Chapter 67
On the official road, two carriages advanced side by side.

One of them belonged to Su Chen and the other belonged to Ning Rongrong.

At this time, Su Chen appeared on the carriage of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. He and Ning Rongrong were chatting with Ning Rongrong about the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and things in the Tiandou Imperial City.

Aunt Bai and Aunt Hua were waiting on the side.

Aunt Bai was beating Su Chen's legs.

For this guest whom the sect master had personally told him to take good care of, Aunt Bai no longer had the posture of a powerful Contra, and was just like an ordinary maid.

Aunt Hua was peeling fruit for Ning Rongrong.

But from time to time, he would pick up a peeled fruit and feed it to Su Chen's mouth.

A pair of eyes that seemed eager to grow on Su Chen's body, unwilling to move away even for a moment.

The carriage quickly arrived at the Qibao Glazed Sect.

After several days of running around, the group was very tired.

Yun Yun and the others got down from the carriage with their veils on their faces.

There are tens of thousands of disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect, and there are also many traders coming and going. A small town with a population of 10 has formed around them.

In such a crowded place, Yun Yun and the others still chose to cover their faces with veils, not wanting outsiders to see their appearance.

Ning Fengzhi had already received the news.

The news came back through the disciples.

He deduced that the carriage next to him belonged to Su Chen.

He brought Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo to the foot of the mountain.

The three of them all focused on Ning Rongrong's carriage, wanting to see if their little princess had grown during this time.

However, it was not Ning Rongrong who got off the carriage first.

Rather, he is a handsome young man with a graceful appearance, a jade tree facing the wind.

He first got off the carriage, then took Ning Rongrong's hand and helped Ning Rongrong get off the carriage.

This style of painting is very beautiful.

But Ning Fengzhi and the others gritted their teeth, secretly wondering where this brat came from and hooked up with their little princess!
Su Chen and Ning Rongrong held hands and came to Ning Fengzhi.

"I have seen Sect Master Ning."

"Dad, he is the Su Chen I told you about in my letter!"

"Oh?" Ning Fengzhi looked Su Chen up and down.

Then, he showed a standard fake smile: "As expected of a young hero who can defeat the Fudo King, he is indeed a talented person!"

Next to him, Sword Douluo snorted coldly: "This kid can defeat Fudo Ming King. Are you kidding me?"

"Fengzhi, you are serious. Rongrong was just joking with you, but you actually took it seriously and invited them to the sect, ha!"

In an instant, Sword Douluo felt a chill running down his spine, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast, which made him shiver involuntarily.

Yun Yun looked at Sword Douluo coldly.

It seemed that as long as the other party made rude remarks again, she would kill him.

Su Chen made a gesture to calm Yun Yun's mood and did not get angry because of the other party's gossip.

Ning Fengzhi has been observing Su Chen.

I was a little frightened when I found that the expression on this boy's face had not changed.

You must know that children of this age really want to prove themselves in front of others.

Prove that they are not a child and that they have grown up. If someone denies them, they will easily get angry.

But Su Chen didn't, which shows that his character is far beyond the average of his peers.

Ning Rongrong was unhappy: "Grandpa Jian, what did you mean by what you just said?"

"Su Chen's victory over Zhao Wuji is a fact that I saw with my own eyes. It was not made up!"

"Not only me, Aunt Hua and Aunt Bai also saw it, they can all prove it for Su Chen!"

Behind, Aunt Bai and Aunt Hua nodded and said, "Yes, Master Su Chen defeated the Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji alone at that time. We can all prove it for him!"


Sword Douluo was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Ning Rongrong would be angry at him because of Su Chen.Even Aunt Hua and Aunt Bai looked at him with a hint of sullenness.

Aunt Hua and Aunt Bai used to be people close to Ning Rongrong's mother.

She acted as a dowry maid and came to the Qibao Glazed Sect with Ning Rongrong's mother.

A long time ago, Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin fell in love with Aunt Hua, because she was also a swordsman and her talent matched him.

Therefore, Sword Douluo has been secretly trying to get closer to Aunt Hua.

He even publicly expressed his feelings to Aunt Hua once.

But it turned out to be a pity. Aunt Hua politely rejected him because she thought he was too old.

This made Chen Xin very sad, but he did not give up and kept thinking of Aunt Hua.

Now, Aunt Hua and Ning Rongrong were helping Su Chen speak, which made Chen Xin very angry.

He was a little unconvinced: "Huh, so what if you saw it, just because you saw it doesn't mean it's this kid's true strength. Unless he can survive three rounds in my hands, I will believe him!"

"Of course, I won't use all my strength. I will suppress my realm to the soul saint level, just like Zhao Wuji!"

"Can't he defeat Zhao Wuji easily? Then it must be easy to take three of my moves, right?"

Ning Rongrong was a little worried, worried that Su Chen would be injured.

The same goes for Aunt Hua and Aunt Bai.

Behind them, Yun Yun and the others stepped forward, equally worried.

After all, Sword Douluo's soul power is there. Even if he suppresses the realm, his combat power can far exceed that of ordinary soul saints.

Ning Fengzhi didn't stop him.

He wanted to see Su Chen's true ability.

Sword Douluo provoked: "How about it, you brat, do you dare to accept it?"

"If you dare, come. If you don't, tell us how you defeated Zhao Wuji!"

Su Chen said: "Since Sword Douluo wants to spar with me, I'm happy to accompany you!"

"it is good!"

Sword Douluo didn't give Su Chen a chance to regret and immediately sent someone to arrange the venue.

Ning Rongrong and the two guardians behind him wanted to say something to persuade Su Chen.

But Su Chen shook his head at them, indicating that they didn't need to worry.

The battle venue was quickly set up.

Su Chen and Sword Douluo stood in opposite directions.

Sword Douluo took the lead in suppressing his own soul power.

When his soul power reached level [-], he attacked Su Chen with lightning speed.

The main reason why he did this was to see if Su Chenju had the reaction that a strong man should have.

"Haha, this kid really used a trick to defeat Zhao Wuji, but he didn't even activate his martial spirit!"

Su Chen's reaction caught Sword Douluo's eyes, but he just didn't react.

In the battle of life and death, this reaction is already a dead man!

"Oh, it's over!"

Sword Douluo thrust out his sword, and all the sword power on his body was directed towards Su Chen.

Most people would have absolutely no power to resist when faced with such a powerful sword force.

But Su Chen raised his hand and punched Sword Douluo.

"What, does this kid want to die?"

Sword Douluo's original plan was to put his sword on Su Chen's neck and force him to surrender.

But now that the opponent is taking action, his sword moves are very likely to hurt the opponent.

In the midst of everyone's frightened eyes, Su Chen's fist collided with Sword Douluo's sword...

(End of this chapter)

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