Chapter 430 Awakening
"The Star-Moon Flower was formed by absorbing the essence of the sun, moon, heaven and earth for 100,000 years. It contains rich starlight, sun and moon power. Here it is!"

"The Nine-Colored Miraculous Yang Grass is a sacred flower in the Dragon God's territory. It is said to be nourished by the Yang energy emitted by the Dragon God. Grind it up and feed it to me!"

"Golden Diamond Blazing Sunworm, Ancient Yuanling Yellow Saltpeter, One Breath Turbid Clear Wine... Vermillion Phoenix Bright Sun Liquid... Put them all in there!"

In order to help Su Qingfeng strengthen his life force, restore his spiritual power, and heal his injuries.

The Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Kindness joined forces and became a pair of sisters who worked in perfect harmony with each other, searching for divine objects in the committee's warehouses and all over the divine world.

Calling on all goddesses to hand over treasures that can heal wounds.

There was just one thing that puzzled the surviving goddesses:
"In order to save the young god, I would be willing to sacrifice my life, not to mention a few divine flowers!"

"That's right. Why do we need flowers and herbs that can boost yang and invigorate essence to heal injuries? Aren't they for people who don't have that ability?"

"Didn't the young master faint? Is he not good at that?"

"What, Young Master has the sheep's tail disease?!"

"How could such a good boy have such a disease~"

"Forget it, Shaoshen is so handsome, even if he has alopecia, I will accept it. One day, it will be cured!"

The goddesses' stories became more and more absurd. If Su Qingfeng heard them, he would probably be so angry that he would wake up!
It's about men's dignity. You have to show off your penis and make them kneel down and call you Yamedie.


Fortunately, the efforts of the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Kindness are effective.

Numerous divine treasures were ground into powder, and Su Qingfeng was given a certain amount every day, which aroused the blood power in Su Qingfeng's body, and his weakly beating heart gradually became stronger.

Finally on this day.

The kind goddess held a large bowl of golden-green divine liquid and fed it into Su Qingfeng's mouthful by mouthful with a spoon.

But due to the lack of experience in taking care of people, sometimes he fed too quickly and the divine liquid would overflow and flow slowly from the corners of those delicate lips.

When faced with this situation, the Goddess of Kindness glanced at the Goddess of Life. Seeing that the Goddess of Life's attention was not here, she stretched out her soft and flexible pink tongue and licked the corner of Su Qingfeng's mouth.

I couldn't help but feel happy:
Why does this little god taste sweet? It's so delicious!

Eat it, eat it again~
It's a bit addictive!
"Feeding with this spoon is slow and ineffective. Ah~ I got it, gulp~"

The kind goddess threw away the spoon and drank the bowl of magical soup herself. However, she did not swallow it, but held it in her mouth, causing her innocent little face to become puffy.

Then, the cherry lips kissed Su Qingfeng directly on the lips:

Hmm? But how can I feed it?

Just push it open a gap and it should be fine!
No, no, I can’t get in! His lips aren’t open, what should I do?
Got it! Pry his open!

Then exhale slowly and apply some pressure ~ huhu~
Okay, okay, this little breeze will have my flavor from now on! Hehehe!
The taste in this little boy's mouth is so fresh, it's like eating it again~
I'm sobbing~
Hmm? Hmm! Something seems wrong? Why is his tongue moving?!

The kind goddess' eyes suddenly widened.

Su Qingfeng also woke up from his daze, and his pupils suddenly dilated!
Ok? !

What comes into view is the pure and beautiful first-generation kind goddess who anyone who sees her would regard as his or her first love and white moonlight.

Su Qingfeng was already weak, and was so frightened by the forceful kiss from the kind goddess that he fainted again.

I feel dizzy~

The rebellion of the male god group was due to the fact that the goddesses couldn't help but fall in love with Su Qingfeng, which led to their jealousy.

If it happens again, how can he bear it?
Ah, you goddesses, can you please behave yourself a little?

What's so good about this body? Whoever wants it can take it!

It’s so hard for me, oooo!
The kind goddess panicked when she saw Su Qingfeng kick his legs and tilt his neck:
Oh my god! Someone come quickly! I kissed this little god to death!

Is my kiss so powerful?! ...

A few hours later.

There is a bluestone path, and under the ancient tree, there is a table carved from a sacred tree.

The weak and beautiful young man walked over with unsteady steps, and with the support of the Goddess of Life, he sat on the stool.

He poured twice the amount of tea with a strong tea flavor, took two sips, and calmed down.

The Goddess of Life glared at the Goddess of Kindness, with some blame and resentment in her eyes:
What are you doing? Eating alone?
We agreed to wait for Qingfeng to wake up, rest for a while and then attack together.

You can't control yourself anymore?

Absolutely no self-control!

The kind goddess also lowered her head in embarrassment, pursed her lips, and said with some self-blame:
"Sister Xiaolu, don't be angry. I just don't have as much self-control as you. And if you want to blame someone, you can only blame this young master for being so beautiful. Even though he was badly injured, he still exudes an alluring aura. There's really nothing we can do about it."

Goddess of Life: "No? Are you a human?"

The kind goddess stuck out her tongue:
"I have humanity, I am a human being~"

The Goddess of Life rolled her eyes at her, then calmed down, checked Su Qingfeng's pulse, and finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's all right, Qingfeng. Your life is no longer in danger. As long as you take good care of yourself, you should be able to recover to a healthy state."

"But don't rush. After all, you are seriously injured. It will take time for you to fully recover. So you have to stay here for a while. I will decide when you can leave based on your physical condition. Okay?"

Originally, Su Qingfeng's pulse was like a lone boat drifting in the raging sea, which was very dangerous.

Now, Su Qingfeng's pulse is more like a raging sea that has calmed down, but because too much sea area was damaged previously, it needs to be repaired slowly.

This also coincides with the current situation in the divine world.

After the war, most areas of the God Realm were reduced to ruins.

Everything can only be rebuilt.

However, the male gods had already betrayed and became the gods of sin. After they were killed, the number of members in the world of gods dropped sharply, and naturally there was not as much labor force.

And letting the goddess be in charge of building the temple doesn't seem to be a good idea no matter how you look at it.

Therefore, rebuilding the divine world after the war has become a thorny issue.

However, it is obvious that this issue has not yet been pushed to Su Qingfeng.

The gods also want Su Qingfeng to be able to rest and recuperate in peace.

Su Qingfeng also knew that the Goddess of Life was doing this for his own good.

However, his thoughts still drifted outside, and he couldn't help asking:
"Aunt Lu, what's the situation in the God Realm like during the days I was in a coma?"

The goddess of life replied:
"I know you care about this, so I go to the committee every day to ask about the situation in the divine world."

"Don't worry, the committee did not start a war with the divine beasts. After hearing your explanation, the Silver Dragon King took the divine beasts to stay in the East Desert Divine Vein, which was formerly the Divine Beast Mountain Range."

"But she often comes to threaten the committee and wants to see you. She may be worried about your safety."

"As for the male gods, we have captured nearly half of them. The remaining half are hiding in various places in the God Realm. The committee has set up a hunting team to hunt them down. I'm afraid we won't be able to catch them all in a short time."

"Anyway, the God Realm is slowly recovering, so you don't have to worry."

"Yes, don't worry, I'll be fine."

The kind goddess widened her eyes and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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