Chapter 74 Make a deal with Liu Erlong
"Oh, now you've been kicked out too!"

Flender looked at the disgraced Yu Xiaogang and couldn't help but mocked.

When Yu Xiaogang ridiculed them just now, he showed no mercy!
Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Tsk, in the worst case, I will return to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family!"

"When my father sees me like this, he will definitely give me a place to live. Even if it doesn't work out, he will give me a sum of money so that I can live a carefree life!"

"And you? You're just a mud-legged person. Without Shrek Academy, you're nothing!"

Flanders was also angry: "Mud Legs? I'm the Soul Saint!"

"With my strength, where can I develop it?"

"As for you, this is the way it will be for the rest of your life. Maybe after you go back, not only will you not get help from your father, but you will also be kicked out by those elders!"

They made noise all the way to the city gate.

Ma Hongjun, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, saw the advertisement on the advertising board at the city gate.

"Lanba Academy!"

Everyone looked at the past at the same time.

Flanders exclaimed: "How come the advertisements for this college are all on the city gate advertising column? How much does it cost!"

Qin Ming introduced the Lanba Academy from the side.

Suddenly, Flanders had an idea and asked Qin Ming to lead the way to the academy.

Later, Yu Xiaogang also guessed what Flanders was thinking.

He snorted coldly: "It seems that Flender is going to Lanba Academy. No, I can't see him living a better life than me. I have to stop him!"

The group of people arrived at the reception desk next to the gate of Lanba Academy.

The person responsible for receiving them was a middle-aged soul master.

As soon as the soul master walked out of the reception area, he smelled the strong stench of Yu Xiaogang's body.


"I'm sorry, our college doesn't accept people who pick up feces, ugh~"

This middle-aged soul master was at least a soul king, but he was retreating steadily under the attack of Yu Xiaogang's body odor. He was completely unable to resist and hid directly in the reception area and communicated with them through the window.

Flanders snickered and looked at Yu Xiaogang with mocking eyes from time to time.

This made Yu Xiaogang feel very embarrassed, and his old face turned the color of pig liver.

Flanders took the initiative to step forward: "Well, I'm here to sign up. My name is Flanders. I am a level 78 fighting spirit saint, martial spirit cat eagle, and agility attack type."

"Level 78!"

The middle-aged man at the reception desk exclaimed.

Once again he walked out of the reception area.

Holding back the stench that permeated Yu Xiaogang's body, he raised his hands to Flanders and said, "Wu Ping, I have met Lord Soul Saint!"

Flanders raised the corners of his mouth and couldn't help but feel proud, but he still waved his hand modestly.

"Oh, it doesn't have to be like this. We will probably be colleagues in the future. There are many things I don't understand, and I still need your care."

Wu Ping smiled and nodded: "Definitely, definitely."

The addition of a powerful Soul Saint is a qualitative leap for their Lanba Academy.

Wu Ping briefly recorded Flender's information and planned to take him into the academy.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang spoke to stop him.


"You can't lead this guy into Lanba Academy!"

Wu Ping was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Xiaogang said: "Didn't you realize that this guy has a sinister look on his face, like a profiteer?"

"A profiteer?"

Wu Ping re-examined Flanders.

I found out that this person is indeed a thief.

Especially the look in his eyes, as if he was calculating something all the time.

You know, a strong person at the Soul Saint level can get a place no matter where he is.

And the conditions offered by their Lanba Academy are simply not enough to attract Soul Saint-level characters.

At most, it can attract some soul kings and soul emperors...

Wu Ping felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Haha, you don't know, right?"

"This guy actually just came out of the prison in Soto City. He has done many things that violate discipline in the city. You can find them all if you go and check!"

"Do you, Lanba Academy, dare to accept such a person?"

Been to jail!

Wu Ping looked shocked. He didn't expect that this person had been in prison. Can such a person be a teacher?
"Sorry, we can't take you in."

Wu Ping rejected Flender.

Flanders was furious and looked at Yu Xiaogang.

"Yu Xiaogang, what do you mean, you bastard!"

Yu Xiaogang sneered and shrugged.

"Why, isn't what I said the truth?"

Flanders said: "I originally thought you were here to compete with me for the teacher position, but now it seems that you are just here to cause trouble. Don't forget, you just came out of prison!"

Yu Xiaogang sneered: "Yeah, so I don't want to be a teacher, what's the problem?"

Flanders was really angry.

He will be able to bring Qin Ming and Ma Hongjun to their home right away and end their life of living in the open.

Unexpectedly, everything was destroyed by Yu Xiaogang's words!

"Yu Xiaogang, you are looking for a beating!"

Flanders slapped Yu Xiaogang on the face, sending him flying backwards.

This frightened Wu Ping and returned to the reception desk.

"As expected of a ruthless character who just came out of prison!"

Yu Tianheng couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't tolerate his uncle being beaten like this.

He knew that Flanders was injured, so he punched the wound directly while the other party was not paying attention.


Screams sounded from Flanders' mouth.

Qin Ming and Ma Hongjun also joined the battle.

Wu Ping panicked at the door. It didn't matter if these people were fighting, but if they were fighting at the entrance of the college, what if the door was broken?
He had no choice but to move reinforcements.

Ordinary teachers can't stop him. After all, that guy named Flanders is a ruthless guy who came out of prison just now. What if he accidentally kills a few teachers?
"Look for the dean!"

Wu Ping came to the forest outside the college.

Liu Erlong lives here alone.

At this time, Liu Erlong was still singing, and his singing was full of longing for Yu Xiaogang.

Wu Ping's rapid footsteps came.

Liu Erlong stopped humming and said displeasedly: "Didn't I tell you? Don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

Wu Ping said: "Dean, something bad has happened. A Soul Saint-level murderer has arrived at the gate of the college. He is about to enter the college and kill the students!"


Liu Erlong was shocked. Soul Saint-level murderers were indeed not something that the teachers of the academy could deal with.She disappeared into the courtyard.

Soon he appeared at the entrance of the college.

What came into view was the ruins of the academy gate and the panic-stricken faces of the academy students.

"Hmph, you dare to come to Lanba Academy to cause trouble and seek death, right?"

Liu Erlong, who had a bad temper, took action directly.

He outputted his soul power to the people struggling below.

The screams from Yu Xiaogang and others sounded one after another.

Wu Ping returned to the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, this murderer named Flanders was finally subdued by the dean!"


Liu Erlong, who had just finished the battle, heard the word "Flender". She frowned and looked carefully at the people she had just beaten. Isn't one of them the Flanders she knew?

"Boss F!"

Liu Erlong's expression changed drastically.

She looked at the people beside her.

She didn't know Ma Hongjun, Qin Ming, or Yu Tianheng.

But she recognized Yu Xiaogang at a glance.

"Little Gang!"

Liu Erlong hurriedly stepped forward and pulled out Yu Xiaogang, who was under the crowd and his bones were almost falling apart.

She checked Yu Xiaogang's condition and found that Yu Xiaogang's physical condition was very bad. She immediately got a stretcher and sent someone to take him to the infirmary.

After arranging Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong remembered Flanders and others and asked the students and teachers to send them to the infirmary.

What happened at the entrance of Lanba Academy caused quite a stir in Tiandou City.

After all, those who can open a college in this area have a very unique background.

And those who were fighting at the entrance of the academy were even more heavyweights.

"Su Chen, you have a rest tomorrow. Come to my house and I will give you a good tutoring session. I will definitely help you make up for everything you missed these days!"

At the door of Yuexuan, the petite Xue Ke watched Su Chen prepare to leave.

Su Chen nodded and thanked: "Then thank you Princess Xueke first. I will definitely pay you a visit tomorrow morning!"

After saying goodbye to little Loli Xueke, Su Chen walked back.

At this time, he heard the discussion in the hotel on the street.

"Have you heard? A murderer named Flanders just came out of prison and ran to the entrance of Lanba Academy to kill people. Several students were almost killed!"

"I heard that there is an ogre named Yu Xiaoan who likes to bite other people's butts. The two of them were eyeing the teacher at the reception desk at the same time, so they started fighting!"

"Hey, your information is all wrong. Those group of people are all evil soul masters. They were just beaten out by Tiandou Royal Academy and then ran to Lanba Academy. I heard that those group of evil soul masters almost killed His Highness Xue Beng. Now, Your Majesty is looking for them all over the city!"

All kinds of news reached Su Chen's ears, and the more he heard it, the more outrageous he felt, and he planned to go to Lanba Academy to see it in person!
Arrive at the entrance of Lanba Academy.

A group of disciples here are repairing the gate of the academy.

There were also a group of teachers around, blocking those who wanted to enter to check the situation and not allowing them to enter the academy without permission.

As expected, Su Chen was also stopped.

"Sorry, our Lanba Academy does not allow outsiders to visit us these days. Please go back first."

Since the door cannot be opened, Su Chen has no choice but to find another way!
He came to the walls of the college.

There were also teachers patrolling here, and a group of people who wanted to climb over the wall were stopped.

But Su Chen and the others couldn't find it.

The next moment, Su Chen appeared in the academy.

Lanba College did not have special uniforms, so he pretended to be a student and walked around the college.

Soon, he found out the location of the infirmary and walked in.

Yu Xiaogang, Flanders and others were severely injured because they were beaten up at Tiandou Royal Academy and then beaten up by Liu Erlong. Several healing soul masters took turns treating them.

Liu Erlong stood alone outside the ward, waiting for the treatment results to appear.

If Yu Xiaogang and the others still couldn't be cured of their injuries later, she would have no choice but to go to the city to hire a more advanced healing soul master...

At this time, Su Chen's figure appeared in the corridor outside the infirmary, and he saw Liu Erlong with a sad face.

The moment he saw this beautiful woman, his eyes lit up.

Liu Erlong looks to be in his 30s. He is wearing a simple blue sarong, but he can't hide his grace at all. The blue cloth on his head is rolled up. On his somewhat pale face, his facial features are so delicate and moving, his eyebrows are picturesque, and his eyes are so beautiful. Although the big black eyes were dull at this time, they were still very energetic.

And under the cloth robe, there are those difficult-to-conceal peaks and turbulent waves, and the mature and plump grace is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary girls.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Su Chen felt excited in his heart.

Liu Erlong also discovered Su Chen.

"The healing soul masters in the infirmary are currently doing important things. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to Jiangzhu and the others to resolve it."

She regarded Su Chen as a medical student and was not too wary.

But as Su Chen kept getting closer, Liu Erlong noticed something unusual.

Most students would show a timid expression after seeing her, but the student in front of him didn't, as if he didn't have any majesty in his eyes.

"Okay, you can't come any closer. If you have time, just stand there and tell me!"

But Su Chen did not stop, but continued to approach her.

Liu Erlong was a little panicked. This student was really strange. Could it be that he broke in from outside?
Thinking of this, the way she looked at Su Chen changed.

"If you come any closer, I won't be polite to you!"

"Dean Liu Erlong, don't calm down. I have just admired you for a long time and wanted to come and see you. There is no other way!"

Liu Erlong snorted coldly. After hearing Su Chen's words, she was sure that this was someone from outside the school.

If that's the case, then she's welcome!

She punched out.

At Su Chen's age, he only had soul power of level [-] or [-] at most, so this punch was enough to knock him down!
However, Su Chen didn't even use his soul power and simply held her fist!
"Dean Liu Erlong's skin is so delicate!"

"It's been well maintained over the years!"

Liu Erlong was angered by Su Chen's frivolous tone, just when she was about to throw a second punch.

Su Chen whispered: "Sure!"

The next moment, everything within a radius of [-] meters was imprisoned and unable to move.

"Ha ha!"

Su Chen sensed the situation inside the house.

"Yu Xiaogang, you can take good treatment inside, and I will take Liu Erlong and leave first!"

He hugged Liu Erlong and came to the small wooden house in the forest outside the college.

During the entire process, he turned on time stop, and the scope of time stop moved as he moved.

Therefore, when Su Chen finished and time stopped, Liu Erlong only felt that one second he was in the infirmary, and the next second he was in the cabin where she lived.

"What's going on, why am I here?"

Liu Erlong was full of doubts and didn't know what happened.

She looked at Su Chen beside the bed, her eyes showing unprecedented vigilance and fear.

"who are you!"

"Why did you teleport me here!"

Su Chen smiled lightly and said: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Su Chen. The purpose of coming here is to make a deal with Dean Liu Erlong..."

(End of this chapter)

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