Chapter 408 Everyone Here Can Become a God (Part )
Over the years, Gu Yuena has firmly established herself as the boss in Shrek Academy.

No matter it is Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen, who have always been unruly and unconvinced by anyone, or girls such as Xiao Xiao, Jiang Nannan, and Juzi who have a soft crush on her, they all dare not confront her.

Just because Gu Yuena is really powerful now, she has reached the level of god, and she is not an ordinary priest or third-level god.

Even an old figure like Mr. Mu, with a demigod level of strength, could not defeat her.

When the Spirit Transferring Tower was built before, a group of soul beasts were needed to risk the first batch of soul experiments, and there had been conflicts. Gu Yuena single-handedly suppressed the entire Shrek Academy.

Later, it was discovered that women such as Ma Xiaotao and Xixi would miss Su Qingfeng in their free time. Some women would discuss every detail of Su Qingfeng's past together and even rank them based on seniority, claiming that they were Su Qingfeng's eldest wife or second wife.

He would even make pornographic jokes about Su Qingfeng to show how close he and Su Qingfeng were.

This made Gu Yuena so angry that she beat them so hard that they couldn't get out of bed for ten days and a half.

That is to say, since then, the girls have been inexplicably panicked when they saw Gu Yuena, feeling like an ancient concubine being suppressed by the main wife.

But when it comes to accepting their fate, Ma Xiaotao and the others will never accept their fate. They firmly believe that one day they will become gods and fight with this woman and make her suffer a little.

I just didn't expect that this woman would be so strong. She rushed up and started fighting with the two strange women who had just become gods.

And she seemed to have the upper hand, proving that her realm had indeed reached the divine realm.

Leng Xiao and Yue Yeben were immersed in the joy of breaking through to the god level.

Gods coexist with the stars and the universe, can control the order of heaven and earth, live forever, and will not age for tens or millions of years.

How lucky you are to be with your husband forever!

But at this moment, there was a silver dragon attack. The power was so huge that the two women who had become gods also condensed their pupils. After hearing his words, they hummed:

"The first wife? Are you considered the first wife? We have never heard my husband mention you!"

"I'm afraid he's not a guy who has always admired his husband but couldn't get it, right? He actually thinks that he is the first wife, how dare you think about it! Let me teach you a lesson!"

Immediately, a divine dragon also appeared on Leng Xiao's body, but the divine dragon was just the opposite of the silver dragon. It was a dark golden dragon.

The heaven-defying demon dragon appeared under the starry sky, and a demon pillar standing in the sky was also shining.

The two dragons collided, creating a terrifying power.

Yue Ye stared and said:

"You are too overbearing. Although your marriage to the Demon Emperor is a coincidence, we have really worshiped the Demon God Pillar. We are the Demon Emperor's wives. Even if you deny this, it is a fact."

"If you think you are bigger than us, then you can fight if you want. We are not afraid of you!"

A powerful wave swept through the entire audience, causing Mu En, Xuanzi, Zhang Lexuan, and Ma Xiaotao to sigh:

"The divine power is really powerful. A random burst of power can surpass our all-out attack."

"Are these women really gods?"

"Hehe, I heard it just now. Some of these women called the Holy Son their husband, and the other women were also very close to the Holy Son~ He is indeed our Qingfeng Holy Son, and he has so many confidantes around him. Seriously It can be called romantic!”

When Xuanzi saw Gu Yuena fighting with the two unfamiliar goddesses, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he took out a big dog leg and started chewing it while watching the show.

Don’t forget to joke about it.

"It has been more than ten or twenty years. I wonder if the Holy Son has given birth to a baby or two while he is away?"

"Yeah, you're right. It's been so long. Could it be that the Holy Son already has children? Why don't you bring them to us to see?"


Moon, Xuan Zi, Song Lao and other old men of the Sea God Pavilion were very curious about Su Qingfeng's experiences over the years. Just these words made the women in Douluo Continent, especially Jiang Nannan, Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen and other women who had done things with Su Qingfeng, very sad!

Depend on!
The elders’ speculations might be true!

Why are our bellies so unhappy?
After sucking so much semen back then, there was no other reaction except swelling!
Especially Gu Yuena, she pulled Su Qingfeng and forced him to be excited for thousands of days. The thousand-day flower bloomed, and the buds also bloomed. After the buds bloomed, no seeds fell.

How angry are you when you hear the words of the elders who just watch the fun and don't mind it?

"Qingfeng! Tell me! Do you have children? Do you love them more, love me more, or like me! Tell me!"

Gu Yuena escaped into the space and distanced herself from Leng Xiao, and then seven fire dragon balls hit her from a distance.

As the inheritor of the Dragon God's creation godhead, she controls the power of the elements. She can be said to be a Dharma King, and her kiting skills are extremely skillful.

This made Leng Xiao quite distressed. In the first battle after becoming a god, he was unable to defeat his opponent!
Facing Gu Yuena's question, Su Qingfeng rubbed her temples.

I also secretly complained in my heart: Wow, you old people, I came back with good intentions to help you become gods, but you just tricked me like this, right?
But there is no other way, who would let himself have too much love debt.

But these love debts were not caused by him on purpose. Su Qingfeng himself was the victim!
"Stop fighting, stop fighting. I'm not here to make you quarrel this time. Na'er, don't forget your hatred. They may still be your helpers in the future. Why are you attacking them?"

Su Qingfeng sighed.

Hearing this, Gu Yuena stopped and felt that what Su Qingfeng said made sense, but she bit her lip and hummed:
"Both of them combined can't beat me, so what can they do to help me? Humph!"

"But since Brother Qingfeng has spoken, it would be foolish of me not to listen~"

"But brother~ Na'er is not that easy to coax. Either you use your big breeze to punish Na'er, or you have to give Na'er a good explanation, understand? Otherwise Na'er will still make trouble~"

With the last few words, Gu Yuena teleported into Su Qingfeng's arms, breathing hot breath into Su Qingfeng's ear.

Being intimate with Su Qingfeng in front of all the girls made many women jealous.

Leng Xiao and Yue Ye also marveled at the strength of this silver dragon. It was so powerful that it was probably not inferior to the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu and the God of Scourge.

Leng Xiao snorted: "Don't be complacent. We have just gathered the divine power and have not fully controlled the divine power. After a while, we still won't know who is more powerful. Even if you beg us to help, we won't help you!"



Su Qingfeng's ear turned red when she was bitten by Gu Yuena's teeth. She coughed twice and pushed Gu Yuena a few meters away to wake herself up.

Then he took a step forward and said:

"Okay, I know that all the elders, members of the Poseidon Pavilion, and some people I have been sorry for in the past, you are all very concerned about my current situation, and I can understand it."

"But we will talk about these things later. The most urgent thing is to talk about business first."

"These are indeed my people. Their names are Yue Ye, Leng Xiao, and Sheng Cai'er... They are all gods who have been cultivated on my fairy star, which is the pole star in your eyes."

"Today's Pole Star is an independent plane. There is divine power on it, which can allow you to cultivate your godhead and god's status."

"Because they belong entirely to me, there is no involvement of other gods. You can choose the elemental power corresponding to your own to practice and absorb. I will help you."

"However, if you absorb the power of my fairy star and become a god, although your strength will not be worse than the gods in the divine world, after all, you are one with my fairy star. If the fairy star is annihilated, the god you have cultivated will also disappear. This is the only way. Shortcomings."

"Similarly, I also need your help. The divine power you have cultivated will also be fed back to me to a certain extent, making my divine power stronger. To be honest, in the God Realm, Tang San is forcing me to marry, so I need a certain amount of strength. Self-defense.”

"That's it for now, you can decide whether to stay or not."

(End of this chapter)

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