Chapter 30 Six years later

Tang San was taken to the mine outside Notting City.

This is a mine specially designed to hold prisoners, so the environment is very bad.

Tang San was thrown into a dark and damp room.

The officers and soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion left the place after chatting with the mine manager for a few words.

"Go, put these herbs on that kid, don't let him die!"

The manager found a criminal with unkempt hair and yellow teeth and asked him to help Tang San apply medicinal herbs.

This criminal has a special quirk.

That is liking men.

Seeing such a thin-skinned little guy coming into the prison, the criminal's eyes suddenly lit up and his mouth watered.

"Little guy, where are you hurt?"

Tang San was in so much pain that he didn't notice the change in the other person's eyes at all.

He pointed to his thigh.

The criminal's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he showed distressed eyes.

"Oh, who is this guy who is so ruthless that he actually pierced your thigh with an arrow made of fine iron?"

The criminal then came to help pull out the arrow.

During this process, Tang San was so painful that he fainted.

I don't know how long has passed.

He opened his eyes drowsily and found that his thigh had been smeared with herbs, bandaged carefully, and tied with a bow.

"I didn't expect criminals to have such a kind side..."

Just as he was sighing, he felt a burning pain in his back, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

At this time, the room door was pushed open.

The criminal who had bandaged his wounds came to this room with other criminals who had just finished their work.

Each of their eyes shone brightly, staring at Tang San with longing expressions.

Before Tang San could react, what did this group of people want to do?

Then he saw the criminals closing their doors and slowly approaching him.

The criminal who bandaged his wound still whispered to the people around him: "I have tried it, and it is very good!"

After a while, Tang San's pig-killing roars came from the room, as well as the criminals' excited laughter.


Six years passed in a flash.

Notting College ushered in its annual graduation ceremony.

At the graduation ceremony, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing became the best students in the history of Notting College.

The deeds of the two of them will be recorded on the first page of the student handbook, so that every new student who joins the college will know that the college has produced such outstanding students before.

There is no way, in the past six years, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's strength has improved too fast, and the two of them have defeated Notting College.

In Notting City, no one is their opponent.

Even Master Su Yuntao and Master Mathieu Nuo from Wuhun Palace were easily defeated by them.

In recent years, more and more students have come to register in Notting City.

They all came here after hearing about Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's deeds.

This also made Notting College's finances, which had been in deficit for many years, suddenly turn around and begin to prosper.

Therefore, Dean Babak is very grateful to the two of them.

It is not an exaggeration at all to make Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing the best disciples in the history of the academy.

In the audience, looking at Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing surrounded by flowers and applause.

Yu Xiaogang felt very uncomfortable inside.

He also has a disciple who is not inferior to the two.

If there hadn't been so many accidents back then, maybe the title of the best disciple would have belonged to his disciple!
Thinking of his disciples, Yu Xiaogang's heart was as sharp as a knife.

After Tang San entered the mine prison, Yu Xiaogang wrote a letter to Flanders, his former friend who fought alongside him.

He has only one friend in his life.He didn't know who to borrow money from except Flanders.

But Flanders answered simply.

That is not to borrow.

This made Yu Xiaogang very disappointed. He was so angry that he almost went to Soto City to find Flanders and asked him why he didn't lend him money.

Could it be that just because he wanted to marry his cousin and didn't give him Flanders, he has been holding a grudge to this day?

But soon, the letter Tang San wrote in prison was delivered to him.

It is still possible to send letters outside the mine prison.

But you can only write once a month, and the letter must be read to the administrator before it can be sent out.

When the letter was delivered to Yu Xiaogang.

He couldn't bear to leave Notting City, and he couldn't bear to abandon Tang San as his disciple.

Because between the lines of the letter, Tang San's inner pain and longing for his teacher could be revealed.

Moreover, most of the content has been redacted, and it can be seen that Tang San actually wanted to say a lot about his own experiences.

But due to the administrator's restrictions, he couldn't speak directly.

Yu Xiaogang felt so uncomfortable when he saw that, he wished he could take Tang San out right now and give him a good hug.

There was no other way. In order to fish out Tang San, Yu Xiaogang had no choice but to put aside his status as a "master" and become an ordinary teacher at Notting College. He earned a meager salary every month and saved up bit by bit. .

At the same time, he wrote to his family, hoping to get their help.

But the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family hated him for being a loser who wanted to marry his cousin, so they directly replied to him with a letter containing only the word "Go away".

After six years of hard life, Yu Xiaogang finally saved up one hundred gold soul coins.

After the graduation ceremony is over.

He left the scene immediately.

He left the city and went straight to the mine prison outside the city.

But when he arrived at the scene, Yu Xiaogang was stunned.

Because at this time, the mine prison was littered with corpses on the ground. Whether they were managers or criminals in the mine, they all had their necks wiped. Judging from the stiffness of the corpses, it seemed like what happened just half an hour ago...

"No, mistress!"

Yu Xiaogang thought of his disciples.

Regardless of his own safety, he searched for Tang San.


While Yu Xiaogang was still searching from cell to cell.

Tang San walked out of a mine, not expecting that Yu Xiaogang would come to him.

"Little San!"

Yu Xiaogang hugged Tang San, with tears and snot flowing out, and choked with sobs: "Xiao San, are you okay? The teacher has collected enough one hundred gold soul coins to redeem you!"

Tang San was extremely moved.

But he shook his head and said: "No need, teacher, everyone here has a way to die. I have killed them all. Now I can leave here directly without anyone stopping me!"


Yu Xiaogang turned pale with shock.

Unexpectedly, the massacre in the mine was caused by his apprentice.

Tang San smiled after a long time: "Teacher, I am no longer what I used to be. During the six years in prison, I have not slacked off for a day. I have been practicing seriously every day. My soul power has already reached level [-]! "

This news made Yu Xiaogang very happy.

But level [-] is still too low.

Compared to ordinary people, Tang San could reach level [-] at this age and was already a genius among geniuses, but he thought of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing in the academy.

Tang San's level [-] seemed too mediocre.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Tang San didn't understand why the teacher suddenly showed such a reaction.

A sharp and harsh voice sounded from behind him: "Ah, Master, when did you find such a sweetheart?"

(End of this chapter)

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