Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 387 The ninth calamity of God is coming; who dares to kill me, the goddess of light?

Chapter 387 The Nine Tribulations of God are coming; who dares to kill me, the goddess of light? (big chapter)
The silver dragon shines in the world, and the speeding car breaks through the sky.

There was a roar, and everyone in the Temple Alliance couldn't help but look up. They saw that cool and strange shadow, as if they were seeing a strange object from the sky.

The speeding car traveled all the way and left the Holy Demon Continent.

Sanshui, Weushui, Shengyue and other temple masters could not help but sigh, feeling very reluctant to part with Su Qingfeng.

When he left, he took away a few girls in the alliance who could shoulder important responsibilities, and the alliance's combat power would be greatly damaged.

Yang Wenzhao, Lin Xin, Zhang Fangfang and others breathed a sigh of relief. Su Qingfeng was gone. Sheng Cai'er's group of ungrateful double-standard bitches were also gone. Sheng Yue, Long Tianyin and other strong men were also gone. In the near future, this Temple Alliance and the entire human race will be controlled by them!

By then, let alone Chen Ying'er, Ye Weiyang, Li Xin, and rude women like Wang Yuanyuan, what kind of things are they looking for but can't find?

Then, do whatever you want! catch!

Long Haochen: What are you talking about? Although the young master is gone, the young master, everyone is equal, and we must pass on the traditional virtues of loving the people and loving the children!

Answer me, what are the codes of chivalry? !


"Goddess of Light, do you know your sin?"

"What crime have I committed?"

"You interfered in mortal affairs, killed innocent people indiscriminately, and even violated the committee's future god king Su Qingfeng. We have recorded all your actions in the law enforcement observation mirror. The crime is unpardonable. You still don't know the crime?"

“If it was a sin, I would do it again if I did it again!
If it is a crime to kill some demons, then when the demons kill ordinary people on the Holy Demon Continent, what crime is it for you to watch the fire on the shore and do nothing to save them? "

"Goddess of Light, you are so stubborn. You originally wanted to punish me with a small punishment, but now I see that you need to be thrown into a divine prison! Punished with nine tribulations of divine punishment!!!"

On this day, it rained heavily in the God Realm for no reason.

The sky suddenly turned dark, with lightning and thunder.

The rain was pouring down, like a river pouring down from the sky, and the sky was covered with showers.

Lightning and thunder intertwined in the sky, piercing the sky, the wind stirred the treetops, and the storm roared.

The scene was like a curse from the wrath of a god, shocking. Under the dark sky, countless electric arcs danced in the air, and the dazzling light soul seemed to be waving a spear in the lightning team that was cutting through the thorns.

The goddess of light, who was beautiful and dressed in white, was locked in the Cage of God. The dark earth beast pulled the cart and took her into an underground building made entirely of gray-black bricks.

The passages in the Dungeon of Gods are extremely deep, and the surrounding black stone walls are carved with a large number of ferocious demonic beasts. They look ferocious, as if they want to eat all the beings imprisoned here.

After walking forward for hundreds of meters, some cages appeared on both sides. However, the people imprisoned in those cages were not humans or gods, but beasts of different shapes and types.

To be precise, it’s a mythical beast!

Among them, there is a silver phoenix with fire feathers turning into silver feathers, an earth-controlling unicorn, and a three-color dragon!
As the prison car holding the Goddess of Light drove in, they all let out a deep cry, and the entire dungeon shone:
"I remember you. You are the goddess of light and a first-level main god. You injured me back then and you were also imprisoned?"

"Goddess of Light, I'm going to kill you!"

"Have humans and gods already started to attack their own people?"

"The power of the Dragon God cannot be eradicated. The Dragon God will return. If humans and gods rebel against the ways of heaven, the gods will perish! Roar!"

Hearing the sounds of the mythical beasts, the goddess of light showed a disdainful smile:
"Your Dragon God will never come back. The orc clan is weakened and irreversible. If the committee had not decided to retain some of the outstanding divine beast bloodlines and annihilate you, you would have been reduced to ashes."

"I am different from you fallen beasts. I am in the prison because of the jealousy of the gods and my heart's wish. I have already obtained what I want most in my heart, but you can only be imprisoned here for the rest of your life. , being experimented on by Tang San, how sad!”

The imprisoned mythical beasts heard this and made angry noises:

"Bold! Goddess of Light, do you want to die?"

"Goddess of Light, you'd better not die in the dungeon of God. I'm going to go out and kill you with my own hands! Buzz!"

The Silver Feather Phoenix is ​​the most powerful person in the Phoenix clan, second only to the Golden Feather Phoenix and the True Phoenix, and possesses the strength of a main god.

During the battle between the Dragon Gods, it fought hard against the Goddess of Light, and now it roared very sadly.

They have been imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years. This is such a long time. All major planes have evolved from ancient times and nothingness to the era of civilization and practice, and even begun to come into contact with technology.

"She can't survive! Her cage is the Nine Tribulations Cage. She will be pushed to the highest point of the God's Cage and experience the ultimate divine punishment. Even the Lord God will be at risk of falling!
I don’t know what crime she committed, but she was punished for nine tribulations! "

"Goddess of Light, you'd better not die in the divine calamity, wait until I come to kill you with my own hands!"


The middle part of the God's Dungeon is the lowest, while the lower part is upward. The only light in the dungeon shines from the end, appearing as a nine-story tower. The top position can be felt by most places in the dungeon. .

The top of the tower is where every imprisoned being needs to go to overcome the tribulation, and it is called: the Divine Tribulation Platform.

The divine calamity falls, causing them to suffer. Every calamity is a hardship.

When leading to the top of the tower, the goddess of nature, dressed in gold and green with a natural deer headdress on her head, fell down. She was as beautiful as a natural elf.

She followed the prison car of the Goddess of Light and said angrily:

"Guangming, you are too disrespectful of sisterhood. You went to the Holy Demon Continent alone to be happy with the young god."

"Okay now, you have to endure the Nine Tribulations of God. The Nine Tribulations are the supreme divine punishment. It is said that even the God King will suffer from it, let alone the Lord God. Can't you just accept it?"

"Submit? So what if I submit? If I submit this time, if I try to get close to the Young God in the future, it will be unfair. Don't think that it's a good thing if I submit.

What am I guilty of? The demons have already stained the blood of my believers, and purifying a few of them is just for the injustice of the human race, not to mention that they drugged the young god.

Secondly, I am happy with the young god because it is my luck at the moment, so what’s wrong with that? If this is wrong, then wouldn’t there be no more goddesses who can approach the Young God in the God Realm?

Having worked with Tang San for so many years, I know very well that this is just Tang San's plan. He wants to block the way of all other goddesses. If in the future he uses the power and power of the God King to build a magpie bridge for Shao Shen and Xiao Wutong, as long as Shao Shen and Tang Wutong are together and hold a wedding, then Shao Shen will completely fall into his clutches.

Let me ask, who can say anything when the father-in-law disciplines his son-in-law and arranges his actions? "

The Goddess of Light gritted her teeth and said that when he was recalled to the God Realm and heard Tang San's voice of judgment, he seemed to have foreseen this scene.

The goddess of nature fell into deep thought and persuaded:
"Since you have such a guess, then you should stay alive and guard the young god to prevent the young god from falling into evil plots."

A little sadness appeared in the eyes of the goddess of nature. She was envious of the goddess of light, but also worried.

"Of course, we are all goddesses born in the Holy Demon Continent. If I really die in the Nine Divine Tribulations, I hope you can protect the young master on my behalf."

Having reached this point, the goddess of light can still smile. There is a sense of satisfaction on her face, as if she is reminiscing about something.

"I will do this even if you don't say it. But the power of the Nine Tribulations of God cannot be underestimated. Is it worth it for you to bear such power and make other goddesses laugh?"

The goddess of nature sighed and said.

Looking up, at the end of the tunnel, in the cloud sky above the tower, many gods have arrived, and many goddesses are looking at this scene and pointing.

Some goddesses feel sorry for the goddess of light, while others are very jealous and wish that the goddess of light would die under divine calamity.

The reason for their jealousy is simple: we didn't even hold the young god's hand, but she dared to rape the young master! This is simply audacious! die! She must die!
But the goddess of light smiled: "If this is really the case, I don't know who is laughing at whom, and I don't know who is envious of whom."

The goddess of nature was stunned, and seemed to see something unusual on the face of the goddess of light:
"What do you want to do?"


ten minutes later. The goddess of light is bound to the sky-reaching pillar at the top of the tower by several huge divine chains.

The rain soaked her whole body, and her hair and skin were almost touching.

A sea-blue figure descended. He looked down at the beautiful figure that was hit by the heavy rain, and said again:

"Goddess of Light, you are my friend. I really don't want to see you knocked down by the Nine Tribulations. As long as you admit your mistakes and correct them in the future, I can use the rights of the God King to immediately appeal to the committee to reduce your punishment. ”

"No need to be pretentious, Tang San. Aren't you the one who contributed to my punishment?"

Unexpectedly, the goddess of light did not accept his favor this time, but instead exposed his ugliness.

That holy look penetrated the dark rain of the God Realm and said:

"I have long been ashamed to associate with you. You appear to be gentle and perfect, but in fact you have a deep mind. The so-called ten thousand-year plan is just for your own selfish desires.

What if I die under the Nine Tribulations? I have no regrets! "

"You are stubborn. I had good intentions to lead you to good deeds and wanted to save you from dire straits, but you turned out to be so slanderous. I am very disappointed in you!"

Hearing this, Tang San was furious.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the heart of the center of the God Realm, and instantly activated the power of the God Realm, and shouted:

"The Goddess of Light violated the laws of the divine world, personally tortured and killed the creatures in the lower world, had sex with the young god against his will, and showed no repentance. Now she is caught in the Nine Tribulations and punished! All the gods know it!"

In an instant, nine divine thunder surged on the Divine Tribulation Platform, continuously condensing and strengthening!
Each calamity corresponds to a kind of divine thunder.

They are seven elemental thunders and two gray main thunders.

The seven elemental thunders respectively correspond to the extremely powerful blows of the seven elemental gods. Normally, one blast is enough to injure the main god.

And the gray main thunder is even more unusual. It is a fusion of seven divine thunders, coupled with the thunder of order from the divine world. The first one blasts the body and strengthens the soul, and the second one kills the soul and annihilates the body!
The first divine thunder, light!
Above the clouds, a divine thunder of light suddenly struck down, breaking through the dark space, shattering the raindrops, and directly hitting the goddess of light!
This God of Light Thunder originally came from the Goddess of Light. When it hit her, she only felt her body numb, and there was some pulling and tearing feeling from the beam in her body, but it was not a big deal.

The goddess of light looked up at Tang San, who was controlling the core of the God Realm, and showed an unyielding smile.

Tang San's eyes narrowed and he snorted: "Tough talk!"

The Nine Tribulations were fully formed, and the gods were watching around them. They could especially feel the power of thunder transmitted by the rain. Even the God of Destruction, who possessed the Thunder of Destruction, admired the Thunder of Nine Tribulations.

The second thunder, the third thunder, and the fourth thunder fell one after another.

The God of Earth's thunder was so powerful that it struck the goddess of light's pure white body into a state of disarray. She was almost penetrated, causing her to spit out a large mouthful of divine blood.

The God of Wind's thunder, with its endless cutting and tearing power, directly left dozens or hundreds of wounds on the body of the Goddess of Light. Blood continued to flow out of her body, dyeing half of the Divine Tribulation Platform red.

The conflict between the divine thunder of darkness and the divine power of the goddess of light caused a backlash all over her body. The expression on her face was extremely uncomfortable, and her eyes had lost their virginity. The eyes that were originally sacred and bright were now completely dark.

Her body drooped on the divine chain.

Upon hearing the appearance of Divine Tribulation, several weak souls trembled suddenly in the depths of the dungeon:
"Divine Tribulation! What a terrible divine Tribulation? Did Divine Tribulation appear again? Tang San! Tang San! You are a devil! Let me go! Or kill me!"

"Tang San! I shouldn't let you go! Ahhh!"


The goddesses watching from the clouds also felt pity.

After only four calamities, the goddess of light was already covered in wounds and extremely weak.

"Goddess of Light, admit your mistake. Why are you doing this?"

"You used to be high and holy, even the angels and gods were inferior to you. Now you are in this situation. Do you feel ashamed? Admit your mistake and promise not to do it again. We are all willing to intercede for you."

"Goddess of Light, take a step back and don't let everyone laugh!"

"Yes, yes, Goddess of Light, at least you have received it. The committee just wants an attitude from you."

The goddess of light who was bound to the Divine Tribulation Pillar weakly raised her head, but blood oozed from the corners of her mouth. She actually stuck out her tongue and licked:

"Admit your mistake? A joke? Are you worthy of it too?"

"What happened to me today is not a lesson for you in the future?"

"A joke? If I am a joke, I am also an enviable joke. I want to see whether I am a joke or you are a joke!"

A prism of light blooming appeared on the goddess of light, and the prism of light floated into the air.

It suddenly spread and formed a curtain of light, with scenes reflected in it.

Astonishingly, it was the scene of her having a romantic relationship with Su Qing in the Kiel Broken Eagle Mountains!

Although it is not clear, you can vaguely see Su Qingfeng's perfect body, as well as the bravery and madness after becoming a demon!
For a moment, all the goddesses couldn't care less about making jokes or sympathizing with the goddess of light. They were only envious!

My eyes are red!
With such a handsome face, such a body, and such strength, what woman would not be confused?

The goddess of nature was still grieving for her good sisters, but when she saw that the goddess of light still spared her such a hand, her face became distorted:

What the hell! You're restless after every divine tribulation, right?

Even if we are going to die, it won't make us feel better, right?

It makes my heart itch to see it!

Light has the effect of recording information!
Tang San also gritted his teeth, that was his son-in-law!

"You are stubborn! Extremely evil!"

The divine calamity has fallen once again.

Three more paths followed one after another.

The thunder of the two gods of fire and water struck the goddess of light, causing the goddess of light's skin to be injured. Coupled with the dripping blood, it was simply tragic.

Another gray thunder of order struck down, and the prism of light that recorded the information lost its divine support and completely dissipated. The goddess of light also hissed in pain and drooped her head. She was either dead or fainted.

The last divine thunder of order was the most violent.

The goddess of life arrived at this time and couldn't help but persuade:
"Stop it? The power of the ninth thunder is stronger than the first eight thunders combined. It is said that even the God King will be torn to pieces, and the goddess of light will die."

"She's asking for trouble!"

Tang San said coldly, she has a way to die, she doesn't deserve sympathy:

"Goddess of Light, let me ask you again, do you repent?"

But the floating body, stimulated by the powerful spiritual power, reluctantly woke up, but smiled faintly and said in a very weak voice:
"Come on, I'm not afraid. My death may make the Young God remember me forever. Tang San, dog thief, come on..."

"Looking for death! Gods, listen, this is the consequences of violating the laws of the divine world and refusing to repent!"

With a wave of Tang San's big hand, the last thunder fell.

At this moment, above the starry sky, a voice sounded:
"Who dares!"

(End of this chapter)

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