, and Bai Yue all had varying degrees of loss of color on their faces.

"A big wedding? How can he get a big wedding! How can he get a big wedding!"

"If he is married, then who are we?"

"The bold demon clan must have forced my husband to get married. Such evil behavior is unforgivable. They will be destroyed today!"

Several ninth-level beauties were holding divine weapons. Seeing that they could not break through the divine light of the mountain range and could not enter it, they turned their spearheads and looked at the dark demons.

In particular, Sheng Cai'er reacted the most violently and immediately held the Death Scythe, intending to sweep away the demons.

Then Sheng Yue, Chen Hongyu, Sanshui, Long Tianyin and others also had black lines on their faces:

Damn it, we were all arguing in the headquarters, staring and blushing, because we just wanted the junior in the family to get engaged to Su Qingfeng.

The demon clan's bastards are doing well, they just held a wedding for Su Qingfeng!
Seeing that the demons were stationed in the territory and there were wedding decorations and banquets, the strong men of the Temple Alliance were furious.

There is a feeling that the peerless treasure you just obtained has been cut off by others.

Seeing the strong man from the Temple Alliance showing his power, Agares looked bitter:
"So what if you destroy the demon clan? Open your eyes and see that the seventy-two demon pillars have been reshaped, and they recognize Su Qingfeng as their master.

From then on, he is the supreme demon emperor of the demon clan. Even if the current demon clan is destroyed, he can easily create thousands of new demon clan. "

"Despicable! Damn it! This is the conspiracy and calculation of your demon clan! You guys did it on purpose."

Sheng Cai'er's Death Scythe swung out a breath of death that actually split the earth. The powerful breath of death frightened all the demon creatures.

Sheng Cai'er was about to explode with anger. She tried with all her strength to tear through the light curtain outside the Kiln Broken Diao Mountain, trying to reach it and look for Su Qingfeng's figure.

But there is nothing he can do, he can only watch the light swallowing the air of death.

Only when the artifact Su Qingfeng built for them was used, did the light curtain waver at all.

Wang Yuanyuan carried the Giant Spirit God's ax, poured all his spiritual power into it, and slashed at the light shield outside Kil Broken Diao Mountain.

The earth was shaken, and the incomparable power was terrifying, but it only left a hair-like crack on the light shield.

And soon new light power was added to repair the light mask.

Long Haochen looked at the mountains and recalled his exchange with the goddess of light. He seemed to understand something in his heart and said:
"Okay, that's it. If we destroy the demons, it won't help. The goddess of light arrived before us. She should be treating the young master now, right?"

"Everything will be decided after the news from the goddess of light. If Young Master Qingfeng is safe and sound, then he will decide the life and death of the demon clan. I, Long Haochen, support the Young Master unconditionally!"

"But if something happens to the young master, and even the goddess of light cannot save him, then the demon clan will surely pay the price of eternal destruction!"

"Bah, bah, bah, how could something happen to the young master? He will definitely be safe and sound! Don't say such unlucky words!"

Sanshui sighed quickly.

Long Haochen also slapped his two little mouths: "Master Sanshui is right. Young Master Jiren has his own destiny and will definitely come back safely."

After what Long Haochen said, the powerful men in the Temple Alliance felt a little calmer.

Only then did the murderous aura in Sheng Cai'er's gray-purple eyes subside, her figure hovering in front of Kil Broken Diao Mountain, and coldly snorted:
"According to what Long Haochen said, none of you demons can escape. It's best to pray that the young master is unharmed. If he loses a hair, you will lose your skin."

Chen Ying'er held her Hunyuan umbrella and pouted:

"Then let's just wait. If the young master is injured, then you demons will have nothing to say. No one can be detrimental to the young master!"

Agares smiled bitterly: "Of course we will not be disadvantageous to the new Demon Emperor. On the contrary, he should have obtained the supreme power of our demon clan. On the contrary, I am worried that the goddess of light will obliterate our new Demon Emperor."

Agares looked at the mountains worriedly. The goddess of light suddenly arrived, wondering what the purpose of her visit was.


Soon, two days passed.

The power of the starry sky and the power of the demon god in Kilduandiao Mountain gradually became calm.

The knight army of the Temple Alliance has also prepared for battle, sailed out of the exorcism pass, and surrounded the demons in a C shape.

The powerful men and goddess-level figures of the Temple Alliance also waited here for two days and two nights without taking a moment's rest in case they missed Su Qingfeng's awakening.

Agares and the strong men of the demon clan were also worried. They were also worried that something might happen to Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng, as long as he is still alive, will definitely be the best Demon God Emperor in the history of the Demon Clan. It will not be a problem to surpass Demon God Emperor Fengxiu.

After all, even Fengxiu is willing to transform into a demon dragon and hide on the fairy star.

Bai Yue found Agares. She was also very concerned about what happened to the demon clan and Su Qingfeng, so she mustered up the courage to ask:

"Uncle Agares, what happened to this Demon Clan wedding? Which woman from the Demon Clan is so lucky and who married my young master?"

"Uncle? Hahaha, if the Demon God Emperor knows you call me this, he will definitely be very pleased."

Hearing Bai Yue call him uncle, Agares had a smile on his face, very surprised.

After the Demon God War, Bai Yue's identity spread among the Demon Clan. Naturally, Agares also knew that the Demon God Emperor had such a daughter, but she had almost never been in the Demon Clan. It was quite a surprise to be able to call him uncle. Agares was quite pleased.

Agares said: "If it were someone else who asked me, I'm afraid I wouldn't tell them what I really want to do, but since you are the princess..."

Agares said seriously: "In fact, I also have selfish motives for this wedding. I want to marry my daughter Yue Ye and your sister Princess Leng Xiao to the new Demon Emperor together.

Unfortunately, during the most important ceremony - worshiping heaven and earth to worship the demon god, I realized that the identity of this new demon emperor is not something that can be figured out by ordinary thinking. Even the statues of heaven and earth and the demon gods of all generations did not dare to accept him. A great gift, I think, he should be respected by both heaven and earth. "

Hearing this, Bai Yue's eyes were quite deep, and she nodded and said:

"Yes, he is indeed the most worthy being in this world who deserves to be looked up to by everyone in the world. Otherwise, I would not have completely let go of my past bad relationships because of his appearance. I would be very satisfied if I could fall in love with him once." ”

"What? Princess Bai Yue, are you also in love with the new Demon Emperor?"

Agares asked in surprise.

Bai Yue stared: "What's wrong?"

"The Demon God Emperor is really... I'm afraid he didn't expect that a daughter has fallen into the hands of the new Demon Emperor, and he even ordered me to betroth Princess Leng Xiao to Su Qingfeng.

In retrospect, Princess Leng Xiao was quite opposed to it at first, but now she has really pushed Princess Leng Xiao into a pit of fire. You two sisters..."

Agares sighed.

The two daughters of the Demon God Emperor both followed the same person, which is probably unique in the history of the Demon Clan.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yue didn't think so and said:
"Are Leng Xiao and Yue Ye also in that mountain range? Leng Xiao has not fallen into a pit of fire. This is a good blessing that is difficult to cultivate in ten lifetimes. Others are obsessed with her and are willing to give up everything but she can't get married. She half-heartedly married her first."

"Even if it's a half wedding, not a full wedding, they're still much better than us."

Agares could tell that Bai Yue envied Leng Xiao in his words.

Not just Bai Yue, all the goddesses who knew about this would envy Yue Ye and Leng Xiao to death.

Of course, they will also be angry and jealous...

Spirit world. Divine Council.

The news of Su Qingfeng's descent has been known to many gods, mainly the Seven Gods of Original Sin and the God of Destruction of the Evil God Department, as well as the main god of the Tang San Department.

With nothing to do, there was nothing more important than watching Su Qingfeng, so they strongly suggested tracking Su Qingfeng's movements through the observation mirror.

We sat together around the God Realm Committee, drinking tea and looking at the screen, quite interested.

However, this interest was soon broken.

They had a panoramic view of what happened at Kil Broken Diao Mountain. Seeing the demons holding a wedding for Su Qingfeng, these goddesses almost went crazy.

It's a pity that the laws of the divine world have become a constraint at this moment, and they cannot come down to earth to interfere.

Until the goddess of light also appeared and actually stepped into the mountain range. Although it was vague, they looked from the sky, as if they saw the goddess of light slowly disappearing in the light curtain. When she disappeared, the clothes on her body were also falling off.

The original sin gods present here are not fools, and they immediately knew what the goddess of light wanted to do.

What do you want to do? No, she doesn't do it, she wants to be fucked.

"Why does the goddess of light appear in the lower world?"

"It's too much, it's too much! The goddess of light seduces the young god!"

"Ah ah ah! How can the goddess of light do this? I'm really angry. Why does she go to the lower world to ruin the young god? Why can she do this and I can't?"

The God of Jealousy adjusted his electronic helmet, and the face inside became ferocious.

"Poseidon, what is going on? Why is the goddess of light down there?"

The God King of Destruction looked at Tang San and asked.

Tang San's face didn't look good either: "The new rules stipulate that a maximum of three gods can descend to a plane for a period of time. Before Qingfeng and Electrolux, the Goddess of Light was already in the Holy Demon Continent. She did not descend to the earth without permission. ”

The goddess of light is the deity of his faction. In the past, he would naturally want to protect her.

But at this moment, I felt very uncomfortable. This goddess of light was so audacious that she dared to seduce the son-in-law of the Tang family! Let his son-in-law of the Tang family come out!
I want to ask, which god in the current god world doesn't know that Tang San's daughter admired the young god Su Qingfeng, fell out with him, and followed Su Qingfeng.

This goddess of light knew that Wu Tong liked Su Qingfeng, but she still took advantage of it and stabbed Tang San in the back!

"Although you are not descending to the earth without permission, don't forget that the new regulations also restrict the interference of gods in the mortal world. The goddess of light slapped so many demons to death. This is an indiscriminate killing of innocent people. What do you think, God of the Sea? Woolen cloth?"

The God of Jealousy didn't mind watching the show, and the look of jealousy in his eyes became more and more serious, so he started to get angry.

Why is she, the goddess of light, so lucky?

Why can a woman from the Holy Demon Continent see the Young God?
Why can't such a cute main god like me not get a young god?

I also want to surround the little young god with those two soft flowers!

Therefore, they are so hateful, love rivals, all love rivals! We can't let them go like this!
Tang San glanced at the God of Jealousy, pondered for a moment, and then nodded:

"Well, you are right. This goddess of light did act a little more indulgently this time, killing innocent people indiscriminately. More importantly, she even took advantage of Qingfeng's breakthrough to plot Qingfeng's body, which was disrespectful to the young god. Facts If that’s the case, we can’t let her off lightly.”

"Use the core power of the committee to forcefully recall the goddess of light and interrogate and convict her."

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Tang San looked at the other gods, especially the gods of the evil god system.

He thought to himself: Wutong, although you don't regard me as a father, I still have you as my daughter in my heart. If my father can help you eliminate a love rival, he will eliminate one. You have to keep working hard.

Besides, one day in the divine world and one year in the mortal world, if it continues to be delayed, the goddess of light may really mess with Qingfeng. If she does it a few more times, she may have children. That would be terrible. She must be stopped!
Tang San knew in his heart that the Goddess of Light was the main god under him, and she had nothing to do with the Evil Gods. He asked the Evil Gods for their opinions. Naturally, the Evil Gods liked what they heard and directly held Tang San's hand in his arms:

"I have to say that we have never been convinced by Tang Shenwang in the past, but Tang Shenwang's decision this time is so wise and powerful! What opinions can we have?"

"agreed, agreed!"

"Since no one has any objections, I will execute it."

Tang San glanced at the God King of Destruction and saw that the God King of Destruction did not speak.

So he took out a core from the space, and under the urging, the divine hub high up in the God Realm Committee surged with extremely powerful divine power, and a pulling force flew towards the Holy Demon Continent!


Divine light came through the sky.

There was actually a strange hole in the fairy sky, which penetrated the black mist and illuminated the entire Kiel Broken Eagle Mountain.

Also with the arrival of divine light.

Only then did the gods vaguely see the specific situation in the mountains.

I saw that it was a deep pit. Some dark magic vines had grown in the pit, and there was a stream dripping from the mountain peak, with several pieces of bluestone in it.

Two stunning witches covered with tattered cloths were leaning against the stone, their faces flushed and weak.

On the other side, there was a peerless man, and in his arms lay a young woman with disheveled hair and a divine charm.

A quilt made of light covered their bodies, looming.

The beam of light that broke through the sky from the God Realm locked onto the body of the goddess of light.

The goddess of light also shuddered and looked up at the sky, knowing that this was a sanction from the God Realm.

Her godhead was being pulled, her body began to become lighter, and there was a very strong pulling force trying to pull her away.

The goddess of light glanced at Su Qingfeng with nostalgia. She was very satisfied these two days.

She, who had always been holy and holy, had never experienced such a feeling.


"Young God, the God Realm has discovered me. I'm afraid I will have to go back then."

"I'm very happy to have spent these few nights with you. I hope we can meet again in the God Realm."

"Young God, the power of the Demon God Pillar you obtained this time is not necessarily a disadvantage. They originated from the ancient Chaos Demon God. This message may be useful to you."

The goddess of light tapped her fingertips on Su Qingfeng's forehead, and a message poured into Su Qingfeng's consciousness.

Su Qingfeng slowly opened his eyes, and there was a faint hint of chaotic magic in those starry eyes.

"Why does the God Realm call you back?"

"Perhaps they have discovered what happened to us."

"Are they going to punish us?"

"No, no one dares to punish the young god."

"how about you?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"Wait until I get back."

(End of this chapter)

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