Chapter 417 The wedding day, the time of chaos


They are finally here!

The male gods present were crushed to pieces.

Some gods were originally holding wine glasses and drinking heavily, just to strengthen their courage, numb their minds and bodies, and pave the way for the rebellion that would break out later, so that they would not become timid.

At this moment, he was gritting his teeth and couldn't help but crush the wine glass:

Hateful! How hateful!

How could Su Qingfeng not attract hatred? He is tall, handsome, talented and charming! And we have attracted so many goddesses to wear wedding dresses and get married together!

Isn't this the most perfect self in the minds of all men?

However, perfect people are often the most hated!
Already, several male gods showed their fierce eyes, hiding among the gods, secretly saying:
"Su Qingfeng, just smile and be high-spirited. This is also the last day for you to be high-spirited!"

I saw hundreds of goddesses with different postures appearing in beautiful wedding dresses.

Their figures landed in front of the temple one after another, like hundreds of beautiful flowers in bloom.

See this scene.

The God of Destruction frowned: Huh? make trouble?

Su Qingfeng also looked at the goddess of life who was still licking her mouth, as if she was reminiscing about the fertility fluid she had swallowed in the back. The meaning in her eyes was obvious:

Didn't you say that they are sensible and won't make trouble?

"Young God! Today is your wedding, we are here to congratulate you!"

"Young God, I won't cause trouble, nor will I ruin your marriage! However, I also have requests!"

"That's right, this is the young god's first wedding in the God Realm, and he was forced by Tang San! We can't go as he wishes!"

"Although Young God, you agreed to Tang San marrying Xiao Qi to ensure the stability of the central core, you didn't say you would only marry one!"

"That's right, Tang Gou only asked Young God to marry Xiao Qi, but he didn't say that only one person can marry Young God!"

"If we miss this opportunity, we will regret it for the rest of our lives!"

"Even if I can't really marry Young God, I still want to leave the best part of myself to Young God today!"

"What girl wouldn't want to dress her favorite man in a dream wedding dress?"

"Young God, let us worship heaven and earth together with you!"

"Yes, although worshiping heaven and earth this time is child's play, being able to marry the young god once is also my biggest wish!"

"Young God, please help us just once!"

"No, what are you married women doing here to join in the fun? Shangguan Bing'er, Shangguan Fei'er, Wu Yuehan, aren't you the wives of the God of Destruction? You have been married a long time ago, why are you joining in the fun here? "

"And you, Tianxiang, Longling...Rong Nianbing doesn't care about you, right?"

"Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu, what do you want to do? Why do you even join in this fun?!"

Seeing all the goddesses wearing wedding dresses, including the goddess of life among them, the God of Destruction couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but scold them.

"Zhou Weiqing! Rong Nian Bing! Chang Gong Wei! Why don't you come out to take care of your family? Do you want me to take care of your family affairs personally?"

The God King of Destruction shouted.

Unexpectedly, top gods such as the God of Destruction Zhou Weiqing, the God of Emotions Rong Nianbing, and Chang Gongwei all stood up, glanced at these former confidants with red eyes, gritted their teeth and said:

"Lord God King of Destruction, we respect their wishes. As long as the young god is willing, we have no objection."

For the sake of Qingjun's side plan, at this moment, they can swallow all the grievances they feel.

One after another, other male gods also expressed:

"They are free to marry whomever they want. We will not interfere. Just make it happy for you."

Seeing the male gods acting like this, the King of Destruction showed a look of disdain on his face.

"Then the wedding will proceed as normal."

The God of Destruction said calmly, glanced at Su Qingfeng, and said nothing.

There is nothing more I can say.

What can resist the overwhelming enthusiasm of hundreds of goddesses?
As a result, an unprecedented situation occurred in the God Realm!
When Su Qingfeng and Tang Wutong worshiped heaven and earth, hundreds of goddesses actually followed them to worship together!

At once, hundreds of goddesses worshipped devoutly at the same time, and the heaven and earth suddenly became turbulent.

Under the scene of hundreds of gods worshiping together, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Rong Nianbing and other gods suddenly looked at each other.

It was confirmed that most of the goddesses had arrived.

He snorted secretly.

Immediately, he pressed the button.

Suddenly, the entire temple was shaking, and the earth was shaking!

The next moment, a huge imprisonment seal appeared on the earth.

The core of the central place bloomed with fierce divine light.

A violent divine power suppressed the scene, causing the gods to widen their eyes and look up to the sky, not understanding what was happening.

Tianxiang, Lanchen and other goddesses said in shock:

"what happened?"

"Did worshiping heaven and earth cause a strange phenomenon in heaven and earth?"

"The center of the God Realm was alarmed because of our wedding?!"

"Is this a testament to our marriage?"

"No, that's not right! It's such a heavy divine pressure, and it's getting heavier and heavier!"

"Look, that's the Conferred God Formation! It's the energy that can only be mobilized by the central core!"

"What's going on? Who activated the God Conferring Formation? This is a forbidden formation. Only gods and beasts who conspire to rebel can make an exception and activate it at the most critical period!"

"That's not right. Why do most of these powers of conferring gods fall on the goddesses, but the male gods are not suppressed too much?"

The goddess of life also changed her expression.

You must know that this grand formation of gods is not vulgar.

Recalling that Su Qingfeng went to the Holy Demon Continent and exposed the deeds of the God of Divine Punishment. In order to suppress the God of Divine Punishment, the God of Creation built seventy-two demonic pillars and released the Divine Seal Throne to pursue them.

The Grand Formation of the Gods is the foundation left by the Creation God in the God Realm. It requires more than two-thirds of the law enforcement gods to use great divine power to drive it, or use the central core to drive it.

No matter which method is used, the losses caused are huge and will affect the original power of the God Realm. It may not be able to return to its original state for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Because of this, even if the God King is in it, he can't get it right!
Su Qingfeng looked around, feeling tremendous pressure on her body.

Only after discovering that a large amount of divine power surged towards him and the God of Destruction.

"Are you guys up to something?"

"Do you want to rebel?!"

The God of Destruction's eyes narrowed, staring at Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

As soon as the God Conferring Formation came out, the power of all the gods in the formation began to decline, especially the God of Destruction and the goddesses who were targeted.

However, the God King is still a God King after all, and he actually sucked the weaker Oscar directly:
"Tell me, who instructed you?"

"Who asked you to do this?"

"What do you want?"

Oscar's face turned red immediately after being pinched, and he held back a breath and said:
"This is the wrath of the gods!"

"That's right we've had enough!"

"The Grand Formation of the Gods is out, brothers, let's do it!"

"Kill Qingfeng and snatch the goddess! Destroy this unhealthy trend in the God Realm! Restore the power of the male god!"

"You bitches! Green tea! Cheating girls! I'm going to turn over and fuck you today!"

"Brother Weiqing, I have been interested in your slut Wu Yuehan for a long time. Can you let me have a good time at the Fengshen Dayin Party today?"

"Swap wife for wife! To be honest, I have also coveted my brother's wife for a long time!"

Suddenly, on the wedding day, the world of gods was in chaos!

There was chaos, and the desires that had been suppressed in the hearts of the gods for a long time completely exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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