Douluo: The star-filled goddess Yun Yun is signed in at the beginning

Chapter 54 The evil fire transfers, Dai Mubai is beaten again

Chapter 54 The evil fire transfers, Dai Mubai is beaten again

On Soto City Street.

Dai Mubai's face was filled with astonishment. The moment he turned around, he saw Tang San lying on the ground kissing Yu Tianheng.

He was immediately frightened and speechless.

Even if he were beaten to death, he would never have imagined that Tang San would do such a thing!
Tang San rolled his eyes at him, "What are you making all the fuss about?"

"I am helping him detoxify and remove the toxins from his body. Otherwise, with his current condition, it will be difficult for him to survive!"

With that said, he leaned over and continued to give Yu Tianheng artificial respiration.

The people passing by pointed and pointed.

Tang San turned a deaf ear and continued to go his own way.


He spit out a mouthful of purple-black saliva, which obviously contained green phosphorus and purple poison.

Now, Dai Mubai believed it.

But when he looked at Tang San's movements of artificial respiration, he was even more experienced than him, a veteran in love. Not to mention how skillful his movements were, he could easily find girlfriends at a glance!

Dai Mubai gave a bad laugh, as if he had discovered Tang San's little secret. He thought this guy was a serious person, but he didn't expect to be with him!

With Tang San's unremitting efforts, a lot of toxins were eliminated from Yu Tianheng's body.

However, the green phosphorous and purple poison is very dangerous, and all the remaining poison is entrenched in Yu Tianheng's chest.

There is no way to suck out the poison from this position, so you must find a soul master who can detoxify it for treatment.

"Let's carry him back first."

"Then we will go to the city and put up notices, looking for soul masters who can detoxify."

Dai Mubai said bitterly: "It takes a lot of money to put up notices. We don't have that much money..."

Tang San said nonchalantly: "We don't have money, but Yutian always has it. Let him give us money when he wakes up."

Dai Mubai nodded, carried Yu Tianheng on his back, and walked towards their accommodation.

They live in slums.

The environment here is a little worse, but the advantage is that the rooms are cheap and cost-effective.

There was no way, the number of Shrek's group was really too much, and all the money spent now was borrowed from Yu Tianheng.

So be frugal and budget wisely.

When Tang San returned to the slum, he immediately noticed something was wrong. There seemed to be the sound of men breathing around him.

This voice was very familiar to him, it belonged to Old Man Jiao!
In addition, the other voice was relatively young and shrill.

The frequency of the sound made Tang San very uncomfortable, as if his chest was pressed by a stone, and it was a little difficult to breathe.

He pushed open the door and saw Ma Hongjun and Old Man Jiao at a glance!

"You, you!"

Tang San was so angry that he couldn't speak, as if a wife who was away from home came home and found her husband had an affair with another woman, her expression was indescribable grief and indignation.

Dai Mubai from behind also saw it. His pupils were shaking and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Ma Hongjun's plump and swollen pig-headed face showed a panicked expression.

He hurriedly explained: "Boss Dai, Third Brother, things are not what you think!"

Dai Mubai couldn't look directly at Ma Hongjun's face now.

He walked towards the corner and retched for a while, but he couldn't vomit. He was still thinking about the scene just now in his mind.

"Damn it, get it out of my head!"

He felt like his head was polluted. Why was this disgusting image lingering in his mind?

Dai Mubai felt that he was going crazy. He went crazy and was going to go to the big spirit fighting arena to find someone to fight. In this way, he would forget the scene he just saw!
Dai Mubai left, and Ma Hongjun couldn't catch up.

He shook and twisted, and could only explain to Tang San nearby.

However, before he could speak, Tang San slapped him in the face.


Ma Hongjun's face was slapped into a pig's head yesterday, and the bruises on his face have not gone away.

Now he was slapped hard by Tang San again, causing his skin to be torn and bleeding.

Tang San snorted coldly and gritted his teeth.

He glared at Old Man Jiao who looked guilty.

"Why are you looking for this fat man?"

Old man Jiao was anxious.

There were so many things that happened in the past two days that Tang San stopped practicing with him. It just so happened that this boy Ma Hongjun offered him help. He went along with the flow and agreed, but he never expected that Tang San would be bumped into.

"Xiaosan, things are not what you think."

"It was this boy Ma Hongjun who took the initiative to seduce me!"

Ma Hongjun hurriedly got up from the ground to explain.

He had just become an eunuch and was not yet able to move very well.

"Third brother, my martial spirit is the evil fire phoenix. From the day I awakened my martial spirit, evil fire has been burning in my body."

"When I was dating Cuihua before, I could still solve it, but now that my little brother is gone, my feelings have also changed, so I asked Old Man Jiao to help me solve it for a long time..."

Tang San was going crazy. A long-term solution?
Then what should he do!
However, he definitely couldn't say this.

He could only stare at Ma Hongjun: "Impossible. Old Man Jiao is already over 60 and has a weak body. There is absolutely no way he can help you. If you really can't help it, just run to the street and find some strong men!"

Helpless, Ma Hongjun could only find a way to solve it himself.

If there is really no other way, we can only do what Tang San said and find a few strong men on the street...


Soto City Great Soul Arena.

After Su Chen finished eating, he brought Yun Yun and the others here to eat.

At this time, he saw Dai Mubai in the audience.

"It seems that this kid is recovering well!"

He looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a smile on his face.

From beginning to end, Dai Mubai did not recognize the two sisters Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun.

The reason is that the changes in these two sisters are so great, both in temperament and appearance.

Especially Zhu Zhuyun, she used to have short hair, and she looked heroic and very capable.

At first glance, he looks like a ruthless character who is not easy to mess with.

But now, after serving Su Chen for so many years, she is no longer what she used to be. She has grown her hair long like her sister Zhu Zhuqing, and has become gentle and quiet, like Xiaojiabiyu.

Of course, she is not small, very big, and plumper than some mature women.

Even Zhu Zhuyun couldn't recognize him, and Dai Mubai couldn't even hope to recognize Zhu Zhuqing, his fiancée whom he had never met a few times.

"Zhuqing, how are you? Do you want to go down and have a fight?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded coldly.

She can put a smile on the face of those around her.

But towards Dai Mubai, she had nothing but indescribable indifference.

In the audience, Dai Mubai ended a battle heartily. "Hahaha, it's so happy, it's so happy!"

"I haven't had such a happy fight in a long time!"

Dai Mubai's record has never been very good.

Previously it was 29 wins and 27 losses.

But today, he got a two-game winning streak.

It can be said to be a rare winning streak!

"Trash, get out of here!"

Dai Mubai kicked his opponent away.

His opponent was a very helpful young man in the city who often helped some elderly people with inconvenient legs and feet.

Seeing Dai Mubai humiliating this young man in this way, everyone in the surrounding audience became furious.


The angry looks from the audience not only did not make Dai Mubai restrain, but made him even more arrogant.

He raised his middle finger and looked down at the spectators around him. Then he looked at the referee and said, "Go on, give me another opponent!"

In fact, Dai Mubai's own strength is not bad.

But he was too crazy. He was not in the big soul fighting arena to win, but to vent and have fun.

When he defeats an opponent, he will continue to challenge the next opponent until he loses.

If he really wanted to win, he could just win one game every day and stop playing, and his record would be much better than what he is doing now.

A veiled girl with a graceful figure walked up.

The appearance of the girl immediately attracted the attention of the entire audience, and the audience kept making monkey noises.

"It's you!"

Dai Mubai exclaimed, not at all excited.

If it was before that he saw his opponent was such a stunning beauty, then his blood would surely surge all over his body and he would be extremely excited.

However, he knew that the girl in front of him was someone close to Su Chen!
The scene where Su Chen violently beat him was still fresh in his memory.

Even recalling the scene when he was beaten, the bones in his body couldn't help but ache.

He looked up towards the audience and met Su Chen's joking expression, as if he was watching a good show.


Dai Mubai's expression changed. He just wanted to find someone to fight with to vent his anger, but unexpectedly, he was targeted by Su Chen.

He didn't know if he would be caught by Su Chen and beaten to death after he injured the girl in front of him.


After Dai Mubai struggled for a moment, he gritted his teeth and made a decision, that is, he would beat the girl in front of him severely on the stage!
At least it will make Su Chen crazy for a while!
Anyway, his end today is destined to be miserable, so he might as well vent his anger on this woman in advance!
"Both players are ready!"

"Game start!"

The moment the referee's voice fell, Dai Mubai moved.

"White tiger, possessed!"

He immediately used the martial soul to possess him, and the muscles in his body began to expand, bursting the white suit outside of him.

Immediately afterwards, the second spirit ring on his body lit up again, a huge white light instantly condensed, and with Dai Mubai's tiger roar, a ball of milky white light spewed out from his mouth.

"Second soul skill, White Tiger Lie Wave!"

Looking at the motionless girl in the distance, Dai Mubai couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"What? I thought a ruthless person was sent to deal with me, but I didn't expect it was a vase!"

"Humph, since you chose to let her come up and die, then I will accept it!"

Dai Mubai increased the output of the white tiger's fierce light wave, and the light ball directly turned into a thick bucket-like light pillar, which seemed to be able to penetrate a person's body.

The audience at the scene felt their hearts twitching when they saw this scene, wondering why this girl didn't move. Could it be that she was going to stand there and be beaten?
They really wanted to see Dai Mubai get beaten...

The next moment, the beam of light penetrated Zhu Zhuqing's body.

There was a sigh.

But soon, someone discovered that Zhu Zhuqing's body had disappeared on the spot, and she had appeared behind Dai Mubai!

Dai Mubai didn't expect that the other party was already behind him!

He was suddenly sweating profusely. From the beginning of the battle, he had not noticed any movement from the opponent.

But now the other party did indeed appear behind him.

That can only explain one thing, that is, the opponent's movements were too fast, so fast that an afterimage was formed on the spot!
"The first soul skill, the White Tiger Barrier!"

"The third soul skill, White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

Dai Mubai's body swelled up again, and his pants burst out, turning into crotchless pants.


"The second soul skill, Nine Nether Hundred Claws!"

This is Zhu Zhuqing's second soul skill.

At first glance, it looks no different from Zhu Zhuyun's Netherworld Hundred Claws.

But if you look closely, you can see that Zhu Zhuqing is faster and has stronger attack power. He broke through Dai Mubai's proud defense in just three strikes.

Flesh and blood splashed in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mubai's back was clawed dozens of times in an instant, and his survival instinct allowed him to quickly escape from Zhu Zhuqing's attack range.

But the burning pain, as well as the uneven and bleeding back, made him feel a sense of despair on the verge of death.

"I surrender, I admit defeat!"

Dai Mubai quickly surrendered, fearing that he would lose his life if he was too late.

The referee announces the result of the match.

Although he lost, Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief and was glad that he had saved his life.

"Are you a collateral disciple of the Zhu family?"

Dai Mubai asked, because when Zhu Zhuqing released his martial spirit just now, he felt an aura that was very similar to the Nether Civet Cat, but he was a little surprised.

Therefore, he guessed that the girl in front of him was probably a collateral disciple of the Zhu family.

Those Zhu family disciples whose blood is low and no longer pure!

If the girl in front of him is, then it would be easy to handle. He only needs to send someone to send a message to his mother, asking her to use her power in the Zhu family to deal with this lowly collateral branch!

Zhu Zhuqing said nothing, and came to Dai Mubai's side with cold eyes.

Seeing the look in the other person's eyes, Dai Mubai even suspected that the other person wanted to kill him.

But fortunately, the other party didn't make a move. He just looked at him with a little disdain and disdain, and then walked off the stage.

"Tch, what are you pretending to be, you bitch? When I find out your identity, I will make you kneel in front of me and apologize to me for making you a slave. I will also kill your family in front of you. Torture them alive and skin them all alive!”

Dai Mubai's face was distorted, but the next moment, he was rolling in place again due to the pain in his back.

The Soto City Grand Fighting Spirit Arena provides free treatment services.

However, only simple treatment can be provided. If the injury is too serious, the cost will be too high.

For people like Dai Mubai who could no longer walk, they could only kindly get a cart and send him back, and they didn't care about anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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