Chapter 50 Dai Mubai reveals his identity

"Dear fellow villagers, today you will follow me back to the hotel in the city to stay. After we demolish Shrek Academy, we will help you build brand new houses and return all the rice fields occupied by Shrek to you!"

"Of course, the whole process cannot be separated from the beautiful girl beside me. She is driving everything behind the scenes. This city lord only contributed some modest efforts."

Brooke put all the credit on Ning Rongrong.

The villagers roared with thanksgiving like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

How could Ning Rongrong, who was still young, be able to withstand this? Her face turned red with excitement, and she felt very proud inside, feeling that she had finally grown up and done something great!
However, she did not forget Su Chen.

If it hadn't been for that boy's help, she might have made a big fuss in Soto City before she ended up like this.

She began to look for Su Chen, hoping that he would accept the thanks from the villagers with her.

But she looked around and saw no sign of Su Chen, not even the women around him.

"Is it gone?"

Ning Rongrong was a little disappointed.

On the other side, Shrek received a sky-high fine.

They need to compensate the villagers for 20 years of losses, a total of [-] gold soul coins.

Upon hearing this number, Fred, who had just opened his eyes, fainted.

Zhao Wuji and Li Yusong, who stumbled out of the room, also fell straight to the ground.

"How many?"

Qin Ming couldn't believe his ears.

Forty thousand gold soul coins, his annual income is only two thousand gold soul coins, plus eating, drinking, drinking, and expenses outside, it is already good to have ten thousand gold soul coins in his pocket.

Dai Mubai was also dumbfounded. Forty thousand gold soul coins was also a huge expense for him.

He didn't bring much money when he came out.

Now all the money for food and clothing was secretly sent to him by his mother, but he only had less than two hundred left.

It will take until the beginning of next month for anyone to send money.

"Our city lord said that if you give me this money, I won't cause you any more trouble!"

"Otherwise, we will take away the wanted criminals we are looking for in the city..."

Dai Mubai shuddered, thinking that Flanders had only been in prison for two days and had become like that...

"But, we don't have that many gold soul coins."

The people from the City Lord's Mansion snorted: "I can't care about that. Anyway, you must collect these [-] gold soul coins today, otherwise, there is no negotiation!"

Behind, several powerful men from the City Lord's Mansion were watching eagerly.

Dai Mubai was afraid. He gritted his teeth and took off a necklace from his neck.

"This is something my mother gave me. I will leave this thing with you first. I will redeem it with [-] gold soul coins next month!"

The people from the City Lord's Mansion took the necklace, which still smelled like feces and had not been cleaned, with expressions of disgust and ridicule.

"What a broken necklace. It stinks. You don't think this thing is worth [-] gold soul coins, do you?"

Dai Mubai gritted his teeth and said, "My surname is Dai, and my martial spirit is White Tiger. Don't you know what this means?"

"White tiger?"

At this time, the faces of the people in the City Lord's Mansion became serious.

Because on this continent, the only martial spirit of the Xingluo royal family is the White Tiger.

And their Balak Kingdom cannot afford to offend the bellicose Star Luo Empire. If Star Luo's army attacks them, I'm afraid they will be crushed within two months!

Dai Mubai's identity has always been well hidden, but now, he has no choice but to reveal his identity.

"Yes, my identity is White Tiger. If you don't believe it, I can show it to you!"

Tang San behind him frowned slightly. He knew that Bai Hu was a top martial spirit, but he didn't know what this martial spirit represented.

Old Man Jiao on the side said quietly: "Sir, the White Tiger Martial Spirit is a Martial Spirit exclusive to the Star Luo Empire Royal Family. This person is most likely a member of the Star Luo Imperial Family."

Tang San was shocked, he didn't expect Dai Mubai to be from the Xingluo royal family!He buried his head in silence and began to ponder something.

The officials of Sotuo City did not dare to entrust him, so they took Dai Mubai to a deserted place.

City Lord Brooke and some well-informed generals in the army all came here.

Dai Mubai displayed his White Tiger Spirit openly.

The moment they saw the White Tiger Martial Spirit, Brooke and others were instantly shocked, and their attitudes immediately changed.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that you, sir, are actually from the Xingluo royal family. It's a sin for me to be ignorant..."

Dai Mubai snorted coldly and couldn't help but become arrogant, but he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

After all, the Balak Kingdom was once a province of the Tiandou Empire and was enfeoffed.

Although it has now become a country within a country and has its own little ideas, it still acts as the gateway to the Tiandou Empire and resists the Star Luo Empire.

If he is too arrogant and these people arrest him and threaten the Star Luo Empire, how can he stand up in the future?

A prince captured by an enemy country basically has no chance of being crowned king.

Of course, Brooke and the others were also wary, fearing that the Star Luo Empire would go to war with them over such a prince.

They, the Barak Kingdom, just want to develop peacefully and steadily, and do not want to get involved in war yet.

"In that case, the [-] gold soul coins..."

Brooke originally didn't want the [-] gold soul coins.

But how could Dai Mubai not give it.

He is the prince of Xingluo, so he owes this mere [-] gold soul coins?joke!

"Take it!"

"This prince is still short of these [-] gold soul coins. It's just a small amount. I'll give it to you next month!"

"As for this necklace, I'll pledge it to you first. Don't let me lose it!"

Brooke put away the necklace and nodded repeatedly.

After confirming his identity, Brooke stopped making things difficult for Shrek and the others.

Dai Mubai swaggered back to Tang San and the others.

Before he could stand firm, that boy Tang San came to Dai Mubai's side cunningly.

"Boss Dai, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Dai Mubai could remember those punches Tang San had just thrown at his face.

Seeing the other party approaching him, he sneered.

However, he really wanted to know what this kid was planning and what he wanted to say to him.

"Let's go!"

The two came to a deserted place.

Tang San bowed respectfully to Dai Mubai.

"I'm sorry, Boss Dai, I was too impulsive just now. I saw the teacher and Dean Flender fighting, so I helped the teacher out of desperation without figuring out the whole story..."

"This is all my fault. Regardless of whether you hit me or scold me, as long as you can forgive me, I can bear it!"

This made Dai Mubai speechless. He also planned to stay angry with Tang San for a few days. Neither of them would pay attention to the other to see who couldn't hold it in in the end.

But he didn't expect that Tang San would apologize to him so quickly and with such sincerity.

Dai Mubai's heart softened and he patted Tang San on the shoulder.

"Actually, I am also impulsive. Here, I also want to apologize to you."

The two apologized to each other and reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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