Chapter 58 Tang Hao’s limbs are now intact

"Drink this cup."

Su Chen pinched his nose and handed the cup in front of Tang Hao in disgust, ready to pour it into his mouth.

Unexpectedly, Tang Hao moved directly to the side.

"What is this and why are you giving me something so disgusting to drink?"

Tang Hao frowned, feeling an ominous premonition.

Su Chen said: "This is my secret medicine, it will help with the subsequent treatment. If you don't want to drink it, then let your elder brother feed it to you!"

Not long after, Tang Xiao returned upstairs.

One hand holds four tied up cocks.

The other hand held a can full of fresh clay.

"Come on, give this to your brother!"

"What is this?"

Tang Xiao subconsciously took a step back.

There's nothing I can do about it, the stuff in the cup is so smelly, it looks like it was scooped out of a cesspool.

Su Chen said seriously: "This is the concoction I mixed with several medicinal herbs. The reason why it emits such a stinky smell is because a herb called black taro is added. As for the color, it is also mixed with other medicinal materials. It’s done, there won’t be any problems.”

Tang Xiao suddenly realized that when he and Tang Hao traveled across the mainland, they had seen this herb called black taro, which indeed gave off a strange smell.

The main function of black taro is to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and the effect is very good.

Tang Xiao took the initiative to take the cup and walked towards Tang Hao.

"Brother Hao, you have to drink this cup!"

"If you don't drink, how can you carry out subsequent treatment?"

"Be good, don't be willful like a child. Most soups taste bad, but for the sake of your body, you'd better be patient!"

Tang Xiao directly opened Tang Hao's closed mouth and poured all the shit-yellow viscous liquid in his hand.

Tang Hao felt like he was drinking excrement water. An indescribable disgusting taste filled his mouth, making his stomach churn.

Puff puff--

A series of stinky farts were released.

Tang Hao fainted immediately.

Tang Xiao was shocked and quickly checked on his brother.

Su Chen from behind comforted him: "Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon. Go check the wounds on his shoulders and legs. Have they started to grow new flesh?"

Tang Xiao, who was still a little worried, looked at Tang Hao's wound.

Sure enough, as the other party said, new flesh has begun to grow on the wound!
"This, this is really amazing!"

"Okay, the next treatment is not convenient for outsiders to observe. You can wait outside the door."

Su Chen planned to drive people away.


Tang Xiao hesitated a little and let his unconscious brother stay in the room with two strangers...

Su Chen's face turned cold: "Is it possible that you still can't trust us?"

"In that case, you can find a way to treat your brother's arms and thighs on your own. Let's take our leave!"

After saying that, he pulled Ye Lingling to leave.

Tang Xiao was anxious and quickly blocked the door.

"Hehehe, little brother, calm down. It's not that I can't believe it. It's mainly because I'm too worried about my brother..."

"That's it, I don't stay in the room, can I stand at the door?"

With his title Douluo's perception ability, if there is any abnormal movement in the room, he can detect it immediately.

Su Chen nodded and said: "Okay, you just stay outside the door. You are not allowed to come in until we finish the treatment."

"And you can rest assured that my junior sister and I don't want to die so early, so we can't be harmful to your brother."

Tang Xiao thought there was nothing wrong with this.

If these two little guys dare to harm his brother, no matter what their status is, they will die here today!

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao smiled, took the initiative to exit the room, and closed the door.

The moment he closed the door, Su Chen released a stream of light, and a special field enveloped the entire room.

This is the Ancestral Dragon Domain that he awakened after his strength improved. In this domain, the outside world cannot perceive the situation inside.

So no matter what he was doing inside, Tang Xiao couldn't sense it!
"Okay, let's do it!"


In the hotel, Tang San woke up suddenly.

His memory still lingered on last night.

At that time, he was doing that kind of thing with Old Man Jiao.

He was suddenly interrupted when three strangers rushed in and knocked him unconscious.

Tang San was very panicked, not knowing what the situation was now.

If the three people who knocked him out told what happened between him and Old Man Jiao, wouldn't his reputation be ruined for the rest of his life?
"where is this place?"

Tang San looked around and found that he was in a hotel room. He was wearing nothing, and there were still some rope marks left on his skin, leaving blood marks on his skin.

He didn't know what happened.

Fortunately, there was a blanket on the table next to me.

Tang San wrapped himself in a blanket and walked out of the room cautiously. At a glance, he saw a tall, strong man sitting at the end of the corridor.

The strong man spotted him at a glance, then immediately got up and walked towards him.

Tang San was so frightened that he quickly closed the door.

His heart was beating very fast and he was very panicked.

"It seems that I was kidnapped here by him!"

"Damn, what should I do?"

Tang San wanted to leave through the window.

But as soon as I opened the window, I found that I was on the sixth floor.

From the height of the sixth floor, if he jumped, he would not die or be disabled!

At this time, the door opened and a tall man walked towards him.

Tang San gritted his teeth and pretended to look out the window.

When the man got closer, he controlled the crane and captured the dragon with one hand.


Tang Xiao lay directly on the ground in pain, twitching.

He felt that his eggs had been broken and a piece of flesh had been dug out.

Tang San sneered and stepped heavily on Tang Xiao's face.

"Old man, are you worthy of binding me?"

"Tell me what you saw that night. If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you!"

Tang Xiao was angry, this kid actually humiliated himself like this!

"You little bastard, I am your uncle!"


Tang San was stunned. He remembered that his father said that he had an uncle, and he was also the leader of the Haotian Sect. Whether father and son could take revenge, they all depended on this uncle...

He carefully observed Tang Xiao on the ground and found that he was very similar to his father in appearance and body.

Tang San suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could this man really be his uncle?

Did he break his uncle's balls?
Tang San felt completely bad. Just now he had regarded the other party as the leader who kidnapped him, so he didn't hold back at all. That blow was almost all his strength.

A soul master's physical body is extremely fragile when his martial soul defense is not activated.Not to mention that part...


Tang San immediately stood up and helped Tang Xiao up from the ground.

Tang Xiao was in so much pain that he couldn't close his legs together. He felt like something was dripping from them. Not to mention how bad his mood was.

This is what a man values ​​most, and if it is ruined like this, who should he turn to for treatment?

Suddenly, he thought of Tang Hao who was receiving treatment in the room over there.

Just now, because he saw Tang San, he was so excited and eager to communicate with him that he ignored Tang Hao.

There was no way, the moment he saw Tang San, Tang Xiao seemed to see Ah Yin in his youth.

"Mistress, help me go to the room over there quickly. Your father is still in the room receiving treatment. We must guard the door and there can't be any mistakes!"

He wanted to get up, but the pain between his legs made him tremble all over.

Tang San immediately stepped forward to help him, and asked: "Treat my father. Could it be that my father came to see me?"

That day at Shrek Academy, Tang Hao went out and never came back.

As a result, Tang San had no idea what Tang Hao had experienced.

The corner of Tang Xiao's mouth rose, he was very proud, and told him the story of how he met the disciples of Yaowang Valley and brought him back to treat Tang Hao.

"How about it, your uncle, am I a lucky star?"

"As soon as I came to Sotuo City, I met the disciples of Yaowang Valley who were doing good deeds and accumulating virtue!"

After listening, Tang San frowned slightly, feeling if everything was going too smoothly.

The two came to the door, and there was some movement coming from inside.

It must be the disciples of Yaowang Valley who are doing the treatment.

They waited from noon to evening.

The disciples of Yaowang Valley are still undergoing treatment.

Tang San suddenly felt something was wrong. The frequency of this sound seemed to be repeated every half hour!
He wanted to push open the door and enter.

However, Tang Xiao held his hand.

"Little brother, how is the situation?"

Tang Xiao asked inside the house.

But the movement inside remained unchanged.

At this moment, Tang Xiao panicked a little. He pushed open the door, and the wind outside the window immediately blew towards him, disrupting the small voice array on the ground. The rustling sounds in the room suddenly stopped.

At this moment, only Tang Hao, who was motionless on the bed, was left in the room, and the two disciples from Medicine King Valley were nowhere to be seen.

Tang Xiao and Tang San's expressions changed greatly, and they both looked at Tang Hao on the bed.

At this time, Tang Hao was covered by a thick quilt. His face was rosy, his breathing was steady, and the breath on his face was very good. Even the symptoms of aging had all recovered and turned into his previous appearance.


"Brother Hao!"

Tang San and Tang Xiao had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Tang Hao looked like an old man in his 70s or [-]s before, but now he has returned to a middle-aged man.

"He is a disciple of Yaowang Valley!"

Tang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, "What a false alarm. I thought those two disciples from Yaowang Valley plotted to harm Brother Hao and then sneaked away. Now it seems that they left just to treat Brother Hao's injuries. It's all my fault. The two young men were so frightened that they didn’t even dare to say hello to me.”

The smile on Tang Xiao's lips couldn't be suppressed.

"Come on, Brother Hao, let me see how your arms and thighs are recovering!"

He opened the thick quilt.

When he saw what was under the quilt, his whole expression changed drastically, and his face became visibly pale.

Tang San's expression was also the same.

The two of them took a few steps back as if they were frightened.


"What's the noise? Who's disturbing my sleep?"

"I haven't had such a peaceful sleep in a long time, and you guys are still disturbing me!"

Tang Hao was woken up by the movement in the room.

When he opened his eyes and saw Tang San and Tang Xiao, a smile appeared on his face.

He wanted to rub his eyes, but suddenly realized that one of his arms was gone, and one arm was useless. How could he rub it?
As he thought this, he could feel the presence of his arm.

Tang Hao was shocked and looked at his arm.

But what was on his arm startled him.

"What the hell is this!"

His arms were replaced by chicken wings. What frightened him the most was that he could actually control these chicken wings!

"My arms turned into chicken wings!!!"

Then, he looked at the arm that had only bones left.

This arm also turned into a chicken wing!

"What exactly is going on!"

Tang Hao was a little broken. He was a mighty Haotian Douluo, but his arms turned into chicken wings. How could he meet people in the future?
Should outsiders call him Haotian Douluo or Chicken Wing Douluo?

The next moment, Tang Hao's expression changed again, because he could actually feel the existence of his legs!

Could it be that his legs turned into chicken legs?

"Mistress, quickly, lift off my quilt!"

Tang Hao shouted loudly.

Tang San looked pale, completely unable to accept all this.

He stepped forward and lifted the quilt.

Originally, Tang Hao only had one intact leg left.

But now, this intact leg has been amputated and turned into a hairy dog ​​leg!
The other leg also turned into a dog leg!
"Hao... Tian... Dog!"

Tang Hao found that there were words engraved on his dog's legs. He gritted his teeth and read out these words with great anger.

A mouthful of old blood spurted out from Tang Hao's mouth.

All the soul power in his body was mobilized and concentrated on his head.

A bright red cockscomb grew from his head, and soul power poured into it.

From now on, if Tang Hao needs to mobilize his soul power, he must learn to crow like a rooster or bark like a dog, otherwise the cockcomb will not let you mobilize any soul power!
In addition, his soul power is no longer at the Soul Saint level, but at the Soul King level, and he will never be able to go further in this life!
Tang Hao couldn't accept all this. He spurted out another mouthful of blood and fainted.


Tang San rushed forward and hugged his father.

He looked at Tang Xiao behind him with extremely fierce eyes.

"It's all your fault!"

"You killed my father, I want to kill you, I want to avenge my father!"

Tang San was like a madman. He only wanted revenge now and put all the blame on Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao knew that he was in the wrong, so he ran away. He planned to find the two disciples from Yaowang Valley, and torture the two brats until they died!

He searched the streets for Su Chen and Ye Lingling.

But Soto City is so big, where can he find two people?

A group of Soto City patrols surrounded him, thinking that this guy was a lunatic and they couldn't let him cause trouble in the streets!
"Get out of here!"

Tang Xiao's soul power knocked away the patrols.

Then, he summoned the Clear Sky Hammer and smashed it into the road of Soto City.

"Come out, you two little bastards, come out!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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