Chapter 78 Level 78 Acquisition College
The soul skills of the three people immediately entered Tang Chen's body.

Tang Chen let out a sharp and ear-piercing scream.

The entire Tiandou City was covered by this cry.

Some ordinary people without cultivation below fainted directly, and some even had their eardrums shattered.

Even a soul master with soul power would not feel comfortable.

Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Dugu Bo were all shaken back by the cry, wondering why the old guy made such a sound.

Tang San below gritted his teeth and reminded Old Man Jiao beside him: "Get out of here quickly!"

Old man Jiao reacted.

He took Tang San's hand and fled out of the city desperately.

The Nine-Headed Bat King was completely furious, and he wanted to go on a killing spree, but the pressure from his blood just now made him very afraid.

Seeing that Tang San had successfully escaped, he temporarily suppressed his killing intent, planning to come back for revenge in the future.

Tang Chen disappeared into the air.

The blood cloud covering Tiandou City also disappeared.

Xue Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief: "Who is that old monster? He has such terrifying strength. If he really attacks Tiandou City, the consequences will be disastrous..."

She felt the need to tell Grandpa the news.

Perhaps only her grandfather knows the identity of such a strong person.

"It's just that he didn't take action because he didn't know whether it was out of fear or some other reason. It's a blessing among misfortunes..."

Su Chen next to him also pretended to be relieved.

He just released the Ancestral Dragon's pressure.

The Nine-Headed Bat King felt threatened.

That guy controlled Tang Chen and had many restrictions when fighting, so he was very steady and did not dare to act rashly, so he chose to retreat.

Su Chen's strength is several levels stronger than Qian Renxue.

So when he released his pressure, Qian Renxue didn't sense anything.

"Brother Su Chen, were you scared just now?"

Seeing that Su Chen hadn't spoken for a long time, Xue Qinghe thought he was frightened and opened his mouth to lighten the atmosphere.

Su Chen said: "Yeah, I was really shocked just now. If that old guy attacks Tiandou City, I'm afraid not many people will survive."

Xue Qinghe sighed: "Yes, although our Tiandou Empire is the only empire on the mainland and occupies half of the country, there are only a few strong men who can take advantage of it. We have no way to deal with the strong ones like just now. .”

"But if this matter occurs in Wuhun Palace, then the situation will be different..."

As he said that, he glanced at Su Chen, wanting to see what the other person's reaction would be.

In fact, it was not just Emperor Xue Ye who wanted to win over Su Chen.

Xue Qinghe also had the same idea and wanted to capture a genius like Su Chen and train him to become an important part of his future team.

Su Chen had a trace of yearning and admiration on his face.

"I heard that the strength of Wuhun Palace is unfathomable. There are seven or eight titled Douluo on the surface alone..."

Xue Qinghe showed a faint smile.

The strength of their Wuhun Palace is more than that.

Especially her grandfather Qian Daoliu.

If her grandfather takes action, that old monster will never leave intact!
At this time, Su Chen changed the subject.

"But the one I admire the most is the Pope from Wuhun Palace. I met her once, and I fell in love with her at that moment. I still meet her in my dreams and never forget her..."

Xue Qinghe's eyes changed slightly. Although she still had the same smile on her face, there was anger in her eyes.

She didn't understand what was good about that woman.

An old woman of several decades!

How could he be so obsessed with Su Chen!

"Hmph, sometimes you can't look at people by their superficial appearance. Things that look beautiful on the surface may be very vicious secretly!"

"Brother Su Chen, you are not very experienced in the world. You are still too young. You need more experience to understand the dangers of people's hearts!"

"By the way, Brother Su Chen, how did you become enemies with those evil soul masters, and why did they pursue you?"

Su Chen said: "Among that group of evil soul masters, there was a man named Tang San. When I was six years old, I met that Tang San. He bullied men and women in the junior soul master academy and did all kinds of evil. The whole school Everyone hates him!”

"Later, he stole fine iron from the blacksmith shop in the city. The owner of the blacksmith shop reported it to the police, and the people from the city lord's palace sent him directly to the mine outside the city for transformation, where he met the evil soul master."

Su Chen told all the evil things Tang San had done since childhood.

After listening, Xue Qinghe just thought how could there be such a bad person in the world? He was simply a born bad person!

"If I meet that Tang San, I will definitely kill him!"

After some exchanges, Xue Qinghe had a preliminary understanding of Su Chen, and secretly vowed to win him into his camp.

"Which advanced soul master academy is Brother Su Chen currently studying in?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "I am not currently studying in any college, and I am exploring all my cultivation alone."


Xue Qinghe was shocked. Su Chen's performance in the battle against the evil soul master just now proved that he was no ordinary person. He must be a top student in a certain soul master academy.

But he didn't expect that Su Chen was not studying in any college.

Without an academy, it is possible that there is some other force or family behind him.

But that won’t work either.

"Brother Su Chen, have you ever heard of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Xue Qinghe said: "The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is the largest martial arts competition in the soul master world, initiated and hosted by the imperial royal families of Tiandou and Xingluo, and co-organized by Wuhun Palace."

"Any young soul master who stands out in the competition will have unlimited achievements in the future. Just by performing well in the Tiandou Empire, he can obtain the corresponding title and a lot of wealth. If he can make it to the finals and become the final champion, There is even a chance to obtain soul bone level rewards!”

"And if you want to participate in the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, you must join a qualified academy, obtain the qualifications to participate in the preliminaries, and fight your way through the siege step by step!"

Because of this, some disciples from big families and powerful forces will join an academy to practice.

The purpose is to qualify for the qualifiers.

A young prodigy like Su Chen can become a member of the qualifying team no matter which academy he is placed in, even if he is in Tiandou Royal Academy!
"Brother Su Chen, are you interested in joining the Tiandou Royal Academy? At present, my father has handed over the management of the academy to me. As long as you nod, I can arrange for you to enter and let you join the first team of the Tiandou Royal Academy. You become an official team member!"

"Our Tiandou Royal Academy's first team has the qualifications to be promoted. We don't need to go through the qualifying rounds and knockout rounds. We can go directly to the finals!"

This is a temptation that few can resist.

Xue Qinghe believed that Su Chen was no exception.

However, Su Chen never showed too much emotion from beginning to end, as if fame and fortune were like air everywhere to him.

"Sorry, Brother Xue, I have no plans to join the Soul Master Academy yet."

Su Chen shook his head and rejected Xue Qinghe's kindness.

Xue Qinghe was a little stunned. He didn't expect Su Chen to refuse.

He laughed twice: "In that case, I won't force it, but if Brother Su Chen changes his mind, you can come to me at any time."

"This is the token of my prince's residence. When you come to my residence from now on, just show this token."

Su Chen took the token and thanked him.He glanced at the sky outside.

"It's getting late, so Brother Xue, I'll take my leave first and say thank you to Xue Ke for me. I benefited a lot from today's tutoring."

"Okay, then I'll see you off."


Outside the city, Tang San and Old Man Jiao fled to a valley.

Both of them were covered in blood.

When they were going out just now, they encountered another group of troops from the Tiandou Empire.

Fortunately, those troops were not Contra-level warriors, so they broke through easily.

The two ran away, looking behind each other from time to time.

There are already a large number of Tiandou Empire troops chasing us. If we fall into their hands, the consequences will be disastrous!
A powerful soul force hit them not far away.

There is a Tiandou Empire soul master hiding there who is waiting for an opportunity.

If it weren't for this spirit power, Tang San and Old Man Jiao would definitely be attacked by surprise.

The two were startled.

The next moment, a blood-red figure appeared in front of them.


Tang San and Old Man Jiao looked at Tang Chen in front of them, with expressions of despair on their faces.

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that the old man who had been so majestic over Tiandou City just now would kneel on one knee in front of them!
"Blood Bat, I have met the master!"

The nine-headed bat king controlled Tang Chen's body.

With his cultivation, he could sense Tang San's bloodline belonging to the Haotian Sect.

In order to prevent the identity of this body from being exposed, the Nine-headed Bat King decided to change his name and no longer show his identity as Tang Chen.


Tang San looked confused. This guy in front of him actually called him master? !
When did he have such a slave?
He looked at Old Man Jiao next to him.

Thinking he was old man Jiao's former subordinate.

Old Man Jiao used to be the leader of an evil soul master.

But later, a soul saint who came out of a small village met him who was doing evil.

The Soul Saint sealed his soul power without saying a word and threw him into the square outside Notting City, hoping that he would work in the mines for the rest of his life and suffer all the hardships.

Fortunately, Old Man Jiao met Tang San and was able to escape from the mine.

While in Soto City, a mysterious force not only helped him break the seal on his body, but his cultivation also reached the Contra level.

With strength in hand, Old Man Jiao went back to look for his former subordinates, and easily recruited those people.

It was discovered that the group had grown to thousands of people after breaking away from his control, and even set up a stronghold in Tiandou City.

However, Old Man Jiao did not remember that the old guy in front of him was his former subordinate.

If he had such a number one person, that Soul Saint who came out of a small village, how could he be able to seal him?

"Master, I was entrusted by an adult to help you grow!"

The Nine-Headed Bat King did not say what Shura God meant.

The gods are still too far away for the current Tang San. Let's wait until he reaches the Soul Saint level before telling him!

Currently, Tang San's soul power is level 35.

After being kidnapped by Old Man Jiao.

He practiced with Old Man Jiao day and night.

He also practiced some evil soul master techniques, which caused his cultivation to improve by leaps and bounds, reaching level 35!
However, Tang San's goal didn't stop there.

His goal is to surpass Su Chen!
"That kid is not even a match for Old Man Jiao. How did he become like this!"

"The jelly grass must be the jelly grass!"

"He must have taken the grass jelly to become so strong!"

"I want to take the grass jelly too!"

Originally, Tang San had already given up the idea of ​​fairy grass.

But now, he had second thoughts.

After all, the strength around him has improved a lot!
With the help of the blood bat, he is sure of getting the fairy grass this time!
No one in the world can stop him anymore!

Su Chen returned to his house.

Dugu Bo, Ning Fengzhi, Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo are all here.

Their main purpose was to visit Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong.

"Master, you are back~"

Seeing Su Chen come back, the Chinese who had been hiding in the dark appeared, helped Su Chen take off his coat, and brought him tea and water, looking like a good wife and mother.

"Old Jian, what's wrong with you?"

Bone Douluo quickly expressed concern when he saw Jian Chen holding his chest with his heart in his hands and looking uncomfortable.

Jian Chen Xin waved his hand, gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay, it's a wound, it'll be fine after a while!"

Bone Douluo was a little confused. He was fine when he fought that old monster just now. Why did his injuries suddenly break out now?
Ning Fengzhi didn't stay long. He said some courtesy and words of concern to Su Chen and left.

After all, something like this happened in Tiandou City, and he had to meet Emperor Xueye.

After Ning Fengzhi and the others left, Su Chen closed the door of the mansion and summoned Yun Yun and the others to the living room.

"Next, I plan to acquire an academy and participate in the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition."

The girls did not object and expressed their support.

Those with deep pockets even took out their personal money and prepared to support Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and refused, he was not short of money yet.

And the acquisition...

He plans to have sex for free, without spending a penny!

As for why Xue Qinghe didn't agree to join the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy when he was at Xue Qinghe's mansion, it was mainly because there were too many people around him, and after all, Tiandou Royal Academy belonged to the Tiandou Empire, not his own.

Even after he joins, Xue Qinghe may give him certain powers, but there will still be a lot of inconveniences.

Therefore, Su Chen planned to set up an academy of his own.

After discussing the matter, Su Chen took out the fairy grass obtained from the Ice and Fire Eyes.

He returned to Tiandou City two days ago.

The main reason why I didn't distribute the fairy grass immediately was because I didn't think about how to distribute it.

But now, he has a plan.

He looked around, and his favorability score reached over ninety.

Even Ye Lingling, who is the most difficult to conquer, has a favorability score of 92!

(End of this chapter)

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