Chapter 4 Planting the Seeds of Hatred

Before Zhu Zhuqing could think clearly.

Zhu Zhuyun on the side walked over in one stride.

He said to Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, you haven't met the teacher yet!"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and walked obediently to Yun Yun.

"Disciple meets teacher!"

Yun Yunyu raised her hand lightly, and a gentle force lifted Zhu Zhuqing up.

"From now on, you are my disciple, Yun Yun. This is the cultivation method of Yun Lan Sect, which is ten thousand times better than the methods you have learned before!"

A stream of green light appeared in her hand and disappeared into Zhu Zhuqing's eyebrows.

The next moment, a brand new practice method appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

Her body automatically started to operate this cultivation technique, and the spiritual energy from the surrounding heaven and earth continued to flow towards her body.

After running for a week.

Zhu Zhuqing's soul power has improved a lot.

She had just awakened her martial soul not long ago, and her innate soul power was level nine.

Now, her soul power is approaching level ten, and her talent is also improving rapidly.

Finally, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power reached level ten, and her martial soul was automatically summoned.

A larger ghost civet cat, whose stripes turned into dark red, appeared behind her.

"This, this is..."

When he saw this ghost civet, Zhu Zhuyun was shocked. He remembered something, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

A thousand years ago, the martial spirit of their Zhu family was actually not the Nether Civet Cat, but the Nine Ghost Cat.

However, during several family conflicts, too many direct bloodlines died, and a large number of collateral bloodlines had to be introduced.

As a result, the talents of the family's children were not as good as the previous ones, and their martial spirits also deteriorated, turning into ghost civets.

Otherwise, now the Zhu family would not have to rely on the Xingluo royal family at all, and they would at least be at the level of the third sect!
"Zhuqing, have you felt any changes in your martial spirit?"

Zhu Zhuyun asked tentatively.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and said: "Yes, my martial spirit seems to have become much stronger and lasts longer..."

Got my sister's answer.

Zhu Zhuyun carefully looked at the martial spirit behind her.

Like, it's so similar...

This is exactly the same as the Nine Ghost Cat Martial Spirit recorded in the family!
If my sister's martial spirit really evolves into the Nine Ghost Cat.

So can the fate of their Zhu family be rewritten just like that?

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuyun's heart moved.

If I could also become my disciple to the titled Douluo in front of me, would I be able to be like my sister?
However, when she thought about the relationship between this titled Douluo and the little boy, her eyes dimmed a lot.

Just now I bumped into each other like this.

Presumably, it is impossible for the other party to let this woman accept her as a disciple. If he does not abuse her, it is already very good...

At this time, the panel data about Zhu Zhuqing in front of Su Chen changed.

Goddess: Zhu Zhuqing
Appearance: 9 points (changes according to youth)
Favorability: 50
Strength: Level [-] (no soul ring has been obtained yet)

Wuhun: Nine Ghost Cats

Soul Ring: None

His eyes were set on the martial arts column.

Immediately, information about the Nine Ghost Cats also appeared in his mind, including a secret that had been lost in the long river of history.

"I didn't expect that the Zhu family has such a history!"

1000 years ago, there were two extremely powerful families in the Star Luo Empire, namely the Zhu family and the Dai family.

The martial spirits of these two families are the Nine Ghost Cat and the White Tiger martial spirits, both of which are top-notch beast martial spirits.

In order to compete for the upper hand, the two families launched a fierce struggle to the point of death.

But at this moment, the head of the Dai family came up with a vicious plan, which was to provoke internal conflicts in the Zhu family.

After a long period of arrangement.

There have been a lot of internal conflicts within the Zhu family.

And more than one civil strife broke out.In this way, the Zhu family, which was at its peak, suddenly declined. In order not to be completely wiped out by the Dai family, they even became a vassal and helped the Dai family establish the Xingluo Empire.

From then on, each generation of outstanding Zhu family women would marry disciples of the Dai family, giving birth to more powerful offspring for them.

And the outstanding male disciples of the Zhu family will basically die inexplicably.

It can be said that under such circumstances, it is impossible for the Zhu family to rise unless they can get rid of the control of the Dai family.

But the two families are so deeply bound that it is not easy to get rid of the control.

[Ding, the host can share this secret with others. 】

The system beep sounds.

Su Chen looked at Zhu Zhuyun on the side and shared this secret with her.

Zhu Zhuyun, who was still planning for the future, immediately saw a series of unfamiliar scenes in his mind.

It only took a moment for her eyes to go from confusion at the beginning to gritted teeth at the end.

At this moment, her last trace of nostalgia for Davis completely disappeared. There was only deep hatred in her eyes. If her strength allowed, she would now want to annihilate the entire Dai family!
The corner of Su Chen's mouth raised slightly: "Okay, it's getting late, Davis, hurry up and arrange the most luxurious carriage for me, and pack it for me on the way out of the city. I don't want anyone to stop me!"

"By the way, put all the valuable things in your house into the soul guide and bring them to me!"

"Yes Yes!"

Davis nodded and bowed, and went to do it immediately.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Chen asked Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun to search for things in Dai Mubai's house.

He followed Yun Yun to the Zhu family.

At this time, the Zhu family was already in chaos.

Since Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun ran away privately, everyone in the Zhu family is now looking for these two rich ladies.

Yun Yun's appearance attracted the attention of many people.

The head of the Zhu family, Zhu Guangzhi, led several powerful family members to surround the two of them and asked, "Who are you!"

Dare to break into Zhu's house at this juncture.

Zhu Guangzhi's eyes became evil.

Yun Yun did not speak, but released the pressure of the titled Douluo.

In an instant, everyone around them felt a great sense of oppression, and the expressions on their faces instantly became extremely frightened. Some of the weaker people were already kneeling on the ground, and breathing became much more difficult.

Zhu Guangzhi had the cultivation of Contra and could barely resist this pressure.

He struggled to squeeze out four words: "Feng... title... Dou... Luo!"

Yun Yun said coldly: "Your daughter Zhu Zhuqing is very talented and is already my disciple, so I want to take her away."

"As for your eldest daughter Zhu Zhuyun, I also took her away to help take care of my disciples. Do you have any objection?"

Zhu Guangzhi looked stunned. His little daughter, who was less talented, became a disciple of a titled Douluo?
This news was a great surprise to him.

Because he has always been interested in the eldest daughter who is very talented. As for the younger daughter Zhu Zhuqing, it is estimated that she will become a victim of the struggle for imperial power.

And now that Zhu Zhuqing can become a disciple of a titled Douluo, does it mean that there is a titled Douluo behind their Zhu family?

But soon, Zhu Guangzhi thought about the engagement of his two daughters.

If the Dai family comes to visit him afterwards, how should he deal with it?

Zhu Guangzhi pointed out the difficulty.

Yun Yun said coldly: "Dai family, how many titled Douluo does the Dai family have?"

After saying that, she summoned Fengji Sword, and a blue sword energy flew towards the palace.

Zhu Guangzhi's pupils shrank, his face full of horror, he was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he didn't dare to take a breath, and watched helplessly as the sword energy passed through the highest building in the palace - the Golden Palace.

That was the place where the Star Luo Empire held court meetings, symbolizing power.

And the sword that just passed over the Jinluan Palace, did it mean that the woman in front of him was above the imperial power of the empire?
Zhu Guangzhi swallowed and couldn't imagine what the chaos would be like in the next period of time.

And he didn't dare to have any objections to Yun Yun taking away his two daughters, so he specially prepared two apprenticeship ceremonies.

Su Chen, who was not well-off, did not let Yun Yun refuse the extra portion, and Zhu Guangzhi was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

Before leaving, Su Chen quietly shared the secret with Zhu Guangzhi and the surrounding senior Zhu family officials.

Their expressions were the same as Zhu Zhuyun's.

The seeds of hatred must have begun to take root.

(End of this chapter)

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