Chapter 427: The dying boy is too weak to attack

"Cough cough~"

The emerald green ancient trees of life are tall and straight, with lush crowns that block out the sun.

The tree trunk is wrapped with ancient vines, making it look more vibrant.

A handsome young man walked out from behind the ancient tree. He was tall, handsome, and had a pair of clear eyes, which seemed to reflect the depth of the stars in the universe.

The young man walked out step by step, staggering a little. He seemed very weak and coughed from time to time.

There was a trace of fatigue and helplessness in the boy's eyes, and his hands were tightly gripping the tree trunk, as if he could not find the strength to support himself.

His handsome face was extremely pale, and there was almost no sign of life on it.

It is hard to imagine that in this place with abundant life force, there can be such a weak young man.

Even though he was so weak, he still managed to walk out.

He was only wearing a white robe, with the muscles of his chest and abdomen exposed. He was very pleasing to the eye and also full of temptation.

Seeing the young man trembling, the Goddess of Life hurried forward to support him and said with concern:
"Qingfeng, how did you wake up? Your physical condition is very bad now. Your body functions have dropped sharply, your godhood is extremely unstable, and your divine power is almost empty. If you are not careful, you may suffer permanent and irreversible damage. You should lie down in the Pool of Life and recuperate now!"

There was both concern and blame in the tone of the Goddess of Life.

Doesn't this kid know how bad his body is?
The distance that allowed her to conceive had become much farther!
In order to help him recover faster and recuperate, she stripped Su Qingfeng naked and placed him in the Pool of Life to absorb the vital fluid, and she successfully resisted the urge to suck his little Qingfeng!

It is simply hard to imagine how strong willpower and self-control the Goddess of Life possesses!

"Aunt Lu, I know my situation clearly, but there are some things I must come out and make clear, otherwise many lives will die."

Su Qingfeng spoke in a weak voice, and hesitantly, as if something was blocking the breath in his mouth.

The kind goddess hurried forward, looking at Su Qingfeng with her bright eyes, and held his hand. A gentle divine energy entered Su Qingfeng's palm veins, calming the breath in his body.

But the kind goddess soon showed a strange look on her face, a little unbelievable:

She sensed Su Qingfeng's pulse, which was like a lone boat floating on the raging sea. Sometimes a tsunami thousands of meters high would come to submerge everything, and sometimes magma would erupt from the seabed to swallow everything!
A deep-sea tornado roared in, and the lone boat and the weak shadow were visible.

Su Qingfeng is in danger!

A look of worry appeared on the pure and admiring face of the first generation kind goddess, and the love between the man and the woman was put on hold.

Given Su Qingfeng's current condition, let alone romance, he might not even be able to withstand a passionate kiss. He would be short of breath and die directly.

"What do you know? Your current physical condition is the worst I've ever seen. If it gets any worse, you'll die!"

"No! Your most important task now is to rest and recuperate, take good care of yourself, and don't let any accidents happen. Otherwise, I will lose a lot of fun in the future. It's hard to find a place to rely on...

Well, if you are worried about those sinful gods causing trouble, don't worry, we will arrest them right away and give you an explanation!"

The face of the kind goddess came into Su Qingfeng's eyes.

Su Qingfeng forced a smile and said weakly:
"This time, I am still grateful to the seniors for rushing back in time, otherwise I would have really died under Tang San's sword. You are my saviors."

Hearing this, the First Shura God and the Evil God all smiled with relief.

This boy is quite polite.

"No, no, it's our fault that we misjudged Tang San. It's actually our responsibility. Instead, you are helping us make up for our mistake. You can't really be called a savior." "However, if you really regard me as your savior and want to repay me, then take good care of yourself. After you recover, come to my mansion and we'll have a good talk~"

The kind goddess sent a message to Su Qingfeng, and her lively eyes blinked.

This look sent a chill down Su Qingfeng's spine.

With Su Qingfeng's life experience, it is easy for him to recognize that the meaning here is not about friendship, but about mating!
"Cough cough~"

Su Qingfeng was so scared that he started coughing and subconsciously used his hands to block it.

When he opened his palm, he saw a trace of blood.

Immediately, the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Kindness became nervous:

"No, no, please stop talking. If you continue, I'm afraid your internal injuries will get worse."

"I... I'm fine... This is just a side effect of overdrawing my body and the power of the immortal star. As long as I'm not dead, I will slowly recover in the future."

Su Qingfeng panted and said, the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Kindness looked at him with disbelief:
Are you okay? You're having trouble talking right now, who would believe you if you said you were okay?

And we hope you are okay! If you are really okay, I will take a look at your brother to see if he is good-looking and has grown up, and teach your precious brother a lesson! You think!
Su Qingfeng continued:

"The purge of the male god group's sinful gods must continue, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"But I would like to trouble you, seniors, not to judge the Silver Dragon King."

"Silver Dragon King? I get angry whenever I mention this dragon. I don't know where this dragon got the resources and information. It has actually recovered to a strength close to its peak, and took advantage of the situation to release the other divine beasts. With the help of the Golden Dragon King, they are now in more trouble than those sinful gods."

"That's right. Although these sinful gods are scattered and difficult to wipe out all at once, they are unlikely to become a big force. The strength of the gold and silver dragon kings is not bad. They are as powerful as the god kings and are difficult to kill."

The First Shura God and the Evil God instantly became solemn when they mentioned the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King.

Yes, the Golden and Silver Dragon Kings were formed by the split of the Dragon God. The Golden Dragon King has been suppressed in the God Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has not been completely annihilated. You can imagine how powerful they are!

"Wait, what are you saying? Don't deal with the Silver Dragon King? Why?"

Suddenly, the first generation Shura God came back to his senses and asked in surprise.

“To be honest, this Silver Dragon King was actually my lover when I was in Douluo Continent. It was because of me that she was able to recover from her injuries and fight her way back to the God Realm. But she probably didn’t want to fight a war with the God Realm. Maybe... she wanted to avenge me.”

Su Qingfeng said that when Gu Yuena descended into the God Realm, he was already dying and didn't know what would happen next, but he believed that Gu Yuena would stand on his side:
"So, she may not have bad intentions. If the Silver Dragon King and his team come into conflict with our people, please tell them that I am still alive and tell them not to act impulsively. I am here for them."

"Please, seniors."

Su Qingfeng bowed slightly, but this action caused the turbulence in his body to surge, causing a look of pain to appear on his handsome face.

"Since Qingfeng has said so, it would be unfriendly if we don't agree."

"Okay, we promise you that as long as the Silver Dragon King doesn't do anything too extreme, we won't attack them until you recover from your injuries and come forward."

"That's good……"

After receiving replies from several first generation God Kings, Su Qingfeng finally fell down and fainted.

This caused several God Kings to become excited:
"Qingfeng! Qingfeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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