Chapter 32 Entering the Star Forest ([-]-in-[-])

In the evening, the carriage that Tang San and the others rode arrived at a small town on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

"Xiao San, how about we take a short break tonight and then go into the Star Dou Forest to hunt spirit beasts tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, teacher."

The three of them found a place to have a hearty meal.

I found a relatively cheap hotel again.

Yu Xiaogang plans to rent two rooms, one for him and Tang San, and one for Old Jiao alone.

"Two rooms, thirty gold soul coins per night."

The hotel owner opened his mouth.

"What, so expensive!"

Yu Xiaogang pointed to the price on the sign.

"Didn't you say that a room only costs ten gold soul coins per night? You are just talking like a lion, deliberately trying to kill people!"

The hotel owner said contemptuously: "You don't even look at how filthy you are and how stinky you are. If I give you three a night's sleep tonight, the smell will probably not go away for several days!"

"Okay, if you want to stay, just pay. If you don't want to stay, get out, so as not to stink up my hotel lobby!"

He took it away and fanned the surrounding air like a fly.

Tang San's eyes were cold, Yu Xiaogang grabbed his hand and shook his head at him.

"Okay, let's get a room then!"

"It's really three poor guys!"

The hotel owner took the fifteen gold soul coins given by Yu Xiaogang and snorted coldly.

Yu Xiaogang's face was livid, and he went upstairs with a salute without saying a word.

Tang San followed him, and when he went upstairs, he glanced at the hotel owner coldly.

At night, the three of them took a quick shower.

After a day of running around, Yu Xiaogang quickly fell asleep.

But in his dream, he saw a terrible scene.

His disciple Tang San was doing unspeakable things with an old man.

The two of them were immersed in it and completely ignored him as their teacher.

"Little three, little three!"

Because this dream was too scary, Yu Xiaogang sat up from the bed.

He looked at Tang San sleeping next to him with a horrified expression.

Then he looked at Old Man Jiao, who was making a mat on the ground, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.


"It turned out to be a dream, it scared me to death..."


"Why is the mistress's forehead covered with sweat? Is it too hot in the room?"

Yu Xiaogang felt that his quilt was chilly, so it shouldn't be too hot.

He thoughtfully wanted to lift Tang San's quilt.

But I found that Tang San's quilt was wrapped tightly.

There is no way to open it unless you use special force.

In order not to wake up his disciple, he gave up the idea of ​​lifting the quilt.

Wait until Yu Xiaogang falls asleep again.

Tang San opened his eyes, his cheeks flushed, and he glared fiercely at the old man laying on the floor below, as if to warn him not to mess around again.

The old man didn't even fall asleep. He smiled at Tang San, showing his big yellow teeth.


Early the next morning, Tang San and his party checked out of the hotel.

When leaving, Tang San turned back and glanced at the hotel owner coldly.

No one noticed this detail.

"Teacher, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable and I want to go take a rest."

"Okay, let's go."

On the streets of the small town, Tang San suddenly said, holding his stomach.

Yu Xiaogang didn't think too much.

Tang San walked to a deserted corner and, as light as a swallow, easily climbed over a courtyard wall.

He circled around and returned to the hotel.

At this time, the hotel owner worked all night.

He was about to go back to rest when he saw Tang San appear in front of him.

"You kid, why are you back again?"

Tang San's eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent.

"You, have a way to die!"

He waved the dagger in his hand.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, when Tang San's dagger was about to touch the boss's neck, the boss didn't have time to activate his martial spirit to fight back.

The boss's face was full of despair. Just when he thought he was going to die, a black figure like lightning kicked Tang San away.

"You are too bold to kill someone in broad daylight!"

The person who took action was Zhu Zhuyun.

Her soul power has reached level [-].

After leaving Notting City, we went straight to the Star Forest. We happened to come to this small town and checked into this hotel.

Tang San was kicked out.

Fortunately, he has been exercising with Old Man Jiao every night for these years, so that his buttocks muscles are extremely developed.

Normally, if a level [-] soul master is kicked by a level [-] soul master, he will definitely be lying on the ground and unable to get up.

But Tang San's defense could be said to be fully maxed out, and he was actually able to get up from the ground and break through the window.

Zhu Zhuyun wanted to chase him, but Su Chen's voice sounded behind him.

"Zhuyun, there's no need to chase after him."

"Yes, Master."

Su Chen knew the identity of that person.

After all, when they came here yesterday, they smelled the familiar stench of Yu Xiaogang's body.

"This girl, thanks to you."

"I have nothing to repay, I can only give some money to express my gratitude."

Zhu Zhuyun accepted the money.

They don't have much income, so it would be great if they have money.

After leaving the town, they entered the Star Dou Forest. Along the way, many soul masters invited them to enter the Star Dou Forest together, but they were all rejected because their eyes kept lingering on Zhu Zhuqing and other women. They were obviously not interested. Have good intentions.

Tang San was wearing a black robe and hiding at the back of the team.

His eyes swept over Su Chen and the others coldly, not to mention how vicious they were.

"Xiaosan, do you still remember them?"

Yu Xiaogang asked on the side.

Tang San nodded, "Remember, even if I become a ghost, I will never forget them!"

Yu Xiaogang sighed softly, "Well, you have to work hard to practice. They have made great progress in these years, especially Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing. Even without martial arts, they can defeat the great soul masters of level [-]. .”

"I estimate that their current soul power has reached the level of great soul masters."

Tang San had a shocked expression on his face.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing are the same age as him.

He has actually become a great soul master, surpassing him by more than ten levels!

A sense of urgency surged into his heart. He had to practice quickly, otherwise, he would never be able to surpass Xiao Wu and the others in his life!
Tang San couldn't help but look at Old Man Jiao behind him.

Now the only person who can help him practice quickly is Old Man Jiao next to him.

The old man's body belongs to the Zhiyang body.

This kind of physique can continuously produce Yang Qi.His Xuantian Technique can just absorb these Yang Qi.

This was also the reason why Tang San chose to keep him.

"Don't worry, young master, I will work hard..."

Old Man Jiao understood Tang San's eyes.

One hand was placed on Tang San's lean waist.

When Yu Xiaogang turned around, he backed away as fast as lightning. No one knew the little movement between them.


On the other side, Su Chen and the others had gone deep into the Star Forest.

They found a 3-year-old soul beast that fit Zhu Zhuyun very well.

When Zhu Zhuyun was in his fourth soul ring, he absorbed a 1-year-old soul ring.

Because the Yunlan Sect's techniques can enhance mental power, the soul shock of high-level soul rings poses no threat at all and can be easily broken.

Now, according to Yun Yun's estimation, Zhu Zhuyun can already absorb a 3-year-old soul ring.

With Yun Yun's help, he killed the soul beast and absorbed the soul ring, all at once.

There were no surprises throughout the entire process.

At this time, Tang San's team also arrived at this place.

Seeing the ten thousand year soul ring on Zhu Zhuyun, he clenched his fists and felt that the gap was really too big.

What on earth is he going to do to bridge the gap between them!
At this time, the sky suddenly dimmed.

Two tall trees suddenly and slowly separated to both sides.

A huge figure quietly walked out from there.

It was an existence like a mountain. The dark hair on its body shone faintly under the weak light of the stars and the moon. Although it was on all fours, the height of its shoulders was definitely more than seven meters.

At this moment, everyone's breathing seemed to stop.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened and his voice trembled.

"Sen...the king of the forest, the Titan Giant Ape!"

The appearance of the Titan Giant Ape threw the entire team into chaos.

Everyone screamed in fear and started running away.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang also escaped among the crowd.

Finally, they escaped to a safe area and found that the Titan ape was not chasing them.

Tang San thought of Su Chen and his group who were closest to the Titan Ape just now.

He climbed up a tree and looked into the distance to see what was going on over there.

The Titan ape was seen glaring at Su Chen and his group, looking as if he was about to take action.

This made Tang San extremely happy. If this beast like the Titan Giant Ape could kill Su Chen and his party, it would be a big help to him!
Especially when he saw Xiao Wu blocking the front alone, Tang San was even happier.

What he hates the most is Xiao Wu, a bitch!

The reason why I was sent to the mine prison was largely because of this woman!

In the distance, Xiao Wu stood in front of the Titan Giant Ape.

"Er Ming, they are all my friends, I don't allow you to hurt them!"

Since Xiao Wu said so, the Titan Giant Ape did not take action.

He grabbed Xiao Wu and ran deep into the forest.

Yun Yun wanted to catch up and kill him, but was stopped by Su Chen.

Su Chen looked behind.

Sure enough, a figure stood on the tree, his eyes glowing with purple light, observing the situation here.

Su Chen didn't want Tang San to know Yun Yun's strength yet.

After the Titan Giant Ape took Xiao Wu away, he asked Yun Yun to catch up.

He and the Zhu sisters followed behind.

With the Titan Giant Ape and Yun Yun leading the way, all the soul beasts fled in all directions.

Even if they are unprotected, they will not encounter any danger.

Tang San was extremely happy, secretly thinking that the Titan Giant Ape was a really good beast. Catching the one he wanted to kill the most was a great help to him.

He immediately shared the good news with Yu Xiaogang.

But the actual situation was completely different from what he thought.

Xiao Wu was brought to the edge of the Lake of Life.

The Titan Giant Ape did not kill her, but spoke in animal language that only Xiao Wu could understand.

Xiao Wu, wearing white stockings, kicked the Titan ape several times, blaming him for his reckless behavior.

Soon, Yun Yun came here.

Following her were Su Chen and the Zhu sisters.

Sensing the breath of a strong human being, a huge bull head with a diameter of four meters, connected to a huge black and blue snake body that was several times thicker than a water tank, poked out from under the lake.

Although most of his body was still submerged in the water, what was left above the water was enough to frighten people.

"Humans, get out of here!"

He spoke human words and warned Yun Yun.

The Titan ape also exhaled its burning breath, looking ready to take action at any time.

Yun Yun summoned the Fengji Sword martial spirit, and nine yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black and red soul rings hovered at her feet.

During the years when she and Su Chen practiced dual cultivation techniques at Notting College, Yun Yun's soul power had reached level 98.

She has absolute confidence that she can defeat these two 10-year-old soul beasts.

Xiao Wu was about to burst into tears, "Da Ming and Er Ming, please don't do anything. You are my friends and you don't mean any harm."

But Daming ignored it because Yun Yun was a titled Douluo, which meant that she knew the true identity of the little dancing soul beast.

No matter what, he couldn't let Xiao Wu become a human soul ring like her mother!
He let out a bull roar that resounded in the sky, and the sound spread throughout the Star Dou Forest, demonstrating to Yun Yun.

However, what he didn't know was that his biggest threat was not Yun Yun, but Su Chen behind him.

Su Chen released a dragon's power.

Under this pressure, the Titan ape's body became stiff and unable to move.

The Azure Bull Python even felt a sense of oppression coming from its bloodline, and the aura on its body suddenly dropped.

Yun Yun took this opportunity to throw them all into the Lake of Life.

Immediately afterwards, the soul ring on Yun Yun's body shone brightly, and various soul skills were thrown into the water crazily.

This round of serial bombings came down.

The Azure Bull Python lost its temper. Its body floated on the water, its belly facing upwards, and its tongue hanging out, as if it had been beaten to death.

The Titan Giant Ape was even beaten into a fool. He was already stupid and now he doesn't even know what his name is.

"Stop fighting, we know we were wrong!"

Azure Bull Python quickly surrendered.

After being beaten, he knew that Yun Yun didn't really want to kill them.

But when those soul skills fell on them, they could still feel the pain that hit their souls.

Yun Yun snorted coldly and took back her martial spirit.

Seeing that they were being honest, Su Chen stepped forward, hugged Xiao Wu domineeringly, and explained his purpose of coming.

"Titan Giant Ape, Azure Bull Python, I have taken good care of Xiao Wu these years. As her relatives and friends, shouldn't you give me something to express my gratitude?"

Seeing Su Chen hugging Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu looked shy, and the bird snuggled into Su Chen's arms.

The Titan Ape and the Azure Bull Python suddenly felt like they had a green hat on their heads.

"Why, you two don't have any thoughts about Xiao Wu, do you?"

Seeing the angry looks of the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python, Su Chen sneered disdainfully.

"You two are spirit beasts, and Xiao Wu is already a human. How can a spirit beast be with a human?"

At this time, the eyes of the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python became much darker.

Because it is impossible for the two of them to transform into humans, they still have to protect this place.

Finally, Xiao Wu spoke, "Da Ming, Er Ming, you are very good to me, but now I have someone I like, you don't have to pester me so hard, you deserve to meet someone better..."

(End of this chapter)

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