Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 35 Arriving at Sotuo City and meeting Dai Mubai (2 in 1)

Chapter 35 Arriving at Sotuo City and meeting Dai Mubai (two in one)

The officers and soldiers looked at the direction in which the middle-aged man in black robe was leaving with fearful expressions.

They didn't plan to stay here anymore, and planned to rush back overnight to get back to work and let the higher-ups above handle the matter.

However, Su Chen took the initiative to find them.

"Guys, the hammer in the hands of the man in black just now is the Haotian Hammer, the best weapon in the world."

"Haotian Hammer!"

These officers and soldiers have heard of the title of the best martial spirit in the world.

Moreover, some time ago, they heard senior military officials talk about the Haotian Sect.

It is said that Haotian Sect secretly supports the Star Luo Empire.

Is it possible that the Star Luo Empire is planning to join forces with the Haotian Sect to raid their borders recently?

The matter was so important that the officers and soldiers clasped their fists and thanked Su Chen, and wanted to go back immediately to report the matter to the higher-ups at the border.

After the matter came to an end, Su Chen and the others had no need to stay. Their next destination was Soto City in the Balak Kingdom.

If nothing unexpected happens, Tang San will also go to that place.

However, Su Chen's target was not just Tang San.

And that beast Dai Mubai!
The debt between him and Dai Mubai has not been settled yet!

On the other side, the mysterious man in black robe led Tang San over several mountains and came to a valley.

"Thank you for your help, senior!"

Tang San thanked him.

The mysterious man took off the hat on his head, revealing his true appearance.

Under the hat was an old but extremely familiar face to Tang San.

Tang San's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.


"Father, it's you, why are you like this!"

"And your right arm and left leg are gone..."

In just six years, Tang Hao's hair and beard turned white, and many wrinkles appeared on his body.

Apart from his stature, he looked like an old man.

Such a big change in six years must have been a huge change.

What made Tang San heartbroken the most was Tang Hao's missing right arm and left leg.

He wanted to know who made his father become like this!

Tang Hao sighed softly and recounted what happened that day.

That day, his right arm and left leg were cut off by Yun Yun, and he used his last breath to escape from Notting City.

While escaping, he was afraid that Yun Yun would catch up and kill him, so he stayed around for a long time.

But at that time, all the old injuries on his body broke out, and he had to find a place to heal.

He was not sure if he could still live, so he took a look at the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bones, put the box containing the soul bones into the mechanism, and completely stayed away from Notting City.

Settled down in a remote small village.

This stay lasted for six years.

For six years, he was recovering from his injuries and did not dare to set foot in the surrounding area of ​​Notting City.

Originally, he planned to stay in hiding.

But it wasn't until the news about the wanted Tang San reached the village where he lived that he realized something was wrong and quietly returned to Notting City to inquire about the news.

It's okay if he doesn't pry, but if he explores, he will faint.

His son didn't go to school for a day in Notting City, and he spent six years working in the mines as a criminal!
At first, Tang Hao had no feelings for Tang San.

Even the most basic relationship between father and son is very weak.

Because he didn't like Ah Yin at all, and even after being with Ah Yin for so long, he was still a bit annoying.

Tang San happened to have a lot of A Yin's shadow on him.

However, after six years of being alone in that remote mountain village, with no one around to wash his clothes or cook for him, he only thought about the goodness of Tang San and Ah Yin.

As the young master of the Haotian Sect, Tang Hao grew up in fine clothes and fine food, never touching the spring water with his fingers.

In the past, Ah Yin did the laundry and cooking, followed by Tang San.

He knows nothing about life matters.

The six years have made him suffer a lot, and when he was lonely, he recalled every bit of the past.

Therefore, when he heard about Tang San's experience and that he was wanted, Tang Hao was extremely angry.

He followed the officers and soldiers all the way and came here.

And saved his son from the hands of officers and soldiers.

However, to his horror, the woman was also nearby.

I just don’t know if the other party recognizes me.

If the other party recognized him, he and Tang San would probably die here!
With his current Soul Saint strength, it is simply not enough to compete with him!
Tang San's tears filled his cheeks.

Unexpectedly, his father was actually injured by the strong woman next to Xiao Wu.

He hates it!
If only I were stronger!
I can kill that bitch Xiao Wu and avenge my father first!

When he grows up, he will kill the female titled Douluo and cut her body into thousands of pieces, crushing her bones and scattering ashes!
Yu Xiaogang and Old Man Jiao rushed over.

"Your Majesty Haotian!"

Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that the person who saved them turned out to be Tang Hao.

After not seeing Tang Hao for so many years, he thought something had happened to him.

Tang Hao nodded and said, "Master Yu, are there anyone chasing you?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head: "As soon as you take action, Haotian Mian, those people will be frightened and how dare they catch up."

"But Your Majesty, please don't call me that in the future. Just call me Xiaogang."

If Yu Xiaogang said this before, Tang Hao would feel much more comfortable.

But now...

He was not happy at all, but felt a little harsh.

"Hey, Haotian Crown, your body..."

Tang Hao shook his head at him, not intending to tell him the truth.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang was very sensible and didn't ask.

Later, Tang Hao asked about Tang San's situation.

For example, why Tang San was caught in the mine prison, and his child's current cultivation level.

Because he did not believe that his son would do such despicable and shameless behavior as stealing.

Yu Xiaogang also understood and blamed all the responsibilities on Su Chen and the others, saying that Su Chen colluded with the City Lord's Mansion to frame Tang San.

Tang Hao was so angry that he broke a big tree.

"I knew it!"

"After they deal with me, Tang Hao, they will deal with the mistress. They have to deal with a six-year-old child. It is so shameless!"

After venting his anger, Tang Hao brought the topic back to Tang San's cultivation.

Tang San spent six years in the mine prison, so his cultivation must be very bad...

I'm afraid that level [-] isn't even yet reached... Tang San released his martial spirit and spirit ring.

When he saw that the first martial soul was a ten-year soul ring, Tang Hao spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Why is the first soul ring ten years old!"

Yu Xiaogang sighed helplessly and pointed the finger at Su Chen and the others.

"Damn it, do those people think that I, Tang Hao, is easy to bully?"

"One day, I will make them pay the price they deserve, and give them back ten times what happened to me and my mistress!" Tang Hao was so angry that his face turned red, and he felt as if his head was about to explode. It was very scary.

"My Majesty, don't be angry, or you may get hurt by your anger."

"In fact, Xiao San's cultivation has not been affected by the age of the first soul ring."

"He met a noble man in the mine prison - Old Man Jiao. He helped Xiao San polish his physique day and night, so that Xiao San's soul power did not fall too far. Now it has reached level 27!"

Tang Hao smiled happily when he heard the news.

Tang San didn't know why, but he blushed terribly.

Tang Hao strode to Old Man Jiao.

"Are you Old Man Jiao?"

"I am Tang San's father. Thank you for taking care of my mistress these years. When I return to the sect in the future, I will find a way to repay you!"

Old Man Jiao smiled and waved his hands: "No, no, old man, I am 63 this year. It is already a very happy thing to be with the young master every day, help him improve his physique, and take good care of him. I don't need anything in return. "

Tang Hao chatted with Old Man Jiao for a while, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

But he took a look at the sky and realized that there were important things to do and he couldn't delay any longer.

"Where are you going next?"

Yu Xiaogang said: "Next we are going to the Balak Kingdom."

"We definitely can't stay in Fasno Province now. There are notices everywhere wanting us. We can only hide in the Kingdom of Barak to avoid risks."

"I have a friend who opened a soul master academy in Soto City in the Kingdom of Barak. It is an academy that only accepts geniuses. I heard that after graduating, you can become an imperial viscount!"

Tang Hao nodded and said: "Master, I'll leave it to you, Mistress, and Old Man Jiao. I still need to go back to Notting City. There's still something important that I haven't taken away. When I get that thing, I’ll go directly to Soto City to meet you.”

"Okay, Your Majesty, please feel free to leave mistress and old man Jiao to me!"

Tang Hao left, and Tang San and the others set foot on the road to Soto City.

What awaits them will be another nightmare.


The carriage traveled for a day and a night.

Su Chen and the others finally arrived at Soto City, known as the Granary of Balak.

Along the way, because Yun Yun and the others' looks were too eye-catching, Su Chen bought each of them a mask.

Soon, Xiao Wu, who was leaning against the car window and looking at the scenery outside, was attracted by a very unique hotel.

The hotel is three stories high. Although it doesn't look too big, the exterior decoration is completely rose red. The architectural style of the whole hotel is also like a huge rose, which can easily give people a glimpse. Bright feeling.

"Su Chen, let's rest in this hotel, shall we?"

Su Chen looked out the window and raised his brows slightly.

He nodded in agreement and decided on this Rose Hotel!

The carriage stopped at the door of the hotel, and the waiter inside was very discerning and took the initiative to help them stop the carriage.

Su Chen took Yun Yun and the others into the hotel.

When the hotel manager saw that he brought so many women by himself, some were slim, some were plump, some were mature, and some were pure, he knew that this was a young man who knew how to play.

"Sir, the room has been opened for you. It is the largest room, named Red Ocean. It has complete facilities and everything you need, enough for you to spend a pleasant night."

After saying that, the hotel manager gave Su Chen a look that could only be understood but not expressed in words.

Su Chen smiled slightly and took the key from the manager's hand.

At this moment, a discordant sound came from outside the hotel.

"I said, this room should belong to me."

Su Chen and the others turned around at the same time and saw three people appearing behind them, walking towards the counter.

There are three people, one male and two females. The two girls are gorgeous, and they all look about seventeen or eighteen years old. They are taller than Xiao Wu. The most surprising thing is that their appearance is exactly the same. It's actually a pair of twins.

However, Su Chen's eyes did not fall on the two stunning beauties, but on the blond man with strange eyes in the middle.

Isn't this the Dai Mubai he is looking for?
At this time, Dai Mubai's attention was not focused on the twins beside him.

From the moment he entered the door, he was attracted by the back figures of Yun Yun and others.

Judging from his experience of shopping in Goulan over the years, these women are definitely the most beautiful in the world.

Especially when he saw Yun Yun and the others turning around, with their charming eyes under the masks, Dai Mubai became even more convinced of his inner thoughts.

"Master Dai, what are you looking at?"

"That's right, what's so interesting about those vixens wearing masks? Master Dai should look at us more."

Dai Mubai's eyes were all on Yun Yun and the others.

The two twins next to me were unhappy.

Dai Mubai is such a person who likes the new but hates the old. He changes his girlfriends one after another.

Now that he has a new goal, he immediately loses interest in the twins around him.

He smoothed his blond hair, showed a smile that he thought was handsome and charming, and passed directly past Su Chen and came to Yun Yun behind him.

According to his judgment, the beautiful woman in a blue dress in front of him is definitely the most beautiful among these women.

Especially when he got closer and smelled the fragrance of the woman, he suddenly felt that the women he had played with before were all vulgar.

"Hello, my name is Dai Mubai. I am a young soul master. I would like to get to know you."

Dai Mubai tried this trick repeatedly and failed.

From young and ignorant girls to mature and noble beautiful women, everyone will be attracted to him.

However, Yun Yun's eyes were unmoved, looking at him coldly, as if looking at a corpse.


Dai Mubai frowned, a little confused.

Why was the woman in front of me not moved?

He smoothed his handsome blond hair again, showed what he thought was a charming smile, made a standard gentleman's courtesy, and said with a slight smile: "Hello, my name is Dai Mubai, I am a young battle spirit master. , my soul power has reached level 37, and my body is very strong, I guarantee that I can satisfy you."


However, all he got in response was a cold word "Go away".

This made Dai Mubai's face change slightly.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful woman in front of me didn't do this at all.

Just when he was about to find another way to attack the beautiful woman in front of him, a hand was placed on his shoulder.


Dai Mubai looked unhappy and looked at Su Chen who put his hand on his shoulder.

To be honest, he never took this kid seriously from the beginning.

This kid looks like he is only twelve or thirteen years old. Why should he fight with such a little brat?

But the next moment, a huge force was transmitted to his shoulder, hitting his soul directly, making his body tremble violently, as if he had been electrocuted.

A painful cry came from Dai Mubai's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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