Douluo: I, the Holy Son of Poseidon Pavilion, am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 437 I'm still here, my chapter is coming! I didn't give birth to a child!

Chapter 437 I'm still here, I'm back! I didn't give birth to a child!
"Speak up! Speak up! Can the goddess of life do such a thing?"

"Ahhh, my young god was dragged to give birth to a child?"

"Too much, you really are too much! I knew it! Our Holy Son must be a handsome man in the God Realm, and he can't escape your clutches!"

"I'm not even pregnant yet, and that bitch of Life wants to have a son? Impossible! Absolutely impossible, I won't agree!"

"No! You in the God Realm must give us an explanation, otherwise you will not have a good life today!"

On point.

This one word aroused the anger of all the gods!

In an instant, Moon, Ma Xiaotao and other immortal star gods and the divine beasts led by Gu Yuena formed a united front and forced the God Realm Committee to hand over the person.

They knew that leaving people to be treated by people from the divine world would bring bad luck!
What's more, even the goddess of the gods was shaken. She felt jealous when she heard the God of Destruction expose the intention of the Goddess of Life.

They recalled that during the war, the Sin Gods had provoked the Destruction God King and tried to persuade him to switch sides, with the reason being the Goddess of Life and Su Qingfeng...

Yes, the goddess of life had already cheated! With such a good opportunity, how could she resist?
Damn, I was careless!

This is the voice of almost all the goddesses present.

I wonder where our unrivaled young god is now, going through hardships and sufferings~

“The committee must be held accountable!”

"You guys in the God Realm are too sloppy in your approach, there is no order at all! First you didn't know the right people, which caused chaos in the God Realm, and now the God Realm is still not stable, and now you've lost Qingfeng!"

"We won't give up until we see some fresh air today."

"I have been enduring you gods for a long time. I want to see if you can still defeat me like you did hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

At this moment, Gu Yuena, Ma Xiaotao and the others were all furious.

The first generation Shura God King and the Evil God King were such a headache.

What sin did you commit to deserve to come back to the God Realm to take over this pig-killing mission?

"We don't know either!"

"Su Qingfeng! Young God of the committee, please come back quickly. We cannot control this God Realm. It has become yours!"

"What a shame about life and kindness! They still do this at such a critical moment. They were not like this before!"

"Xura, you may be kind and have a misunderstanding. She used to make a bet with me in the lower world. She would help more handsome boys when she met them. She is just obsessed with looks and loves people!"

"You are quite open-minded about evil. Aren't you a couple?"

"Oh, this..."


"You're still talking about this. Think about how to calm the public anger."

"How can we calm it down? It can't be calmed down unless you can find Su Qingfeng back."

The first Shura God King and the Evil God King were in tears.

Just when the girls were getting more excited, a beam of fairy light descended from the sky.

It was an aura that was quite familiar to several God Kings and Lord Gods.

"Is it the breath of the immortal god?"

"Didn't Su Qingfeng melt the immortal god's throne?"

"Does that mean that Su Qingfeng is back?"

"Looking at the direction, this should be the location of the Temple Committee!"

The appearance of this aura also attracted the attention of Moon, Gu Yuena and others. Immediately, their figures rushed out of the Ancient Tree of Life.

Everyone widened their eyes. The breath that was released was indeed the scent of Su Qingfeng!
When their figures flew around the temple.

Then he saw a young man, holding a white-covered sacred scroll in his hand, standing on the top of the hill of the temple.

He glanced at the scenery outside the mountain. The Cross of Judgment was right behind him. The wailing God of Sin formed a sharp contrast with his celestial temperament.

He glanced at all living things, and everything began to tremble.

It was as if a sky full of immortal air was falling and floating around him.

The appearance of that peerless young man made everyone in the God Realm feel moved and a little lost.

Su Qingfeng, the young man that all the goddesses dreamed of, just stood there, as if he was the center of the world, forming an unparalleled beauty.

However, Su Qingfeng still sighed.

He had deliberately released this divine aura to let them know that he was no longer in serious danger, so as to avoid another war in the divine world.

Gu Yuena, Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Zhang Lexuan and other old friends were fascinated by Su Qingfeng's independent figure, but they were not too surprised, after all, they had seen it before.

But the divine beasts that were following Gu Yuena and leaping towards her with great momentum were all stunned.

The ferocious look that was originally shown to the gods suddenly turned cute.

"Who is that?"

"Is that the young man that His Majesty the Silver Dragon King is looking for?"

"Is he the boy?"

"What the hell? This guy is so handsome? The face under the mask is simply a unique piece of art!"

"Su Qingfeng? He is Su Qingfeng? The boy who was imprisoned in the God's Prison like us?"

"No wonder even the Silver Dragon King is so devoted to him! He's so handsome!!!"

In an instant, the vengeful hearts of the divine beasts turned into the hearts of obedient pets!

The phoenix with silver feathers flying through the air restrained its breath and transformed itself into a beautiful woman wearing silver phoenix clothes. She had a graceful figure and no longer had the harsh voice from before. She followed behind Gu Yuena and approached Su Qingfeng!

Pay attention to your image! Pay attention to your image! Don't scare the king!
The winged dragon also transformed into a young girl. The girl was wearing a golden short skirt and had a pair of gorgeous golden wings behind her. She looked a little shy.

The attitudes of other divine beasts also changed drastically at this moment. They were conquered just by this one glance!
This is so exaggerated!
"King! Young Master! You are still alive! You are finally back!"

Then, an exaggerated scene appeared in this divine world.

All the gods and mythical beasts welcomed Su Qingfeng's return in unison.

He is the legend of this world!
However, there are always a few exceptions.

For example, Gu Yuena came up to Su Qingfeng and fumbled around, searching for him:

"Xiao Qingfeng, are you okay? You must have been seriously injured in that battle, right? Where are those two bitches, Life and Kindness? Where did they take you? Did they bully you? Tell me, and I'll eat them!"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Su Qingfeng gave Gu Yuena a reassuring smile, and this smile captivated her completely.

"Teacher, Master Xuan, you are here too. Everyone, this rebellion in the God Realm was saved thanks to your help. I was recovering from my injuries before and didn't have a chance to thank you. Now you are all here."

"I, Su Qingfeng, solemnly declare to everyone here that I did not give birth to a child! At the same time, I also apologize to you. I have caused trouble to the God Realm. Thank you for your efforts and dedication in the war. This war was caused by me. I will do my best to reduce the losses of the God Realm."

Su Qingfeng sincerely apologized to everyone and bowed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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