Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 28 Both master and apprentice were kicked to death

Chapter 28 Both master and apprentice were kicked to death

On this day, hundreds of students gathered on the playground of Notting College.

The reason is that Tang San, a first-year work-study student, wants to challenge Xiao Wu, who is also a first-year student.

Ever since Boss Xiao stopped bullying others.

The school hasn't been so lively for several days.

Whether they were senior students or junior students, they all gathered on the playground.

The main reason why they were so concerned was because they heard that these two first-year students were both innately full of soul power and had already obtained soul rings and became first-level soul masters.

The showdown between soul masters is not something you can just watch if you want to.

There are only one or two opportunities every year, and it is still a discussion between teachers. It is not serious at all. It is worse than a fight between children.

"I heard that both of them are innately full of soul power."

"Innate full soul power, is it true or not? I have only seen introductions about innate full soul power in books."

"It is said that innate soul power is very rare, and there are only a few of them in history. Unexpectedly, two of them appeared in our Notting College this year. I don't know whether they are true or not."

"You will know later by looking at their martial souls. Those who can absorb soul rings at their age are not only innately full of soul power, but also absolute geniuses!"

On the playground, Xiao Wu and Tang San looked down upon each other.

Tang San said: "Xiao Wu, if you lose to me today, then you have to apologize to those bastards who led Wang Sheng to me and my teacher, and compensate me for fifty gold soul coins for my medical expenses. From now on, Whenever you see me in the future, you must be respectful to me!"

"Besides, you also need to be my servant. No matter what I do to you, you can't refuse and must obey my orders. How about that?"

Xiao Wu's eyes were cold, she didn't expect that Tang San was so disgusting, and he still wanted her to be a servant, it was just a fantasy!

However, she has absolute confidence to win today!

"But if you lose to me, you must kneel on the ground and imitate howling like a dog in front of so many classmates. And when you see me in the future, you must kneel down and call me Sister Xiaowu!"

As soon as Xiao Wu's words came out, the scene was in an uproar.

No one expected that the two of them would play such a big role.

It seems that today's playground was not in vain.

No matter who loses or wins, the ending is very exciting!

Tang San was also full of confidence in himself and said there was no problem.

Xiao Chenyu acted as the referee.

After questioning both sides and confirming that both sides were ready, he announced the start of the battle.

Xiao Chenyu's "start" voice fell.

Tang San used Ghost Shadow to quickly approach Xiao Wu.

While charging forward, he took out the prepared stones and prepared to hit Xiao Wu's knees and other important joints.


Several stones flew out from Tang San's hand.

In a weird arc, it hit Xiao Wu's joints.

The power contained in each stone is enough to penetrate a five millimeter thick wooden board.

Even an adult can't stand it, let alone a delicate little girl like Xiao Wu.

However, what Tang San didn't expect was that Xiao Wu actually dodged the stones, as if he knew in advance that he was going to use the stones, and left his position the moment he took action.

"not good!"

Because of their rapid advance just now, the distance between Tang San and Xiao Wu was very close.

In the process of dodging, Xiao Wu actually kept leaning towards Tang San.

"Close combat?"

"Exactly what I want!"

A cold smile appeared on Tang San's lips.

The silent sleeve arrows he made overnight yesterday are ready.

Seeing Xiao Wu approaching, Tang San raised the arm with the sleeve arrow hidden in it, and chose to fire it without hesitation.

The location he aimed at was not a vital location.

It won't hurt Xiao Wu's life.Because he couldn't bear the consequences of killing people for the time being.

But this time, Tang San failed to hit Xiao Wu again.


Dodged his shots twice in a row.

Unless you can tell in advance that he is going to launch a hidden weapon, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it!

What Tang San didn't know was.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuyun have simulated hundreds of battles these days.

Now, with just a glance from Tang San and a slight movement of his arms, Xiao Wu could tell that he was going to use a hidden weapon, and by using the arm using the hidden weapon, he could determine the general direction of the weapon's launch and avoid it in advance.

"It's my turn!"

Xiao Wu's arm was also equipped with silent sleeve arrows.

This was dropped by Tang San in the Soul Hunting Forest.

In fact, she wanted to defeat Tang San head-on.

But since this guy likes to use hidden weapons so much, let him try what it feels like to make a hidden weapon with his own hands.

"not good!"

Tang San was still shocked as to why Xiao Wu could frequently dodge his hidden weapons, when he found that the other party had already raised the sleeve arrow in his hand, aiming at his body.

He only felt his scalp numb, because he knew what kind of power the Silent Sleeve Arrow had.


The arrow made of fine iron successfully penetrated Tang San's thigh.

He fell to the ground in pain, wailing loudly.


Tang San's thigh hit by the arrow kept twitching, and blood couldn't stop flowing out.

Xiao Wu didn't let him go.

Because she didn't expect that the power of this sleeve arrow was so strong. It was really unforgivable for this guy to use such a lethal hidden weapon on her just now!

Xiao Wu couldn't imagine what her ending would be without Su Chen's reminder.

No matter how fast she was, she would still be hit by the arrow if she couldn't predict Tang San's attack in advance.

And the fate of the hit was like this!
Xiao Wu's pigtails threw Tang San to Sanmi High School.

When he landed, he kicked him hard in the crotch.

The sound of eggs breaking was heard.

The male students at the scene only felt a chill in their lower bodies and quickly clamped their legs.

This kick directly caused Tang San to bounce up, and because of the injury to his thigh, he fell heavily to the ground.

He whined louder.

Yu Xiaogang, who was watching the battle in the crowd, was so angry that he almost fainted. He pushed away the students standing in front of him and angrily walked towards Xiao Wu on the field.

"Asshole, you actually hurt the mistress like this, I'll beat you to death!"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang rushing over, Xiao Wu was rude.

She first pretended to run away, and while Yu Xiaogang was chasing her, she used the rabbit to kick the eagle trick.

He stepped hard on Yu Xiaogang's chest, then kicked up, clamped Yu Xiaogang's head with both feet, and activated the first soul skill, waist bow!
Xiao Wu's whole body was like a large arc-shaped bow, and the light of the first soul ring instantly covered her whole body. Then, her body was like a full moon bow that suddenly exerted force, throwing Yu Xiaogang's body away.

The disciples who were watching let out a burst of exclamations.

Not only was he surprised by Xiao Wu's fighting prowess, he was also surprised by the century-old spirit ring that had just flashed away.

A century-old soul ring is very rare for Notting College.

Even for teachers in the academy, most of the first spirit rings are at the level of several decades, and only a handful of them reach the level of a hundred years.

Although they did not see the specific appearance of the spirit ring, they still saw the yellow light of the century-old spirit ring.

(End of this chapter)

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