Chapter 19 Tang Hao seeks death
At night, Su Chen was taking Yun Yun and the others to cook hot pot.

It was the first time for several people to eat hot pot, and they felt very novel about this cooking method of eating and cooking at the same time.

"Suddenly, Yun Yun put down her chopsticks!"

Her eyes instantly changed from soft to cold.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became much colder.

She gave Su Chen and the others a look, and then came outside alone.

Tang Hao, covered in black robes, appeared opposite her.

"I have something to discuss with you, and I hope you will cooperate, otherwise..."

The pressure of the titled Douluo emanated from him.

"Otherwise, what?"

Yun Yun also burst out with the pressure of a titled Douluo.

As the two forces collided with each other, the surrounding houses and the ground shook.

Tang Hao's expression changed.

He originally thought that the opponent was just a Contra, but he didn't expect that he was a powerful Titled Douluo!
However, Tang Hao would not be afraid just because the opponent was a Titled Douluo.

Thinking back then, he had never been intimidated when facing so many Titled Douluo. He was not afraid of just one Titled Douluo!

On his body, nine soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black and red, appeared one after another.

Tang Hao's face showed a touch of pride.

The ninth 10-year-old soul ring has always been something he is proud of.

There were many titled Douluo he knew on the mainland, but few had 10-year-old soul rings!
"Hmph, otherwise, I have to show my strength. The soul skills brought by my 10-year-old soul ring are not something that ordinary titled Douluo can bear!"

"Is a 10-year-old soul ring rare?"

Yun Yun showed her soul ring. The same 10-year-old soul ring made Tang Hao's pupils shrink suddenly.

At this moment, he realized that he had kicked an iron plate.

Today, after he was angry and vomited blood, his internal injuries were affected. He could only exert his ninety-level soul power, which was fine against ordinary titled Douluo, but it was still not enough to deal with the woman in front of him.

Unless he takes action with all his strength, it is possible to defeat him.

However, in that case, all the injuries on his body would be affected.

He had to force the accumulated blood in his body into his arm or leg and then cut it off to suppress the outbreak of the injury.

Once he does this, his strength will drop to the Soul Saint level.

At present, Xiao San has not grown up yet.

With the strength of his Soul Saint, there is no guarantee that Xiao San can grow up safely on the mainland.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tang Hao still felt that his son's growth was more important.

Moreover, the first soul ring to absorb a 700-year term is a bit too far-fetched and not realistic at all!

Tang Hao made an offensive gesture.

But the moment he took action, his body quickly retreated and left the academy in a flash.

"Yun Yun, if you go after him, it would be best to cut off his right arm and left leg. It would be even better if you can leave some traces on his body for easy tracking!"

Su Chen walked out of the villa.

The most valuable thing in Tang Hao's body is his soul bones. The right arm bone and left leg bone are soul bones inherited from the Haotian Sect, and they are of very good quality.

Of course, the most valuable thing is definitely the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor.

But once Tang Hao finds out that someone is following him, he will definitely not run to the hiding place of the Blue Silver Emperor.

That's why Su Chen asked Yun Yun to leave something on Tang Hao.

Yun Yun nodded and disappeared from the spot.

Su Chen returned to the house and immediately summoned the Holy Light Dragon Ball.Not long ago, he discovered that through the Holy Light Dragon Ball, he could sense the goddesses he had signed and could provide them with far greater increases.

Of course, this increase must have side effects.

But it won't squirt like Yu Xiaogang.


Tang Hao was very fast.

When passing by the work-study student dormitory.

He saw two work-study students throwing a sack into the trash can. It seemed to contain something and it was still squirming slightly.

But he can't control that much anymore. Now he only has one thought, and that is to run quickly.

Because he could feel that the woman just now was catching up with her very quickly. I'm afraid there would inevitably be a fierce battle today!
Finally, Tang Hao stopped in the barren mountains thirty miles outside Notting City.

It wasn't that he couldn't run anymore, but that Yun Yun had already stopped in front of him and crushed him in terms of speed.

"What do you want?"

"If you feel offended, I can apologize to you, but if we really want to fight, I think it's better to forget it. It won't be good for either of us."

Tang Hao gave in. He had worries. He was no longer the fearless Tang Ritian back then.

"I want your right arm and your left leg."

Yun Yun looked calm, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing.

Tang Hao laughed angrily, "You want my right arm and left leg? Then why didn't you say you wanted my life!"

Seeing that the other party is determined to fight with him.

Tang Hao gritted his teeth and his eyes changed slightly.

His black robe moved automatically without wind, and a large silver hammer filled with blood appeared in his hand.

All nine of his soul rings appeared, shining brightly, and the surging power condensed on his body, even triggering strange phenomena in the heaven and earth. Strong winds blew around him, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and dense thunder flashed among them.

He raised the giant hammer in his hand and smashed it in the direction of Yun Yun.

"Big Sumeru Hammer!"

The first and second soul rings exploded.

At the same time, Tang Hao's Killing God Domain expanded, making the power of his blow extremely terrifying. Before the hammer fell, the ground around Yun Yun had already sunk.

Yun Yun's expression was solemn, Tang Hao was indeed quite capable.

She felt a strong pressure all over her body, making her speed and movements much slower.

Facing such an opponent, giving a fatal blow is the most correct choice.


At this time, a familiar power was injected into her body.

It's the power from Su Chen.

This is the increase Su Chen gave Yun Yun.

A set of dragon-shaped armor appeared outside Yun Yun's clothes.

Her soul power increased thirty times in an instant.

The same goes for power and speed.

Yun Yun used the Flying Flood Body Technique, and with the help of thirty times the speed, she directly escaped from the pressure range exerted by Tang Hao.


Tang Hao was shocked. He didn't expect this woman to escape so quickly in the situation just now.

Moreover, what movement technique she used just now, the mystery of that movement technique was a hundred times more advanced than any movement technique he had seen in his travels across the continent!
What Tang Hao didn't know was that in the second he was surprised, his outcome was already doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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